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We are in a hospital, Mist is currently lying in bed and Ace is sitting on a chair waiting for her to wake up.

Mist: Were am I?

Ace: Good you awake. Now let's get down to business.

Mist: What are you going to do to me? 

She said shivering holding on to the blanket

Ace: Nothing... If you cooperate. 

Mist: And if I don't?

Ace: Then we will make the beating you have in the warehouse nothing compare to what we will do to you.

She was scared and didn't say anything

Ace: So do we have a deal?

Bring out his hand for a hand shake and she talk it

Mist: I accept.

Back at Beacon in Glynda class. Pyrrha had just finish squaring off against some random team and Mercury who unexpectedly forfeit the match. Pyrrha was confused as to why Mercury forfeited.

Glynda: And the winner of the match is Pyrrha Nikos. Again.

Everybody else was also expecting a good match but it didn't turn as they had hope.

Yang: I really thought that they were going to have good match.

Glynda: Now, the dance will be on this weekend but don't forget your assignment.

Team RWBY and JNPR were walking out off class, everyone expect Yang is feeling down

Yang: What with the sadness?

Ruby: It's Ace. He haven't forgive us. And now he even avoiding us all.

Nora: Not really, last night he came to our room and ask Ren to come with him for something.

Weiss: What really?!

Nora: Yeah and he won't even tell us anything. (turn to Ren) Come on tell us what you guy do last night.

Ren: Like I said already we just train together and play some game that all.

Ruby: Really. What kind of game?

Ren: First we play an RPG game with I lose horribly, then we play some racing game I still lose just not at bad at the first one. And finally we play a shooting game with I was so close to winning, *sigh* but I still lose.

Yang: That just sounds like you suck at game.

Ren: I like to see you do better again a Pro/Genius Gamer.

Blake: He got a point.

Pyrrha: He actually ask you to go and play game with him.

Jaune: What! No fair why didn't you invite us to come along!?

Ren: Sorry. I was so focus on playing and we play 1vs1 anyway so if I invite you guy that won't change must.

As they all head to their dorms, Sun suddenly calls Blake.

Sun: Hey! Blake, you doing okay?

Blake: I'm fine.

Sun: So, I heard there's this dance this weekend. Sounds pretty lame but uh, you and I are as not lame.

Blake: What?

Sun: The dance! This weekend! You wanna go or what?

Blake: I don't have time for a stupid dance. I thought you of all people would get that.

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