Suicide Mission

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Gon pov

I woke up a few minutes after the Bakuaquad and Dekusquad left. My class told me they were on a rescue mission, and Killua was still with Alluka.
It's been around 10 minutes, and me and the rest of my class who weren't on the mission patrolled the campus. 'It's sure taking them a while. I hope they're ok.' I began to worry a little. Hagakure must have noticed my unease, because she turned to me and asked,

Hakgakure: "Gon? Is everything ok?" I turned my head to face her as we continued walking.
Gon: "I'm just worried about Mr.Aizawa and the others. They've been gone for a while. I'm getting worried." Tokoyami, who was walking in front of me turned his head.
Tokoyami: "It's only been 10 minutes." He said in a casual voice.
Gon: "I know, but they made it sound like it will be a quick and easy rescue. And they are with 5 hero's so..."

Everyone grew quite, unsure what to say. We were walking along the perimeter of the UA building, then I saw a familiar figure walking in front of us.

Gon: "Alluka?" I said out loud, and the others stopped walking.

She was wearing her pink and green outfit that Recovery Girl fixed, and the headband with faces on it. All her wounds had healed, and she looked a lot better. When I called her name she looked at us, and ran to me.

Alluka: "Gon!" She hugged me, and I hugged her back. She let go and asked, "Are these your friends?"
Iida: "Yes, we are." Iida responded.
'Hold on, if Alluka is here, then where's Killua?'
Hagakure: "Your Killuas little sister, right?" Alluka nodded.
Sero: "Is everything ok? Are you feeling better?"
Alluka: "I'm fine. But I really need your help. My family is here, and they want to take big brother home and kill his friends. Do you know where he might be?" We all looked at each other, fear struck their faces.
'Oh no, if the Zoldyck family is here, we're all as good as dead.'
Alluka: "When I told him our family is here, he went to go find them." She added.

Then I realized something. 'Maybe that's the reason why they're taking so long! Maybe Killuas family got to them first, or he's fighting them now?'
Jirou: "Maybe he's at the mall where the others went?" Jirou suggested. Alluka nodded.
Alluka: "Thanks. I'm going there now." She turned to leave.
Iida: "We're coming with you." He volunteered us.
Mineta: "Wait, we are?!" He said, frightened.
Iida: "Well, if you don't want to come then you don't have to. But I'm definitely coming along to help." Alluka shook her head.
Alluka: "No, they'll kill you! It's to dangerous for you." She worriedly said.
Gon: "Yeah, it's a suicide mission. They'll kill you the moment they sense you." I told them. "And it may sound hypocritical, but I'm going. Killua is my best friend, I won't leave him." There was a moments pause before Momo spoke up.
Momo: "He's our friend too. And we won't let you two go on your own."
Tokoyami: "You don't even know where our classmates went. You'll need us to guid you." Tokoyami said in an intense tone.
Jirou: "Killua is our friend, so we're going with you whether you like it or not." She said in a friendly voice.

Me and Alluka looked at each other.

Alluka: "Ok. But for my big brothers sake, don't get killed, ok?" They smiled and nodded.
Mineta: "...... Ok fine I'll come!!"
Iida: "Should we call for backup?" Iida asked.
Gon: "I still think it's a bad idea. Any extra pros will just get killed."
Alluka: "I'm the strongest in my family, we don't need backup." She quickly added.

We set off to the UA barrier.

Iida: "One more question, how did the Zoldycks get here?"
Alluka: "I'll explain later." She said, focused on the task at hand. "But I didn't bring them here if that's what you're wondering."

Me and Alluka followed the rest of the group to where they thought Killua could be.

Gon: "Be careful. The Zoldycks are super powerful. I'm not even close to being as strong as Killua."
Mineta: "But aren't you an enhancer or something?"
Gon: "Well yeah, but I can only lift 4 tons, while Killua can lift 64." My class turned their heads immediately to look at me.
Class: "What?!" They said in unison.
Iida: "Even 4 tons is a lot, around 8000 pounds!"
Mineta: "THEN HOW MUCH IS 64??"
Momo: "Around 128,000 pounds."
Gon: "And even then, he's still not strong enough to go through all 7 testing gates." They looked confused and I briefly explained the testing gates at his house. This was mostly to scare them out of coming along, but they didn't change their minds.

We walked for a few more minutes. I could sense the unease in the air, they understood the danger but no matter how hard I tried, they didn't change their minds.

We got closer, and I could sense our other classmates. I saw them out of the corner of my eye. They flagged us down and we joined them in their hiding place. It was an alley nearby. 'Couldn't have chosen a better place to hide?' I thought, disappointed. Iida tried to talk, but Aizawa shushed him.
I peered out, and saw the whole Zoldyck family on buildings surrounding Killua.
'We'll, this is it. The worst case scenario.'

Iida: "Should we fight?" He whispered.
Kirishima: "No." He said quickly, shaking his head.

Aizawa told us what happened at the mall. We decided to wait until a good moment to strike. I knew this was a bad idea, and we didn't have a good solid plan. Right now, we were watching the Zoldycks carefully, trusting each other to make the right move at the right time.

(The next bit will be a lot to write so I have to end the chapter here. Also I'm starting to go back to the beginning of my story and editing my mistakes. It's embarrassing how many I've made. But you should expect another chapter soon. Have a good day!)

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