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Kun sat in the now almost empty music room, Sicheng having squeezed himself between Felix and Kun. "Mine mine mine." he kissed Kun, who smiled a bit, happily cuddling his Winwin.

Changbin glanced at Felix, tilting his head a bit, signalling that Hyunjin was coming and they really needed to get Sicheng out of here. Felix coughed a bit, getting up. "I need the restroom." he hurried out, as Chan walked over to Winwin, smiling a bit. "Hey, winnie. I forgot where the library is and I need to find a book, can you take me?"

Before Sicheng could even answer, Chan pulled him gently towards the library, and Kun smiled a bit, gathering his things and heading to his next class. The chemistry lab was empty during this time of day, especially because Kun was so early.

The corridors were empty, and what was once glorious glowing white marble pillars were now just dull and grey from gathering dust throughout the years of students losing interest in science classes.

He wandered around the corridors, staring aimlessly at the laboratories, already used to the odd cold feeling of the less popular wing of their school. He stared at his phone a bit, wanting to call Xuxi to check up on his brother, but decided against it and kept walking. What Lucas did wasn't his concern anymore, Xuxi was an adult that didn't even want Kun in his life, and a new room in the Chemistry wing seemed more interesting that getting yelled at.

Kun curiously walked up to the new room, staring at the door, pondering if he would be allowed to go in, as someone walked up behind him, their footsteps deathly silent, and shoved Kun into the room, pressing a hand to Kun's mouth, gripping his chin harshly to stop him from talking and slammed him onto the ground.

"WHERE IS THE RING!" the attacker growled, climbing on top of Kun, glaring at him behind his thick mask.


Kun stared at the guy on top of him, terrified, trying to think of a way to respond. "Wh-what r-" a punch was slammed onto his stomach, and Kun retched, trying to curl up. "Don't waste my time." the stranger growled, his voice so deep it was straight from hell. Kun trembled, staring up at him. "S-sir, p-please, I-I don't know what ring you're talking ab-"

He froze, his mind going to Xuxi and those little 'trips' he took to wealthy houses. He had warned Xuxi long ago, did he take something valuable? Kun gulped, looking at the attacker. "I-i didn't t-take anything from y-you..." Another blow was thrown down, this time straight on Kun's face. The Chinese was freaking out, he had no idea what to do. He was almost certain it was Xuxi who had done something, and somehow the blame landed on his head.

"You have one last chance before I ruin that pretty face of yours."


Kun stared at his attacker, trembling in fear. He hadn't done anything wrong, it was Lucas who went and did something that would possibly ruin his life... he had promised himself to not care about Lucas anymore, but they were brothers.. And Kun was too kind for his own good.

"I-I- t-took it." he muttered.

"I-I t-took th-the ring a-and then I-I- threw it away, I thought it was fake."

The man stared at Kun, as if pondering what to do to him next, his shadow looming over the defenseless Chinese on the floor.

"D-d-do anything you want t-to me, k-kill m-me o-or whatever, d-dont hurt my sicheng." he begged, staring up at the empty black mask. "T-tell him I-i l-love h-him a-and t-tell him to eat m-more. H-he's so much more perfect than he thinks...."

Kun squeezed his eyes shut, trembling. He'd take the blame for Lucas, one last time. Maybe if he left as well, Xuxi could finally change his ways and start being a better person to everyone.

The useless editor's note: OH MY GOD PLS NO DON'T TOUCH HIM PLEASE NOT KUN OH MY GOD (my editor is *not* useless i love her sarcastic ass)


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