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The next day
"So let's get started.... how long have you guys been together" our therapist asks

"7 years" stiles answers

"Have you ever been to couples therapy before?"

"No this is our first time" Malia tells her

"Being as this if your first couples counseling what would consider to be your guys biggest problem"

"Lack of communication" stiles says

"Loyalty" Malia says

"Have you guys tried to promote change"

"I try so hard to make this marriage work and no matter what I say or do she doesn't wanna bother to meet me halfway"

"Okay well let me ask you this why did you originally fall in love.... Malia?"

"When I first met stiles I knew he was the one I wanted to be with he was caring , loving, passionate about others"


"Where do I begin Ive been in love with her since the sixth grade"

"How do you guys feel on a daily basis? Do you fight often?"

"Quite a bit yes" Mal tells her

"What exactly are the common topics?"

"The past" stiles says

"What about the past that causes the fights"

"Let's just say I've made a lot of mistakes" stiles explains

"Are the arguments about the same topic every time or different each time"

"The same" Mal says

"Do you mind me asking what about?"

"Stiles cheated on me again"

"Also the other thing"


"What other thing"

Stiles hesitated "Malia had a miscarriage"

"Oh I'm so sorry"

"It's okay" Mal tells her

"Do you tend to blame each other everytime"

"About the miscarriage no of course not that is no ones fault but the cheating yes don't get me wrong I love my wife okay but we were going through a rough patch we had just given our first born up for adoption it was the hardest thing we had to do but it was for the best we wanted what was best for him"

"That doesn't mean to go and cheat on me for better or for worse we were suppose to comfort each other and be there for one another and you didn't you just left" Mal exclaims

"Do you trust your partner?"

"No I don't it's happened before and he promised it would never happen again and it did"

"Do you feel safe with stiles"

"Of course when I'm with him it's like nothing else matters in the world when he hugs me I just wanna fall into a million pieces"

"Do you love stiles?"

"More than anything but it's not easy I can forgive but I can't forget"

"How long ago was it when you cheated stiles"

"About 2 years ago maybe"

"Have you done it all again since then"

"No because I'm not that person I may have done it but that's not the man I want to be to cheat on his wife when things go south"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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