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Successfully dropped egypt off at home and now i'm just on the couch nauseous as fuck , Sick as hell like my body is just S I C K

I cant be pregnant right ? I mean i turned 18 a few days ago ...

Im stressing my self out , thoughts in my head are eating me up

Egypt walks towards me and hands me a pregnancy test "this is the best option for you babe"

I take the test and go inside the bathroom, pee on the stick then wait

i come out grab me phone and call dayvon , he answers

"Jasmine you good i miss you" he says to me

"Im not here for that but i gotta ask you something"

"Did you pull out the last time we fucked? because i think im pregnant" i said to him worried

"Jas i don't pull out on girls i love deeply i only pull out with hoes" he said to me

I just stood their quiet then look at the clock , three minutes had past

"i have to go check the test i'll be back don't hang up" i said to him

"Alright im on my way to yo spot right now" he said

i look to the pregnancy test and this is what i saw ...

"No this can't be true imma take another one" i say taking out another test

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"No this can't be true imma take another one" i say taking out another test

i grab the test and use that one then wait another 3 minutes in dis belief

i look down at the table and see this ...

I hear a knock on the door then i open it

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I hear a knock on the door then i open it

"Hey dayvon ill be out soon" i said to him

He looks at me up and down , "hey jas i miss yo fine ass" then he says to me while licking his lips

"anyways i'll see you outside in the car" i say to him direct

i go into egypt's room and show her the test , "bitch i knew it but i don't know how polo gon feel about this ? you never told me you had a boo" she said to me

"No my ex i'm not with him anymore but i really want somebody new egypt" i say to her

"Alright girl i understand" she's says to me

"But imma get in the shower cause i'm working tonight"

"But you shouldn't go" she said

"I know but i'll see you later" i say leaving the room and going to dayvon car

I show him the test , "You can't be pregnant with out you living in my place or it's not my baby" he says so nonchalantly

"But dayvon what about the darkskin girl you where with don't you like her ? don't you wanna have kids with her and make her your wife? like you never loved me you where suing me" i say to him a bit sad

he grabs a black bag from the back of his car , "touch it and tell me what you think?" he said to me

i touch the bag and feel body parts , this nigga ...

"Ole girl don't exist no more ... your the only female in my life jas when i told you i will kill for you i really meant it" he says to me

"why would you do- never mind but i need to tell my doctor and uh i was talking to this one gu-" i said before he cuts me off

"oh him give me a second" he said to me then grabs a suit case from the back seat of this car

"i'll sell for a big 2 mil " he says then puts it back

"dayvon why ? why are you like this you killed him for no reason at all ..." i said to him

"anything to be under your skin jas" he says to me starting the car

"we will be back to get your shit"

"and if that girl in that bitch don't let you go she will be tied up as well ion play" he says to me

"no please don't do it i love her too much" i say to him

"aight only because you said to and not my demons i guess" he said to me

"imma have you all to myself one way or the other" dayvon says

A true psycho path ... a killer for love ?

𝐕 𝐈 𝐎 𝐑 𝐀 𝐐 𝐄 - | this is short but i hope y'all enjoy & please give me some ideas |

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