Hunters vs Grimms

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After getting information from Ely, Ace head out towards North where the other local Hunters are holding off the horde of grimm. Along the way, Ace had seen that there were too many bodies that had been lined up and covered.

Ace: So much wasted life...

He arrives at the appointed location. It was an open field with Hunter fighting off the grimm. There were also towers where Hunter uses bows to shoot incoming air-type grimm. Ace went over to a tent.

Ace: Beacon Academy sent me here to help.

Inside the tent, there were three figure discussing. One appears to be the Commander. He had brown hair and had scruff on his face. The man approaches Ace.

???: They sent only one person?

Ace: Yes.

???: Then Ozpin must have a lot of trust for you. My name is Eren Kruger. I lead our forces against the grimm.

Ace: Hmm..

Eren: Are you okay?

Ace: Yeah, I'm fine. Just didn't expect that you are not being angry that Ozpin sent only one person to do the job.

Eren: I know Ozpin. He wouldn't sent one person on this mission alone if he didn't trust them. Now, come over here.

Ace followed Eren towards the table. A map of the area was on it.

Eren: The grimms had been attacking us for months now. We don't know why there's a large group here.

Ace: Aren't grimms attracted to negative feelings? The villagers were full of it.

Eren: Yes but this happen before the villagers started to feel down. For some reason, they're almost obsess with getting through us.

Ace: What's the plan then?

Eren: Here.

Eren points an X that was marked on the map.

Eren: There's an unknown observatory behind the enemy lines. We tried to get near the observatory but the grimms were too much.

Ace: So, you want to send me there to find out?

Eren: Yes. We'll create a distraction to draw the horde away so that you can sneak past and into the observatory.

Ace: What will I find there?

Eren: Hopefully something that can help us solve this problem once and for all.

Ace: Right. Create a distraction and send me into the creepy observatory to find out what's going on? Sure. But first let's me handle some of those grimms first, so when I leave you guy can have a better chance again them.

Eren: Then let's get started.

Over at the battlefield, there was a horde of grimms coming through.

Eren: Hunters! This is where we hold the line! Fight to stay alive! He will be helping us to clear some of grimms to give us a better chance again them! We need to create a big distraction so this kid can finally put this problem to rest! We fight not only for our Kingdoms but for the whole world! Will you follow!?

Hunters: Yeah!

Eren turns towards Ace.

Eren: Are you ready?

Ace hair blow up his eyes glow red for a sec as he smile. 

Ace: Alway.

He put on his Game Driver and pull out two gashats active them and transform

Mighty Action X! / Drago Knight Hunter Z!

A: Dai Dai Dai Dai Dai Henshin!

Level up!

The hordes of grimm are getting closer. Hunters with bows were stringing their bows as they wait to fire. Others were holding onto their weapon. Eren took out his war axe.

Eren: Fight!!!

Everyone: Ahhh!!!!

Every hunter charges towards the grimm hordes awhile those on the tower shoot their range weapon. Ace rush in and kill any grimms that get in his way, he shoot them with his gun, slash them with his blade and breath fire. The other was admires his strength, as he just keep runing in at the hordes of grimm killing them, the other huner help and supporting him with range attack. After sometime there was only 1/4 of the horde left.

Ace: I will continue moving forward, you guy kill the rest then regroup and prepare if the next hordes come.

Eren: Kid you should rest you kill 2/4 of the hordes by yourself!

Ace: I'm fine, I will keep moving forward and one day I will see her again.

Eren: Wait!

Ace didn't listen he transform back to only Might Action X and summon his bike as her ride of to the location. He then reach a house, after breaking in he walk of a bit he see a map with Vale circle with multiple arrow pointing at it, after sometime he found the peoples that was capture.

Ace: Go your family waiting for you.

Before he leave he take some picture of everything that look important inside, he walk back to the village with the peoples that her free.

Eren: Glad to see you made it kid, we couldn't have done it with out you.

Ace: Thank how is everyone?

Eren: They are fine, just some injurer, and some grimms got past us but they ignore the village for some reasion.

Ace: What they ignore the village... what was the direction that they head to?

Eren point to the direction of Vale. Then Ace realize it, the large amounts of stolen dust, the stolen military test, what Alice said to him about that fact that their is a powerful and an evil event is about to unfold,the grimms ignore a village with full of negative emotions, the map off Vale circle with multiple arrow pointing at it.

Ace: The target wasn't the village.

Eren: What?

Ace: They are planing to do an all out attack to Vale!

He then call the Pilot, tell him to go back to Beacon as soon as possible they both fly off in a hurry, he then tell him call Ozpin to get ready Vale is going to be attack by many hordes of grimms that come from different direction, tell Ironwood to call of all of Alats military they are spys and the White Fang will attack.

Pilot: Kid are sure?


As the bullhead got nearer to Vale, there were multiple grimm storming the city. Ace slides the door open. He jump out and transform mid air.

Mighty Brother Double X!

A/M: Henshin!

The two landed on top of a King Taijutsu, A summon their sword and cut off the King Taijutsu head. They then started killing grimms left and right.

Ruby: Ace! Max!

The two look over and see team RWBY

A: Oh you guy.

M: A. We don't have time for this, we have to warn Ozpin.

Blake: What were you guy talking about?

A/M: Vale will be attack.

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