The Chat with class A

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Killua pov

I told the rest of my class about my family and myself. We also briefly explained our abilities, and Alluka's abilities. They seemed frightened when they heard I killed the Puppet master and used to be an assassin.

Jirou: "Well.... That explains a lot." She said after a long pause.
Denki: "I would've never thought you are from another universe, much less an assassin."

I could sense some of them were more afraid of me now.

Killua: "You don't have to be scared." I told them.
Iida: "We aren't scared, just surprised is all." He sounded unsure.
Killua: "I can see your auras. I can sense the fear."
Gon: "Yeah same."

Gon was sitting beside me on the couch. He shoulder hugs me and says,

Gon: "Killua and I have been friends for a long time. He's harmless! Most of the time." I giggled.
Killua: "Most of the time." I mumbled quietly.
Mineta: "So, your sister brought you here? Wow, that's-" He tried to sound confident, but his heartbeat said otherwise.
Killua: "I'm gonna stop you right there." I leaned forwards and looked directly at Mineta. "Is what you're about to say pervy?"
Mineta: "Well... if you look at it a certain way it might sound pervy. But I mean it as a compliment." He replied, he was sitting on the couch across from me and leaned back, a little scared.
Killua: "I know I said I wouldn't kill anyone, but say something pervy about my sister and I'll rip your heart out and shove it down your throat. I've done that before so take this threat seriously." I said completely casually with a grin. Gon smiled. I don't know why.
Gon: "It's true. I've seen him do that. You better believe him, because I've stopped him multiple times from... sending you on a permanent vacation to the great beyond." Mineta frantically nodded.
Mineta: "Yes! I understand! Sorry!"
Killua: "Thanks." I said, leaning back.

Aizawa walked and stood beside the couch me and Gon were sitting on.

Aizawa: "On that disturbing note, Gon and Killua will stay at UA. Their experience and abilities will be useful on our side against the villains, and no one is allowed say anything about this. The only ones who know are the teachers in the faculty, Tsukauchi, and class A."
Killua: "If you find a quirk that can get us home, that would be really helpful." Gon nodded.
Iida: "There's just one thing that concerns me. What if your sister ends up bringing your family here?"
Killua: "If she does, I know she did everything she could to delay them. If they show themselves, I'll fight them. I'm not strong enough to kill them yet, but until then I'll keep them busy so you guys can escape. Knowing them, they'll kill everyone in Japan just to find me."
Bakugo: "They're not that strong. I'll bast them!"
Killua: "I just said I'm not strong enough to kill them. And that's saying something. I could beat All Might easily, and Gon and I are a LOT stronger then we've been letting on. 7 All Mights could go up against my dad and that's still not enough to beat him. 7 All Mights can't even beat my brother. Hell, my brother can beat All For One with ease. I could too if I sneak up and decapitate him but that's besides the point."
Gon: "Moral of the story, the only way to escape the Zoldycks is to run. Don't bother hiding, just run."
Killua: "But that's the worst case scenario. So let's hope that doesn't happen."

The others just stared at us, silent.

Killua: "So that's my family. The complete opposite of Iida. But like I said, Alluka wouldn't bring them here. Death threats are no good, it's against the rules to kill a family member."
Class: "How are we supposed to stay calm after that?!!"
Gon: "Actually, I think the best case scenario is only Hisoka comes here."
Killua: "You and me both know there's a 0% chance of that happening."
Kirishima: "Who's that?"
Killua: "A psycho freak who kills people with cards for fun. I'd rather have him to deal with then any of my family members."
Uraraka: "Is he weaker then your family?"
Killua: "A little, but still stronger then us. But he likes Gon so maybe he won't kill everyone if Gon protests enough."
Kirishima: "Likes him... in what way?"
Killua: "The wrong way." I say looking at Kirishima.

They shudder in disgust.

Gon: "What does 'the wrong way' mean?" I look at him and put my hand on his shoulder.
Killua: "You're to pure." He looked confused.
Mina: "So... now that we know, are we supposed to go on like nothing happened?"
Killua: "I guess. But, I don't want you to see me as a killer. I'm still the same Killua as when you first met me. Only now, you know my secret."
Iida: "I assure you that I don't see you any differently. I'm the class rep, you and Gon are our classmates. Nothing's changed, I promise." We smiled.

And everyone continued going on with their day after that. But they were still tense for the next few days when I was around. Makes sense though, I am the one who killed the Puppet Master after all. But they calmed down after a few days. Mineta kept his distance though. And Aizawa kept a close eye on me for a while. Gon showed off what nen could do to a wall, like how Master Wing did when he first showed us. And I showed them what Ren felt like, (that's projecting bloodlust, right?) and just a little was enough to make them understand how deadly it could be. But other then that, we went on as normal. Even though I told them they could ask me anything, they didn't ask many questions, maybe they were to nervous to ask?

'Now that everyone knows, it's like a weight's been lifted. I'm glad they know now. I hope nothing much changes after this.'

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