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I've been feeling really tried sleepy and moody lately , i haven't seen my period yet but i'm guessing it's some type of hormonally thing going on in my body or stress

Me and dayvon had been doing good he been treating me properly lately but we still argue but he doesn't put his hands on my as often

We're currently sitting on the bed he's skipping through channels on the tv and i'm just scrolling through tiktok

i kept looking at this one really funny tiktok and it made me giggle, i looked up at dayvon and his ass was staring at me

i moved up closer to him and asked him "dayvon , do you have a wrist band?" , "nah fool fuck is you on" he said mugging me

"well ya can't get in with out a wrist band" i said mimicking the tiktok skit i was watching

he rolled his eyes and carries on to what he was doing


A few minutes later i felt VERY nauseous and i was having a really bad headache , i put my phone down and decided to take a little nap to wear off the shit that was happening

I believe i woke up like 30 minutes later to see dayvon scrolling through my phone but he seemed a little disturbed by something i really don't know what though

He threw the phone on the ground and i slowly got up , he grabbed my shirt and threw me on the ground , i thought we where done with this ... here we go again

"WHY THE FUCK YOU STILL GOT THAT HOE ASS GIRL ON YOUR PHONE" he said with anger in his body , you could see how it filled up his body like he was possessed or something

i truly believe when he gets mad he turns into another person and may regret everything he may do at the moment, i really did study him for real and how he acts before and after our little moments

"DAYVON THATS MY BEST FRIEND , I CANT HAVE FRIENDS NOW? HUH" i said returning back the same energy

"WHO THE FUCK YOU TALKING TO GIRL?" he said to me , next thing you know he packed most of my stuff but not all of it and threw it at me

"get yo shit and get out my crib lil folks , tried of dealing with yo ass" he said opening the room door

i slowly get up in pain and walk out the door , he pushes me down the stairs and rushed down  the stairs , grabbed me and threw me out the front door then slammed it while i grabbed my bag tight

it was about 2:37 am in Atlanta and about 20 degrees outside , i didn't have shoes on so i walk further from the house then look in the bag for some shoes

i got my pink slippers and put it on , i didn't have my phone and even if i did i would probably not be able to use it properly

i walked all the way to a McDonald's where a group of girls laughed at me but i didn't care cause they looked about 14-16 years old + why worry about hoes still at a age you already passed lmao

i got in the McDonald's and waited in line because i was a bit hungry , i saw somebody had their phone facing me i thought they where recording me or something but i was probably over thinking it

it finally became my turn and before i could say anything the lady asked me if i was okay , i told her i was fine and told her what i wanted to eat which was a 10 piece fries with barbecue sauce and a small strawberry milkshake

she gave me my receipt and i waited a bit at the pick up line then got my food sat a table  , after i finish i went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror getting a tissue added some water then dabbing it on to my face

i left the bathroom then went outside and started walking , i didn't know where i was going but i'm trying to go back to my little "homeless shelter" which was kind of far

while i was walking in the cold i see a car honk and me i stop then the windows roll down it was dayvon , he didn't tell me anything but i was already in too much pain so i got into the car

he drove into a empty parking lot , he turned towards me , "jasmine look.. i love you a lot i just don't want you to have bad influences around you , i ain't trying let you have no friends but i'm trying to keep you safe" he told
me while i looked out the window

"i know you mad at me ma and ion even blame yo ass i regret kicking you out n shit i should've handled it in a more mature way , but it's like ... when you do fuck shit i get mad and when i'm mad i'm uncomfortable which makes me more mad so i just bust out , but i'm working on it" he said looking at me

i rub his head " i understand dayvon but i just be tried of you like i wanna be free in shit-" before i can finish what i'm talking about he stops me with his words "jasmine it's a dangerous world out their , your tiny ass shouldn't be out like that, i've been out in these streets before seen and witnessed shit and a whole lotta shit mad ugly , i just want the best for you jasmine" he said to me in a very  calm voice

"alright i got it , you right" i said while still rubbing his head with my thumb , "i got you something ma" he said to me he went in the back seat and pulled out some flowers and cash and handed it to me

"awww" i said while looking at it , "thank you dayvon" i said rolling my eyes while i kiss him
he grabs my neck a little while i make out with him

wow i really do love this man ... like i don't even feel the need to escape any time soon , i guess

- 1055 words y'all 🤍

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