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I been struggling to translate how I been feeling between exhaustion and disappointment, to feeling as though I'm always missing out on experiences. Not fully allowing myself to go for it, without fear pulling me back, it's happened too many times. I'm sick of telling myself, "what was meant to be will be" It feels like I'm trying to validate my inaction. When in actuality I wanted to experience what I missed.

Relationships, opportunities, all of it. What would I have learned? I hate it I truly do, questions I'll never know the answer too because I was scared. And now I'm sitting here in the same predicament I've been in. I'm emotional, I wish I had taken the initiative instead of waiting around; no good comes from waiting.

I feel as though it's healthy expressing the regret I have towards missing out, I can only empathize with myself. Drowning in resentment, envying the situations that arise from my inactions.

Silently wishing I could go back, each time.

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