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jasmine cole :

Back at this old granny saggy looking ass bitch house while i  desires to be under dayvon skin

Von told me the plan and i was ready to do it , today is the day

i went ahead and started making the spaghetti while she was out in the porch smoking a cigarette , i went ahead and added the powder dayvon told me to put inside her food

i put it in the trash then put some other garbage to cover the small bag

i continued to turn the spaghetti then severe it in a place , then place it on the dining table

i slowly walk out side to the porch , "the food's ready" i said in a blank like tone

she Paused her smoking business and headed to her food

i slowly went upstairs and waited for the moment to occur

3 minutes past then i hear coughing choking and vomiting

next thing you know a thump to the ground, yes i finally did it

i slowly walk down stairs to see blood out her mouth a little and some vomit

i come out the house and wave two finger then saw dayvon walk up with a body bag tucked under his arm

"aight go get your shit ready to come stay with me while i handle this shit" he said about to cover the body

with no words i start to pack my stuff getting ready to leave this home , while i wait for dayvon to call me when it's time for me to come down stairs

We are in the car and he keeps smiling at his phone at every red light we stop at

he later then pans his phone down and i can kind of see that he is texting this girl

i saw the words "meet up" so now i'm assuming that he's cheating on me at this point

i don't know but i'll see where this goes from there , i'm "hurt" but i don't know if he actually is cheating on me with another girl

while i think about it  then egypt texts me

| normal egypt & italic jasmine |


you trying to turn up tonight , a whole lot of fine nigggas finna pull up

You single right ?

gurl don't worry a bitch gonna put you on jas 2night let's have some fun

i mean shit you could say a bitch in some complicated shit but i'm down to have some fun so what time bby imma go


We came back home and dayvon stayed on his phone which really bothered me

And i kept questioning what he was doing & my mind was filling up with thoughts and more thoughts

i go up stairs to put my stuff away then i here the door shut

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