My Hunter Academia

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(Authors note: At the end of hxh in the anime, it's been 2 years according to logic. But Killua and Gon are still 12. Don't believe me? In the anime after Gon was forced to date Palm, the narrator says: "Gon. Age 12, forced to briefly 'date' Palm" so they were still 12 during the chimera ant arc. In this story it's been 2 years and they are both 14, and instead of splitting up, they travelled the world together with Alluka. The setting is Killua, Gon and Alluka resting on a cliff, and it's the afternoon. This will mostly be in Killua's pov, with some exceptions.)

Killua pov

Gon, Alluka and I are sitting down near the edge of a cliff. Gon was fidgeting with some grass and Alluka was staring off at the horizon.

Gon: "So where should we go to next?" Gon asked
Killua: "Not sure. Maybe visit Kurapika and Leorio?" I suggested.
Alluka: "Yes! That's a great idea!"

I giggled, Alluka is always so cheerful.
We chatted for a few minutes before we all felt a very familiar presence coming from the forest behind us. We all stood up, ready to fight if needed. I immediately recognized who the aura belonged to. It was Illumi.
Illumi came walking out of the shadows, along with my mom and dad, and they stopped a few meters away from us. Gon and Alluka had a battle ready expression, I was just pissed they found us.

Mom: "Hello dear, long time no see."
Killua: "What are you doing here?" I interrupted.
Gon: "How did you find us?"

Illumi spoke up first saying:
Illumi: "We are here to bring you home. You need to be reminded of your duty to the Zoldyck family."
Dad: "It took a while, but we found you by chance. We just happened to be in the same area as you and simply followed you."
Illumi: "If you knew how to use En you would have sensed us."

'Damn it. Me and Gon haven't learned En yet. And we didn't think Alluka needed to learn nen, because she has Nanika.'

Illumi: "Such a shame we have to bring you back by force. If you cooperated we would have sparred Gon."
Killua: "Touch him and I'll kill you." I threatened.
Illumi: "Killing a family member is against the rules, Kil."
Killua: "Then consider me disowned because I will kill you. Even if it's not today, I will kill you."
Dad: "As long as Zoldyck blood runs through your veins, we won't disown you."
Alluka: "That's enough." Alluka interrupted.

We all stopped and looked at Alluka. She stepped forward. She spoke in a calm voice, but she looked very angry.

Alluka: "For the last 2 years, I've seen so much of the world. I never knew how big it was, locked in that room my whole life. Big brother saved me, I owe him everything."
Killua: "Alluka, what are you doing?"
Alluka: "I love you big brother. I'm so happy I got to spend so much time with you and Gon, and now it's my turn to save you."

Nanika took control and she looked back to us.

Nanika: "Thank you Killua. I'll miss you."
Killua/Gon: "Wait!" We both yelled to Nanika.

I saw my parents and brother run towards my sister. "Stop them!" I heard one of them yell.
Black smoke blocked my vision and I started to fall. The last thing I saw was Nanika, with a tear rolling down her cheek.


Gon pov

".....Go.....! N........ GON!!"
I woke up and bolted up right. I was sitting on dirty concrete and Killua was shaking me and yelling my name.

Killua: "Thank god! Are you ok?" He looked at me worried.
Gon: ".......What happened?" I asked, looking around.
Killua: "I don't know, but I think Alluka teleported us somewhere."
Gon: "She can do that?"
Killua: "Apparently. Let's get out of this alley. Can you walk?"
Gon: "Yes, I'm fine. What about you?"
Killua: "All good here, thanks."


We walked on the sidewalk for a while, not really sure where we were heading. Killua said he heard something nearby so I followed him to where the ruckus was coming from. There was a kid being attacked by a sludge creature, I looked at Killua but he quickly activated nen and lift his finger up spelling,

Killua: "Don't show off your abilities. We still don't know where we are."

I was about to argue but a kid with green hair jumped from the crowd and tried to save the captured kid. 'I'm guessing they know each other.' Then I big muscly guy showed up, then punched the sludge and changed the weather! I didn't get to see what happened next because Killua pulled me to the side and continued walking.

Gon: "That was crazy Killua! That guy has an ability like us!"
Killua: "Yes, it was crazy. But let's find out where we are before WE get caught in a fight like that." I nodded and we kept walking.

We found a library and went inside to use a computer for answers because our phones weren't working.

Gon: "Woah! The keyboard! I don't recognize these letters!"
Killua: "Quiet down would you! Yes this looks like a different alphabet but you don't have to announce it! It's embarrassing!" He yelled in a whisper.

We figured that the best way to get info was to split up. Killua stayed at the library and I wandered around outside and observed the area.


Killua pov

After about an hour, Gon found me again at the library, I told him everything I learned. From what I overheard and observed, (using Zetsu to hide my presence) I learned that our language is the same as the language spoken here, the only difference was our alphabet. So we just need to learn the Japanese alphabet which shouldn't be to hard. I heard some talks about "quirks" and from what I could understand, they were special abilities everyone -or almost everyone- possessed. Gon told me about hero's and villains, the rules of society, and a lot of other things. It's crazy how much information you can get just by walking and eavesdropping!
We spent the rest of the day translating our alphabet to the Japanese alphabet and writing them down. We memorized the basics and even though Gons brain broke a few times, I think he'll be fine.
We found a cheap hotel and I pickpocketed a few people, which was surprisingly easy! And we spent the night there. In the morning we went back to the library and discussed what we should do next.

Gon: "Let's try out for UA!" Gon said, excited.
Killua: "What's that?" I asked confused.
Gon: "Its a hero school. It's the best one in Japan, and it's the perfect place to bend in and get answers."
Killua: "But, what if Alluka comes to take us home? And a hero school? Not sure if you forgot but I'm far from a hero. Hero's don't have a kill count."
Gon: "But you quit, and you haven't killed anyone since the Hunter exam." 'I dont think' "And how will they find out? We are from a different universe, and if Alluka comes to take us home it won't be impossible to find us."

I thought about this for a minute. 'That's true, no one would know. And it really is the best place to hide in plain sight, and learn about this world.'

Killua: "Ok. But first we need to think of names for our 'quirks'. Mines obviously 'Electricity', what about yours?"
Gon: "Hmm. I guess 'Enhancement' will do."
Killua: "That makes sense. But one more thing. To make this quirk thing look real, you should only use your punches, 'Enhancement' explains your punch, but not your blade or shooting your aura. It can also explain your sense of smell, healing and strength so you could still use those." I paused, then realized how bossy I sounded. "Oh! I don't want to make it sound like I'm telling you what to do! Even though I am, just-"
Gon: "It's ok Killua, I understand. And you make a good point. That means you can't use your claws either."
Killua: "Yeah, definitely can't show my claws."
Gon: "What about your strength and speed?"
Killua: "I can say my electricity is the reason I can run fast, and I'm strong because I train. It's technically the truth. But I'll reduce my real strength so people don't ask questions."


Killua pov

It's been a few months since then, we learned Japanese writing and we've been practicing for the entrance exam. Now the only thing left to do is get in.

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