Chapter 5 : Secrets

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No One's POV

Back at camp, Bakugou prepares to partake in rock-climbing, with Deku as her spotter while Kaminari is waiting for his turn.

All Might: Rock climbing is all about perseverance and trust. Young Bakugou, you can trust that Young Midoriya will spot you.

Bakugou: As if, that I trust that shitty nerd! He might accidently drop me!

Deku: Kacchan, I- I won't drop you, I promise.

Bakugou: Tch! *mutters* Fine, I trust you.

Kaminari then spots Momo with Timber

Kaminari: Oh, good! Yaomomo, if you spot me, I can finally go. I'll go get another harness. Oh! And one more thing...

Kaminari then approaches Timber with a jealous look

Kaminari: Don't act like you're prince charming just cuz Yaomomo likes you, butt-face.

Timber sweat drops as he then storms off to get another harness.

Momo: I'm not sure—

Timber Spruce: I better make sure my sister doesn't need anything. See you later~?

Timber then leaves

Momo: *thoughts* Ugh... Finally, he's gone.

Suddenly, Todoroki was behind the rock climbing wall, listening to their conversation.

Todoroki: *thoughts* *sighs* Ok, this is it Shouto, Time to finally ask her out!

Todoroki walking towards Momo.

Todoroki: Hey, Yaoyorozu.

Momo: Oh, heheh hey, Todoroki *chuckles*.

Todoroki: I was wondering, if you could... could... go out with-

Suddenly a tremor occurred.

Students: [screams]

Todoroki: Was that an earthquake?

Momo: We aren't near any fault lines.

MIna: Hey! Who left this crystaly dusty stuff here?!

Just then, a snag in the harness line loosen from Deku harness when Bakugo slips from rock climbing wall. Deku catches him before he hits the ground.


All might: Is everything okay over there?

Deku: I don't know what happened. The rope suddenly loosened from my harness as Kacchan slips


Deku: It wasn't my fault! Let me help you get your harness out.

Bakugou: No, thank you! You shitty Deku!

Deku: Sorry, kacchan...

Bakugou: Tch!

Todoroki and Momo walk away from there.

Momo: Hey, what was that you're going to say?

Todoroki: I was wondering if you could... go out with-

Gloriosa suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Gloriosa Daisy: Hey, you two! Anything I can do for you?

Todoroki: No, I'm good.

Gloriosa Daisy: Well, okay then If you need anything just ask me, I've got this!

The camp counsellor walked away from them.

Todoroki: As I was saying, would you go out with-

Present Mic: [over P.A.] Attention, campers! Anyone who's interested in making floating paper lanterns, please meet us by the picnic tables.

Momo: We can talk later, if you want.

Todoroki: O-Okay *sulking*

Momo: well, I gotta get going now, see ya!

Todoroki: See ya...

Momo walks away leaving Todoroki alone.

Todoroki: Damn it! *muttering*


Later, campers construct paper lanterns at the picnic tables by the dock.

Gloriosa Daisy: Okay, everyone! It's time to watch your lanterns fly!

Everyone finished their paper lanterns as they got up. Momo then approaches Todoroki with his fire and ice pattern lantern while Momo lattern is a matryoshka doll pattern lantern.

Momo: Hey, that's a nice lantern you make.

Todoroki: Oh heh, thanks, yours is nice too.

Momo: Why thank you, I appreciated it.

Todoroki: Anyway, about that time I said.

Momo: yeah?

Todoroki: I was wondering if you could... go out with-

Suddenly, Timber interrupted their conversation as they were walking.

Timber Spruce: Hey, cool lantern! Mine's my face!

He said while showing his lantern to Momo.

Momo: Heheheheheheh... *thoughts* Ugh! Leave me alone you butt-chined lecher! Can't you see I'm having a nice conversation with Todoroki.

Timber Spruce: Well, what do you think of my lantern.

Momo: Oh my god, it looks great! Heheheheh... *thoughts* Not! It looks horrifying if you ask me!

Momo just walks away from Timber while Todoroki stays behind.

Todoroki: Hey!

Timber Spruce: huh?

Todoroki gives Timber a death glare while approaching the vice camp counsellor.

Todoroki gives Timber a death glare while approaching the vice camp counsellor

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Todoroki: I will literally murder you for this.

Todoroki walks away as well leaving Timber confused at thought as everyone lit up their lanterns as they float away.

Todoroki walks away as well leaving Timber confused at thought as everyone lit up their lanterns as they float away

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A/N: Sorry for the hold up, just lack of motivation and ideas that's all.

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