Chapter-#6 Weird school day

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I wake to my radio blaring Animals by Maroon 5 and all I can think about is Christian, I turn off my radio and walk over to my closet and pick out a red tank top that say " Hangover Isn't Drunk " and black pants. I walk downstairs and my mom is making eggs for me with bacon, " hey mom can I..... not go to school today " " No Heavan you can't skip school " she says and puts my plate of food on the table. " Why not!? " " Because you need education..DUH " I sit down and start eating. " But.....I'm a straight A student....and I could use a break from all the stress " I say in between bites, " no end of discussion " " ARRG ok fine. "
" Bye see you later " I get up from the table and grab my bag and slip on my red sneakers and head out to the bus stop, " ok bye sweety have a fun day at school " she says waving and smiling. " bye mom "

I get to school and get off the bus and I'm greeting with a big hug from my best friend Alyssa, " hey Heavan how's it going? " She asked as we walk to the door " good, but guess what happens last night " " What? " " Christian showed up at my front step and just to say....hi! " She just stops and stares at me, " are you....serious!? " " yeah. " I open up my locker and grab all my stuff for math class and head down the hall, " we'll see you later Heavan " " Ok bye see you later. "

It's lunch and Alyssa had to go home cause she wasn't feeling well so i was alone, usually my other friends Brealyn and Jenna would be here but there on a band trip in Vancouver so almost all of grade 11 is gone. So I'm sitting here alone eating my sandwich when guess who walks up to my table and sits down, Christian. I just look at him at he says, " umm friends aren't here today they have a hockey practise and umm... I didn't feel like going today so I stayed at school.... and umm you and I sorta know each other so yah I just umm sat down so umm yah, " " Yah cool, Alyssa got sick and Jenna and Brealyn are on the band trip so I don't have any friends left and you can sit here that's fine. " We sit there in silence for the rest of lunch and when the bell rings we get up and head to are next class which happens to be together, science. one of my good subjects, I sit down in the 6th seat in the back row and Christian comes and sits next to me, " hey nice to see you again " he says as he throws his backpack beside his desk and grabs a notebook and pen from it and puts it on his desk, " Hey " I say and sit back in my chair as the teacher walks in.

Christians P.O.V
I walk in science class and see Heavan sitting in the back of the class in her usual spot arranging her stuff on her desk and I walk back there nervous that she'll tell me to move somewhere else, I sit down next to her and say hi and put my stuff on the floor and get my notebook and pen, she says hey and the teacher walks in and starts blabbing away about DNA and other stuff that we're learning, I copy down all the stuff on the board but I can't keep my eyes off Heavan, she's just so beautiful when she's focusing really hard on something. Her nose gets all wrinkled and she nervously runs her fingers through her red hair, oh I love her hair so much. out of everything about her, her hair is my favourite, I turn back to the board and scribble down all the notes off the board I can before the bell rings and schools over.

Heavans P.O.V
When I get home I rush up stairs after saying a quick hello to my mom and call Alyssa and told her everything.

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