I'm on a Mission

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Inside a cell room, we see a 9 years old Ace (002) with a girl (016) same age at him.

016: Hello, are you new here?

002: No, I been here for some time already, it just I was lock up in a different room.

016: Oh. So do you have a name?

002: I use to, not anymore.

016: How about Ace!

Ace: Huh? Ace...

016: Yeah Ace that will be your name. And my name is...

The screen flash white to a rainy night

016: No you can't do that, they will kill you!

Ace: That the only way for you to escape.

016: But then you won't be.

Ace: It's ok, you given me hope, you give a reason to live and now. I will change you's fate with my own hand.

The screen flash white again

Soldier: We have successfully capture 002. We will be heading back now sir.

Ace: "Am I dead? Why does it hurt so much? No, I have to live. I have to survive. I have to fight. I will fight for her, to see her smile again. Fight fight fight!"

Dream end

Ace then wake up of with tear in his eyes, it was 3:34 AM, he got out of bed, walk to the bathroom washed his face with cool water and look at the mirror

Ace: Fight fight fight.

Time skip in the assembly hall. There were students from each Kingdom in attendence. Ace stood at the back of the line. He puts on his headphones playing his game and skip mostly Ozpin's speech. What caught his attention was the panel that suddenly appear. He was about to leave until Blake drag him to team. He wasn't mad at her because when his team told his secret to their friends, Blake wasn't there and team JNPR warn them not to tell before leaving.

Blake: Come on now we can't start any mission without you.

They look over the hall and saw the rest of team A-RWBY with Ozpin. The two walks towards them.

Ruby: We won't let you down Professor!

 Ozpin: Ah, there's Ace. I have a mission for you.

Ace: Me, specifically?

Ozpin: Yes, you alone. You will be performing this mission alone.

Weiss: What kind of mission?

Ozpin: I wish that there were mission that didn't require your life on the line. Especially this one.

Ace: Tell me.

Ozpin: You will be taking on team CFVY mission which is to eradicate the horde of grimms.

Everyone was horrified.

Yang: You're sending him alone!? To fight a horde of grimm!?

Ozpin: Yes.

Blake: That's suicide! Why would you send him on a mission that could resulted in his death!

Ozpin: How many of you have heard from Ace's past?

They all look to each other.

Ozpin: The reason I pick him specifically is because there is no else who can handle this mission.  Ace Gema Goodwitch. A boy by the age of 19 years old has fought and does impossible things and survive strong foes who even veteran Hunters fail to live. He is the suitable candidate to this mission.

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