Chapter 4 : Time Off

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No one's POV

The day goes on as normal, the dock was almost finish, everyone seems to forget or not mentioning about the legend of Gaea Everfree yesterday.

Mineta: Huehuehuehue.

He chuckled as he's reading a dirty magazine while relaxing underneath a tree.

Hagakure: Mineta!

Mineta: Huh?

All the girls were glaring at him.

Momo: You got something you want to tell us?

Mineta: No.

Momo: Why are some of our underwear went missing!? Are having a panty raid last night!?

Mineta: Uhh, No.

Mina: Really? Then how do you explain this doing under your bed!?

She said while showing a bag full of their panties in front of him.

Mineta: Uhh, heheheheh... SMOKE BOMB!

He then throws a smoke bomb at them.

The Girls: *coughs*

As the smoke cleared, Mineta disappeared.

Jirou: He got away!

Momo: You know what girls, let's just enjoy our day at camp. He's not worth our time.

All the girls sigh and agreed as they left. What they didn't know is that Mineta is sitting on the branches on the tree so that he can escape their wrath.

Mineta: heheheheh, man, they're stupid. They didn't know that I used my balls to climb behind this tree. Now that they're gone, I can finally read my magazine in piece.

He said while relaxing on top of a branch while continue his magazine.

*timeskip *

Deku and Uraraka are walking towards the docks.

Uraraka: Deku-kun are you okay? You seem quiet?

Deku: Huh? Oh, well it's just that, I couldn't shake off the felling, what if Gaea Everfree is real?

Uraraka: That story Timber told? I guess you worry too much, let's just enjoy our trip ok~

Deku: heh, I guess you're right, let's just enjoy our trip. by the way, do you wanna go canoe with me?

Uraraka: I would love to~!

Just then, Tokoyami and Tsu were riding a sailboat when suddenly it moves forward at high-speed and crashes into the dock, ruining the campers' hard work.

Iida: What the hell just happened!?

Deku: I don't know, we didn't see anything.

Iida, Uraraka and deku rush towards the docks. Deku helps Tokoyami while Uraraka helps Tsu.

Uraraka: Are you okay?

Tsu: Yeah. It was so weird. We were stuck in a middle of the lake with no wind, then all of a sudden, the wind picked up, and we were pushed right into the dock, kero.

She said while talking to Timber who is already there at the time.

Hagakure: What's that?!

She scream as she points at something near the docks.

Students: [concerned chatter]

Kaminari: Oh, man! All our hard work! Ruined!

Koda: *thoughts* At least the fishies are eating well.

Deku: Let's salvage what we can out of the water. Maybe we can still fix this.


Todoroki: Hey, Bakugou.

Bakugou: The hell you want, half n half?

Todoroki: By any chance, do you know where's Yaoyorozu.

Bakugou: That ponytail girl? She went to get some fresh air in the forest or something I don't know, now leave me alone.

Todoroki: Thanks.

He thanked him as he walked off.

Bakugou: Tch, Whatever.


Momo is wandering in the forest.

Momo: *sighs*

Suddenly, she bumps into someone who's also wandering in the forest who is none other than Timber himself.

Momo and Timber Spruce: [scream]

Momo: Oh, hi. [chuckles] What are you doing here?

Timber Spruce: Uh... Looking for you.

Momo: Oh, I just went on a nature walk, that's all and kind of lost.

Timber Spruce: Let me show you the way. I'm kind of an expert at these woods. I've lived here my whole life.

Momo: That must have been nice. Growing up at a camp. *thoughts* When can I have a break from this guy!?

Timber Spruce: Yeah, though it has its downsides. When I was younger, I wished we'd sell this place so we could live in a town like normal people.

Momo: Really?

Timber Spruce: I was ten. I really wanted to hang out at the mall.

Momo: Okay... *thoughts* I feel kind of bad for this guy but still, ugh... this guy is just too intense!

Timber Spruce: I've never told that to anyone. You must be special. [beat] And not just because you have tree branch in your hair.

He pulls out a brank hidden from her hair.

Momo: Ugh. How long has that been in there?

Timber Spruce: Not long. Just the whole time we were talking.

What they didn't know is that Todoroki is hiding in the bushes watching and listening to their conversation

Todoroki: *thoughts* That Bastard!

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