Chapter 19

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Lars's POV

I wake up, and see Cordell in the top bunk. When'd he get home? Billy must have gotten him home or something.

I open the door, right when I hear Cordell mumble something. It was indistinct, but he sounded stressed. He then yelped in pain and woke up, bolting straight up from his sleep.

"W-What- Lars!? When did you- Where- Oh." He was stuttering so much, he couldn't even think straight.

"Cordell, are you okay? I heard you scream in your sleep." I ask him, with concern in my voice.

"Y-Yeah, I think so... I don't know, actually." He responds, stroking one side of his neck. I nod, and leave to make us breakfast. I see Billy already downstairs.

"Oh, hey Lars!" He greets me. I nod to him. "Our parents went to work early, and there's no school today. I was just making eggs, you want some?"

"Yeah, thanks!" He hands me two plates, motioning up. I got the hint, and brought one of the plates upstairs.

I knock on the door. "Cordell? You okay in there?"

I hear no response, and open the door with caution.

"Pfft- Cordell, why are you hiding under the blanket?" I ask him. I just hear incoherent grumbling.


I can hear him groan and mumble a few more random words.

"...Cordell?" I ask him with a disturbed look on my face as I see what used to be my brother, now as pale as glue, with horrible eye bags, and blood dripping out of his mouth and around his neck. His ears looked a shade of red I didn't know existed.

Blood is everywhere.

What the hell happened?

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