Another Player?

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???: Ex-aid?. You are betraying them?

Brave: The name Brave, I'm not Ex-Aid.

???: So who side are you on?

Brave: What your name?

Mist: You can call me Mist.

Brave: Now then let's end this.

He was about to swing his sword down at Pyrrha, he was suddenly throw back by some kind of force field, he then look up to see Glynda and Winter standing infront of him, in a battle stand.

Weiss: Sis!

Winter: Glynda you free the kids, I will take care of him.

Glynda turn and use her semblance to free them, Ruby, Velvet and Jaune try to jump her but she just send them back with the ice that she just break. Winter was fighting again Brave then Mist jump in.

Mist: Can't let's you have all the fun.

Brave: Let's just eliminated them first.

Winter used her semblance to dodge and counter their attack while Glynda try to get through to her students.

Glynda: Kids snap out of this!

They didn't listen and continue their attack.

Pyrrha: Mrs Goodwitch you need to knock them out.

As the fight continue Glynda and Winter are now in the defense again both Brave and Mist.

Winter: Why isn't your semblance have much effect on him?

Brave: Because I'm just stronger, you are facing a level 50 no 100!

Glynda: Where did you get that Driver?

Brave: Oh this is Ex-Aid Driver.


Brave: Simple, I take it. From his dead body!

Just hearing Glynda fall to her knees in tear she don't accept this, she don't accept the fact that her sons is dead.

Glynda: No no no! You lying, they can't be dead.

Brave: Face it. They are de-

Ace: Who said that we are dead?

Everyone look to direction of the voice they see Ace and Max both standing having their clothes cover in dirt and blood.

Glynda: Ace! Max!

Brave: How!? I knock you of the cliff how are you still here!?

M: Do you really think.

A: That you can kill us that easily.

Brave: Huh. That doesn't matter, I have taken away your ability to transform. I taken away your power!

M: Is that so?

A: It's true that you have taken my power. Unfortunately, my power is the existence of me itself.

He raised his hand and yellow dust started to gather and form another Game Driver. Everyone except M look surprise, the two put on their Game Driver and pull out their gashats active it and transforms

Mighty Creator VRX!

Prefect Puzzle!

A/M: Henshin!

Level Up!

Double Up!

A/M: Let's clear it together with super co-op play!

A created over 50 knifes and fire them at Mist and Brave. The two dodge and deflected them, Brave got hit but the armor is strong so he tank it while Mist got a scratch on her cheek, in her left leg and two in her right arm.

Mist: Impressive...

Brave: So this is the true power of Ex-Aid.

Mist: I thought you kill him and take his Driver.

A: He only let's me on a wild goose chase, the son of a bitch is too scary to face me head on so he knock me off a cliff with a surprise attack after stealing my driver.

Mist: Wow. Brave your so lame.

Brave: Hey!

M: Let's continue our game.

When was A distracting both Brave and Mist, M used the abbiliy of Prefect Puzzle to chose power ups and give those to A, M, Brave and Mist. He selected the power ups and give them to the four player. A have Speeding-Up, High-Jump. M have Stretch, Muscular. Brave have Confusion, Passion. Mist have Fascination, Negativeization.

Brave: I'm all fire up!

He is very eager to fight he turn and start attacking Mist, she have Fascination so she attractive all of the attention to her, but she was depressed so she don't fight back. While Brave was beating up Mist, A and M was charging their attack, A created some bowling balls and M stretch his arm back ready fist, A then jump up firing the bowling balls and M arm was pull back at high speed the two both aim for Brave, he was knock out cold while Mist just curled up in to a ball crying and shaking.

A/M: Game clear.

Brave armor disapear revealing Cardin who was out cold. A and M de-transform and become one again. Everyone was shock to see that Cardin was Brave. A/M then walk to him and take back his belt and the gashat.

A/M: We will be taking back our Driver and game too.

Glynda run up and huge her sons.

Glynda:*crying* You are ok. I was so worry but you are fine now. Mommy won't let anything bad happpen to you ever again.

A/M: Mon. You embarrassing us.

Time skip in Ozpin office

Ozpin: Thank you all for finding the missing students. And I will make sure that team CRDL will all be punish for their action.

Ace: You should thank them not me. I wasn't much help. 

Coco: A... You did help too. Don't say it like that.

Pyrrha: She is right, without you we won't be standing here.

Weiss: And you were throw off a cliff, survive and comeback to help us.

Ace: That like one of a few thing that I am good at. Survive. Ozpin please give them the credit, they did most of the work.

Ozpin: I'm afraid I can't do that. You al-

Ace: If not then I will leave Beacon.

Everyone was shock and surprise by him.

Coco: Ace you joking right?

Ace: CC why do you thing I wear a mask.

Even when is "live" as The Genius Gamer A he wear a white mask with a smile and two dot of eyes. No one know how can he even see with it on. Or what he look like.

Coco: ... I understand.

Ozpin: Very well then, A have it your way.

Ace: Thank you.

He then walk out of the room, leaving everyone there.

Weiss: Sir surely you will give him credit right?

Ozpin: I'm sorry but as much as I want to, he already said that he don't need it. And he even willing to leave Beacon if I don't respect his decision. I won't take any chances, we need him here. We spend already a lot of time to get him in we can't just lose him that easily.

Pyrrha: Can Mrs Goodwitch convince him or something?

Glynda: There is nothing I can't do, I am his mother but the decision is his to make. I only  guide him to the right path.

Ozpin: I think you should left now, your friends are waitng for you.

Coco: Thank you sir will be leaving now.

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