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I decided to sign in to becoming a bar tender at this one famous club that all the rappers popular insta models n stuff go to I mean I'm trying make sum money so why the fuck not ?

I packed all my stuff I needed & also stuff I'll put in my locker , i mean I'm only 17 years old but it don't really matter I got the job anyways

Dropped out high school a few months ago because the stress from it was gonna kill me one day And I wanted to make some quick fast money

I checked the time on my phone and got my stuff grabbed my keys and checked in the office with Mrs.Kark , if you don't know already I live in a "homeless shelter" but it doesn't even seem
like it cause you still have to pay some what price to stay here even though it was a 5/10 place

"JASMINE" she screamed while I walked across the office area

I rolled my eyes and slowed walk back to her desk

"Yes ?" I said irritated asf

"You got the job ?" She questioned me with a look on her face

"Okay yes I did I'm running late so bye" I said while leaving out the office

I went into my white 2019 Honda and started the car and placed my stuff on the passenger seat

While I was driving i let the radio play even though I was maddd un interested


                                1 hour later

I went ahead to my bar area and the other girls went to there's , the place was big as hell

The place started to get crowded  and niggas started to come up and ask me to start making there drinks being loud as hell

When all those dudes got off my bar area I stared to observe why the place was so crowd I stared moving my head trying to view what was going on , but when I finally could see what was happening there was this famous rap dude there bring lager groups of people towards him

My manager came up to me and told me and the other 3 girls we where gonna have to be bottle girls because it's that one dudes birthday whatever and the girls that where suppose to be here weren't here so we had to take there spot

He gave us all the things we need and rushed us towards the dude and his lil friends , I didn't know how to be a bottle girl so I copied the things I saw on the gram

Then we started getting closer and closer to the dude and his friends , I don't know why but I kinda recognized him from like Instagram or an interview

But don't get me wrong he was so fine , then I realized it was the nigga king Von aka Vroy

Damn while I was doing my bottle girl thing he kept staring at me like he didn't keep his eyes off me even though there where other girls around he kept his eyes on me

We went back from where we came from and we all went back to our bars

Nobody came so I made a drink for myself and I barely noticed him come up towards me

"Hey my name Jasmine what can a make for you tonight ?" I asked leaning up on the bar counter

He didn't even say much at first he just looked at me up and down and licked his lips

"Uhh what you be liking ma ?" He asked me

I smacked my lips "What would you like cause I ain't got all day" I said mugging Him

He smacked his lips and told me "what you like I like ma just stir me up a drink you like pretty little ma , you to pretty to be doing all that ugly shit"

I blushed a little then let out a little laugh , without a word I stared making my favorite drink And severed it to him

He drank it all , like my nigga ... chill

But anyways back to the point

"Shit sweet you got a sweet tooth or sum ?" He said mugging me

I laughed and then we stared flirting like we knew each other

He started complimenting me and shit damn got a bitch n love and shit but I kept trying to play hard to get


It's been about 3 hours me and dayvon been talking and I checked the time and it was time for me to clock out so I went ahead and got my stuff as dayvon waited for me

I came out the room and realized how tall this nigga is damn my ass like 5'4 his ass like 7ft

While I was walking out dayvon followed me out the door

"It's a dangerous world out there let a nigga walk you to da car" he said staring at me

"Sure" I said rolling my eyes

He walked me towards my car then I unlocked it

"Alright .. uh bye dayvon see you when I clock in I guess" I said

"Lemme get your number ma" he said

"Uh sure" I said while giving him my number

"Uh dayvon I have a question?"

"Wassup ?" He said

"How old is you again ?" I said

"A nigga turned 28 today how old is you ?" He said

"I'm uh seve-seven teen ..." I said in a shaking voice

He looked left and right and whispered in my ear "the shit we got going on keep it between us anybody hear about it's me and you" he said

I just looked at him as he looked at me

"Alright von I'll see you when I see you" I said while going in my car

"Aight bye Jasmine" he said while walking off

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