Chapter 3 : Legend

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Momo's POV

Everyone agreed to build a new dock for Camp Everfree as they started to remove the old dock and rebuild it into a new one. As everyone was busy building a new dock, I saw Timber at the bench and for some reason I decided to go check out what he's up to.

Momo: Making lanterns out of solar-powered garden lights huh?

Timber Spruce: You think that's crafty? You should see my macaroni art. I'm like the Picasso of noodles.

Momo: ok, heheheheh... *thoughts* Seriously!? What's with this guy!?

Aizawa: All right, now. You've made a lot of progress, but it's going to be getting dark soon. We can pick this up tomorrow between our other camp activities.

Gloriosa Daisy: Everyone, get cleaned up, and we'll gather by the fire pit at eight to share s'mores and scary stories!

Mina: S'mores!

*Timeskip No one's POV*

Later that evening, the campers gather around a campfire and started telling campfire stories. Bakugou's story is somewhat boring due to it's all about mummies and explosions and while Mineta's story is all about a sex monster who likes to rape hot girls which is kind of lewd. He then got banned for telling stories for the rest of the trip.

All Might: [clears throat] Anyone else have a spooky story?

Timber Spruce: I have one. But I'm warning you, you might as well hug a friend now. That's how scary it is!

Koda: [gasps]

Timber Spruce: It's time I told you about the legend of Gaea Everfree.

Bakugou: Tch, really? And how scary is this story huh!? ass-chin?

Aizawa: Bakugou...

Bakugou: Tch, Whatever.

Timber Spruce: [narrating] Many years ago, my great-grandparents came to this forest. Seeing its beauty, they decided that it would be the perfect place for a camp. But once they started building, strange things started to happen. One pitch black night, when the wind was howling, a tree branch crashed through the roof of their cabin! They screamed and ran outside, only to see the giant creature rising from the earth! She had wild hair like the roots of a tree. Her mouth had jagged rock teeth and her eyes were pools of black tar. But her aura shimmered like diamonds. Anywhere she went, she left a trail of gem dust in her wake. Trembling, my great-grandparents asked who she was and what she wanted. In a deep and hollow voice, she told them that her name was Gaea Everfree – an ancient spirit who held domain over the forest, and that my great-grandparents were trespassing on her land. They begged her to let them stay and build their camp, to share this wonderful place with others. Gaea Everfree finally agreed but warned them that they would not be able to keep it forever. Someday, she will return and reclaim the forest as her own.

Timber Spruce: So if you see a trail of gem dust, you'll know that it is... [louder and scarier]

Students: [screaming]

All of them are shocked to see a pair of eyes behind Timber. Some of them even hold onto each other such as Kaminari huddling Mineta and Mina huddling Hagakure.

Gloriosa Daisy: Hey, guys! Sorry, didn't mean to scare you!

It turns out it was Gloriosa herself.

Deku: Then why'd you come out of the bushes?

Gloriosa Daisy: I... took the scenic route, because the forest is beautiful at night. But no one else should do it without a guide, kay? All right, everybody, time to head to your tents.

Everyone sigh of relief that it was just the Camp Counsellor as they're going back to their respective tents.

Koda: [shuddering] I'm scared of the dark! Do you have flashlights?

Gloriosa Daisy: Of course! I got this!

Only All Might and Deku are the only ones at the campfire

Deku: Umm, All Might?

All Might: What is it, Young Midoriya?

Deku: This might sound stupid to you but, do you think that Gaea Everfree is real?

All Might: I uh, not really sure. Sorry, Young Midoriya. I mean it's just a mith or a legend or something like that.

Deku: Oh.

All Might: Anyways, let's just hit the hay, ok?

Deku: Yes sir.

The two of them head to their respective tents to get some sleep.

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