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Dude! Come on, man! Get outta' here!" JJ shouts from the guest room.

"Hey, Tell your fling to get out! I wanna change!" Arie says from the pullout couch with Kie mere second before John B fully closes the door.

"Morning, Kie. Morning, Rie." John B says.

"Morning." Kie and Arie say together as Kie holds up a peace sign.

"Will you tell JJ to hurry up? I need to change and get home." Ree says as she looks up from her phone.

"Do it yourself. I'm not going back in there."

"Ugh, fine." The blond girl groans. "You're no help."

Arie stands up from her spot on the couch as she makes her way to the guest room that usually she and JJ share when he doesn't have a girl over. "Good morning, Sunshine! It currently something o'clock in the morning, and I need to get home. Thank you for staying Chateau de Johnathan, there is the door. Now get the fuck out of my room, bitch!"

"Arie, what the hell?" Kie calls from the living room.

JJ's blond fling runs out of the room with her clothing in hand as she scoffs while walking past Arie.

"Really, Arie?" JJ says with a scoff. 

Arie only shrugs her shoulders in reply as a smirk plays out on her face.

"I need you to drive me home. I left my car there so I can't do it myself." Arie says after entering the room the find some clothes. JJ doesn't reply. "Hello?" Arie shouts while spinning around to face JJ. JJ's eyes immediately shoot up to Arie's as she looks at him with a scowl, "Were you staring at my ass?"

"What? No, of course not." JJ replies as his cheeks become a bright red.

"God, what a perv." Arie mumbles as she turns around.

Arie grabs out a black high leg bikini and pairs it with a pair of dark blue jean shorts and a black cropped halter top.

"Be ready in ten minutes, got that." Arie says to JJ as she exits the room.

"Yes, ma'am."


"J, you ready? I gotta' get home!" The blond girl shouted from outside the guest bedroom.

"God, will you wait? give me two minutes." The blond boy called back.

"I said ten minutes, not twelve, you ignorant bastard!" The Hampton girl shouted once more.

"What the fuck did you just call me?" The blond Maybank boy asked as her opened the door.

"Well it got you moving, did it not?" Arie asked while walking towards the front door.

"Bitch." JJ mumbled from under his breath.

"You take that back! I am anything but a female dog. I am a pretty, motherfucking pink princess." The blond girl said assertively.

"Yes, your majesty, of course." The blond boy joked while curtsying at the girls feet.

"Did you just fucking curtsey?"


"Oh my, God, you're such a dumbass!" 

"Shut up! You love my ass!"

"What the actual fuck? Just drive the fucking car."

So, that is precisely what the boy did. He drove the old beaten VW van all the way back to the Hampton-Parker residence.

"I'll pick you up tonight? Six-thirty?" JJ asks as he stops the car in front of the small two story house just outside The Cut.

"Mhm! See ya then!" Aria said as she planted a small kiss on the blond's cheek.

"Bye, Leo!" The boy says with a smug smile.

"Bye, Jonathan James." The girl says from the front steps.

"What?" JJ askes with surprise as the girl walks into the house. "Hey, no get your ass back here! How do you know that? Who told you?"

"What was that all about?" Lae asked once the blond girl stepped inside the house.

"Oh, nothing. Just JJ being JJ." Arie says with a shoulder shrug.

"Mhm, and what about 'Female JJ'?" 

"'Female JJ'? Who the fuck is 'Female JJ'?" 

"Well, that, my sweet Lion, would be you." Lae told her niece.

"Me? Why- why me?" Arie asked.

"Well, lets see, One: Klepto. Two: Right hook that I know for a fact could kill. And three: Best surfer the island has ever seen." Lae listed.

"Please, that a bit of a stretch. Could my hook really kill someone?" Arie questioned.

"I wouldn't doubt it. Babe, you're one strong motherfucker."

"Hm, thank you."

"You going to the Chateau to ride out the hurricane with the boys?" The blond Parker woman asks.

"If that's cool with you. JJ was gonna' pick me up at six-thirty."

"Okay. Be home by noon tomorrow if you can." 

"Yes, ma'am."

"Now, come help me board the windows up."

"Yup! Sure thing."


Six-thirty came around fairly quick. Arie grabbed her bag that contained her essentials and bid her aunt goodbye as she bolted down to the van.

"Bring her back in one piece!" Lae called,

"Sure thing, Miss Parker!" John B called from the driver's seat.

"Where's JJ?" Arie asked.

"Not sure. He told me to pick you up. You got your board?" John B asks as he motions to his in the back.

"No. Why?" Arie asks.

"We're picking up Pope then going to surf the surge." John B says. 

Arie's eyes light up in excitement as she hops out of the passenger seat and runs to the shed which holds all of her surfboards. She grabs out a Teal and black Gun board and jogs back to the van with it in hand.

"Sweet. Let's roll." JB says as Arie hops back into the passenger seat.

The two teens pick up Pope from his dad's shop and then make their way to the beach.

"It's double overhead out there, bro!" John B calls to the two teen accompanying him.

"Double overhead?" Pope asks with concern lacing his words. "Those aren't surfable waves, guys."

"Haha, says who?" John B asks as he breaks for the water.

"Come on Pope. Live a little." Arie says with a chuckle.

The two teens out of the water do not in fact have much luck with riding the waves of the surge, however they did try for as long as they could. They did eventually come to a halt in trying after Arie's last failed attempt as they stare out into the distance.

"What the hell?" John B asks.

"What? What is it?" Arie asks as she looks in the direction he looks. "Is that a... boat?"

The tree teens eventually decided to call it a day and drop Pope back off at his dad's and then make it back to the Chateau in the nick of time. JJ sits on the couch awaiting their arrival.

"Well, how do you do?" He asks in a fake accent as they walk through the door. "What the hell happened to you two? Did you walk home?"

"God, shut up!" Arie says as she flops down onto the pullout couch. "Who's ready to get wasted?"

Arie ⁓ JJ Maybank¹Where stories live. Discover now