Chapter 2 : settling in

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Momo's POV

We finally get our assingments and we each go to our tents that was given to the camp counsellors. It was kind of creepy how that Timber guy is flirting with me. I think, I'm overreacted maybe he's just being nice to me, I think? I don't know, Anyways I ended up teaming with Mina.

Mina: That was weird back there, right? With that guy, Filthy Rich?

Momo: Huh? Oh. Uh, I guess so.

Mina: Gloriosa's brother is pretty hot, though, huh?

Momo: Oh... uh... He's okay.

Mina: Ooooh, now look who's trying to hide something.

Momo: No, I'm not! *thoughts* Hot!? More like I want to vomit of course! That guy's hairstyle is just awful! And that chin of his is just too intense! I rather date Mineta then dating him! And if I'm being honest, I have a crush on Todoroki, ever since we team up during the exam. I wanted to tell him but, what if he doesn't like me?

Jirou: Hey, you gals comin' or what?

Kyoka said while calling for us while entering our tent.

Mina: Coming~!

Momo: Yeah, coming.

We then follow Jirou. I really need to clear my head.

*Meanwhile Todoroki's POV*

During that time, I saw the camp counselor's brother known as Timber Spruce walk up to Yaoyorozu and started flirting with her. I couldn't help but feel jealous because, I have a crush on Yaoyorozu, ever since we team up during the exam. I wanted to tell her but, what if she doesn't like me? Anyways, I ended up teaming with Midoriya.

Deku: Todoroki, are you ok? You seem rather... quiet?

I didn't respond and continue settling in my stuff in our tent.

Iida: Come on you two! Get off your lazy bums and head to the docks!

He said while calling for us while entering our tent and doing some weird hand gestures.

Deku: Oh, Coming!

Todoroki: Just a sec. just want to put on some sunscreen.

Midoriya then follows Iida leaving me in the tent. I apply sunscreen on both my arms and left the tent.

Gloriosa Daisy: [thinking] —show up like that!

The camp counsellor then accidently bumped into me.

Todoroki: What did you say?

Gloriosa Daisy: I... didn't say anything. Just here to make sure everyone was headed over to the docks! Did you need something?

Todoroki: Nope.

Gloriosa Daisy: Because if there is anything I can do to make this week the best week ever, you just let me know. I've got this!

Todoroki: Thanks, I'm good.

I just head to the docks. Man, I really need to clear my head.

*Meanwhile No one's POV*

Kaminari: Hey Dude, You comin'?

Mineta: Yeah, just a sec, just finish reading my magazine. I'll catch up with you later.

Kaminari: Okay.

Kaminari left the tent. Mineta finish reading his dirty magazine and left the tent as well.


All the students are headed to the docks.

Deku: Oh man, it's so lovely out here, isn't it?

Uraraka: It is lovely out here. The fresh air, the cool breeze, the birds that land on your finger~!

Deku: *chuckles*

Gloriosa Daisy: Lake activities are available every day until sunset, so if you want to canoe, sail, windsurf, or swim, just let me know.

Momo is heading to the docks to canoe while Koda is sitting at the docks to feed the ducks.

Koda: *thoughts* Aren't they just the cutest~?

Suddenly, Momo accidently step on an old plank on the docks which made her trip and was about to fall.

Momo: *yelps*

Just then Timber grabbed Momo, saving her from falling.

Timber Spruce: Whoa! I know I'm charming, but you don't have to fall for me.

Momo: Oh, hehehe, thank you. *thoughts* Charming!? Ugh! The only thing charming about you is your chin! And I not falling for you! And if I did, I would have fallen for you while we first met! *groans* I guess I was right! this guy is a creep! *sighs* Calm down Momo, just calm down.

*Meanwhile Todoroki's POV*

I saw that Timber guy again at the docks who saved Yaoyorozu from tripping over and started flirting with her again! Ugh! I feel like I want to kill this bastard!

Deku: Todoroki, are you okay?

Todoroki: *sighs* I'm fine Midoriya, don't worry about me, Okay.

Deku: Okay.

Todoroki: *thoughts* *sighs* why would Yaoyorozu fell for him? What does he have that I don't *sighs* I knew I should have done this earlier! Stupid! I'm so stupid!

I slowly started to cry, angrily and wiping my tears.

*Meanwhile No one's POV*

All Might, Aizawa and Gloriosa came to inspect the docks.

All Might: This is a safety hazard. I suggest we close down the dock for the remainder of the camp.

Students: [complaining]

Gloriosa Daisy: Oh, I'm sure it won't have to be for the remainder of camp. Just needs to be patched up a bit. I've got this!

Uraraka: Huh. Or maybe we do! If you ask me, this whole dock needs to go. Building a new one could be our camp gift. Sure, it would benefit us, but a nice new dock would benefit future campers, too~!

Students: [cheering]

Timber Spruce: I don't know. It's an awful lot of work. I wouldn't want you guys to miss out on doing other fun camp stuff because you're so busy building a dock for future campers.

He said while glaring at Gloriosa

Iida: I hear what you're saying, Timber-kun, but we're U.A. Students. We've got a reputation to uphold! And there was no way we were going to leave this place without contributing the camp gift! I'm with Uraraka-kun! Building a new dock is definitely it! What do you guys think?

He said while doing some weird hand gestures, again.

Students: [cheering]

Gloriosa Daisy: [to Timber] Looks like it's settled, then.

Timber Spruce: [to Gloriosa] Looks like it.

Deku: That's some tension, all right.

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