Chapter 1 : Arrived

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Deku's POV

Aizawa sensei announced the entire class that we're going to Camp Everfree which is located in somewhere in Canada to take a mind off. Everyone was so exited that we're going camping, again. He also mentions to feel free to train if we want. We arrived at Camp Everfree via aeroplane then bus.

Mina: *sigh* finally vacation~

Sero: Tell me about it.

Kaminari: Finally, a place where we can chill and relax~

Mineta: Finally *whispers* a place where I can finally read my dirty magazines in peace~

Deku: *sighs*

Uraraka: Deku-kun

Deku: Uraraka-san

Uraraka: Are you exited~!

Deku: *nods*

Aizawa: Attention, students, we're almost there. But before we arrive, we just wanted to say how proud we are of you for raising enough money to go on this class field trip.

Present Mic: When we were your age, we made some of our favorite memories in these woods, and we're sure you will, too. I may not like forest areas but this is an exception. Now who's excited for Camp Everfree?!

Students: [cheering]

We finally arrive in our destination

Hagakure: *sniffs* ah~ fresh air~ this is going to be the best vacation ever~!

Mineta: *picking up his luggage* *mutters* don't worry, you're safe with me...

Aizawa: Mineta.

Mineta: *shocked* Sensei?!

Aizawa: who're you're talking to?

Mineta: N-nobody...

Aizawa: hmm, that's what I thought *walks away*

Mineta: *sigh of relief* thank god, he didn't know I brought some dirty magazines to camp and this place will be perfect for a panty raid, huehuehuehue.

Kaminari: I gotta say it's gonna be nice gettin' away to a place where we don't have to worry about villans and stuff.

Deku: *handed her luggage* here you go, Uraraka-san.

Uraraka: *picks her luggage* Thanks, Deku-kun.

[P.A. feedback]

???: [over P.A.] Hey, everyone! If you could start heading to the courtyard, that would be rad! It's time to start the best week of camp ever!

Everyone gathered at the courtyard to see a young lady who was about 21 years old with magenta hair and skin tone with daisies all over her head. She had light green eyes and a cheerful expression.

 She had light green eyes and a cheerful expression

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