Chapter 16

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Y/N's POV:
"Hello guys... can I join y'all?"

"We are kinda in the middle of the conversation-", Harry said as Hermione cut him off, "Of course Y/N, come in."

As I took a seat beside Harry, I heard him sigh.

Why is he being all sassy?

"I have something really important to tell you guys.... It's about Draco."

This has brought some attention from Harry. Ok great job Y/N.

I continued, "During the summer, I was locked inside my room for hours almost everyday and Draco would cast a silencing charm as well. Believe it or not, Draco changed over the past two years. We started getting along really well and I know he could never do something like this to me."

"Bloody hell Y/N! We're you starved too?", Ron scrunched his nose.

I shook my head, "Only once this year."

Hermione gasped, "So this had been going on for a while?"

I nodded, "Since I was a kid.... Had been physically and mentally abused by Lu- dad a lot... while Draco tries his best to protect me as much as he could."

I mean Lucius is in Azkaban... what's harm in telling them about the abuse right?

"That's barbaric!", Hermione screeched.

"So what exactly is your point?", Harry interrupted.

"My point is", I took a deep breath, "I think something is going on. Something big.... Inside the manor and he locked me up either to keep me in the dark or to be safe, I am not sure...."

"How can we trust you?"
"Harry!", Hermione snapped.

"Yeah mate... what's got your wand in a knot?", my eyebrows furrowed.

"We can't really trust anyone these days you know.", he simply shrugged.

He was fucking getting on my nerves! Who does he think he is! Chosen one, my ass!

"What can I do to prove my loyalty to you?", I asked, my arms crossed against my chest.

"Show me your wrist."

Wrist? What does this have to do anything about proving myself?

"Harry... drop it.", Hermione warned him but he protested, "No Hermione. I won't-"

"It's fine, here.", I said as I extended my wrists towards him.

He rolled up my sleeves and inspected them for a few good minutes before he nodded, feeling satisfied, "So you are not one of them."

I asked puzzled, "One of what?"

Hermione sighed, "Harry's under the impression that Draco and you are death eaters now."

Me and Ron gasped at the same time as he chuckled, "You are barking mate!"

I nodded, "Yeah what would you know who possibly want from us both?"

"Then what was he doing in Borgin and Burkes? Browsing for furniture?"

"It's a creepy shop. He is a creepy bloke.", Ron replied as I rolled my eyes, "I am still here you know."

Harry ignored me as he continued, "Look his father is a death eater. It only makes sense. Besides, Hermione saw it too."

"I told you I don't know what I saw.", Hermione said.

"Well then just look at what Y/N just said! She was locked up while being casted a silencing charm.", he protested.

I shook my head, "That doesn't mean he has become a death eater you know..."

"I need some air.", he said as he got up from his seat, taking something from his trunk.

"I will be back guys.", I said as I followed him.

As I closed the compartment door behind me, I turned towards Harry, "Harry."


I sighed, "Look, I know you don't trust me-" but he cut me off, "No sorry... I trust you... it's just there's a lot on my plate right now... but that doesn't give me an excuse to be an ass to you... I trust you Y/N and always will."

I grinned, "Thanks Harry. So I was hoping we could team up? To spy against Draco?", I asked extending my hand for a handshake as he gave me a puzzled look, "Why would you wanna spy against your own brother?"

I bit my lips, "Well.... I wanna know what is going on with him...", I paused taking a deep breath, "He was there for me when Cedric died... he was there for me when I was abused at home... but now, I can't even do anything to help him... I know he is doing all this to protect me from something but I wanna be there to support him... and to do so, I gotta know what's going on with him first of all.... Can you help me please?"

He nodded, "I understand but you gotta promise me you won't hide anything from me."

We both shook our hands as I nodded, "I won't Harry, I promise. Being a true hufflepuff, I will always be on the right side harry, you know that don't you?"

He nodded, "Ok so I am gonna spy on him now using my invisibility cloak. Don't tell Hermione and Ron about our conversation. Hermione will go super mad."
"Where's Harry?", Hermione asked as Ron shrugged, "Probably on the platform. Come on."

"Guys, you both go on... I gotta check something." I didn't even wait for their replies as I head towards the slytherin compartment.

I saw the door closed and the curtains shut... did Harry got caught? I took a huge risk as I started eavesdropping.

"Didn't mommy ever tell you it was rude to eavesdrop, Pottah! Petrificus Totalus!", Draco screamed.

Oh no... harry...

"Oh yeah... she was dead before she could wipe your drool off your chin."

That was really mean....

I heard a loud smack which would only mean Draco had kicked Harry....

"That's for my father. Now Enjoy your ride back to London."

I quietly stepped inside an empty compartment beside me waiting for Draco to leave.

Soon, I went inside the Slytherin compartment and whispered, "Finite."

Harry exhaled a breath as he stood up, blood dripping from his nose, "Y/N!"

"Come on harry. We gotta leave now."
"Sorry I made you miss the carriages.", Harry gave me a weak smile.

I shook my head, "it's fine chill. Anyways... did you find out something?"

He shook his head, "Not much. He just shitting about Hogwarts."

"About time! I have been looking for you both! Names?", professor flitwick asked.

"You have known us for five years!", Harry replied as he pursed his lips, "No exceptions Potter!"

"Nice face Potter!", Draco sneered as he headed towards Hogwarts.

"Would you like me to fix it? I think you look pretty badass but it's your choice.", I smiled.

"Have you fixed a nose before?"

I nodded, "Growing up with abusive parents taught me many stuff. Anyways, should I?"

"Okay... give it a go I guess."


Harry let out a yell before his fingers brushed his nose, "How do I look?"

"Looks like the old Harry I know."


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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