𝐢. 𝟭𝟵𝟵𝟵 - 𝗯𝗲𝗱𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗺 𝘀𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻

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With your white singlet clinging onto you like a lifeline due to the humidity, you felt sticky and gross. Moving, while fun and exciting, was both mentally and physically draining.

For the past three hours, you had been unpacking all of your boxes and setting up your new room.

This last box marked the end of your moving journey.

Well... that was if you excluded meeting your new classmates, the people who you would be spending your last year of high school with. And, with it being dorms, who you spent twenty-four hours straight with.

The late evening sun enveloped your room in a warm orange light, causing your sweaty skin to shine in the light.


Pulling out the box cutter again, you bend down, slicing the tape down the middle. You inhale sharply when you see its contents.

Melissa's hoodie.

You hadn't remembered packing it -- it had been a year since the two of you had broken up. When you look further into the box, you see your fragile decorations. Had you just used it to better protect the breakables?

Shaking your head lightly as if to rid of your thoughts, you move on to putting the ceramics onto your shelves.

As you're packing away the boxes and preparing to store them somewhere for your next move, you hear yelling. Loud, excited, cheerful yelling.

"You do it!" You hear outside your door, in a hushed shout.

There's a scoff in response. "Stop tryna' get me to do everythin'! You really want me to greet the new chick?"

Oh. So they wanted to meet you.

Right now?!

Your eyes go wide, hastily placing the last decoration onto your shelf, before grabbing the front of your tank. Pulling it and letting go of it repeatedly, you manage to cool yourself a bit.

With a grimace, you try and recollect your thoughts. 'It's going to be okay', you think to yourself, 'Even if I look like a sweaty pig, it'll be fine! If they can't like me at my worst, they don't get me at my best, right? Right?!'

There's a knock on the door, and with bated breath, you rush to it.

Even with a relatively indecent top on, you open the door with a nervous smile. "Hello!"

A girl with bright pink skin and hair immediately brings you into an embrace, and you just awkwardly pat her back in response. "Oh my god. You're so cute! I'm Mina Ashido, it's so great to meet you!"

She steps back, before pointing at four other boys standing beside her.

"The one with the black hair is Hanta Sero." The boy, Sero, smiles a toothy grin and extends a lanky hand, to which you shake politely.

"Then there's Denki Kaminari, he's the one that looks like Pikachu." Kaminari makes a finger-gun gesture towards you with a wink.

"And the fan faves," Mina gets two vicious glares from Sero and Kaminari, "Eijirou Kirishima and Katsuki Bakugou!"

"Fuck off Pinky," the blond growls, folding his arms and looking away petulantly.

The redhead, Kirishima, places a friendly arm around Bakugou's neck, looking at you with a grin. "Don't mind him! He's like this with everyone."

With a gulp, you nod, playing with the rings adorning your fingers as the group banter.

They seem friendly, familiar -- like a group three years in the making. You weren't sure how you were going to fit in.

These people had been through thick and thin together, so what difference did you make? You hadn't been there when they had fought in a war. You were merely the new girl... and maybe for the whole year, that's all you'd be viewed as.

"Do you need help unpacking?"

You're brought out of your train of thought by Sero. You shake your head, "I'm fine, thanks! I actually just finished unpacking when you guys arrived."

"That's good, I wasn't gonna fuckin' help your pathetic ass anyway," Bakugou seethes, to which you just furrow your brows.

With a small frown, you ask the boy, "Why are you so angry? I didn't even do anything!"

"Oi, don't give me that, new chic. Deal with it or leave."

"Just because I'm not going to let myself be trampled on doesn't mean that I'm out of place!" You respond harshly, before a soft hand on your shoulder makes you stop.

"I know he's a jackass," Mina says, levelling a harsh glare at the boy, "But he gets better the more you get to know him."

With a deep exhale, you nod, clenching your fists and ridding yourself of your anger. "I'm sorry, this is not the first impression I was going for," you say, embarrassed.

"Oh no," Kaminari says, a teasing grin on his face, "You said what we all thought when we first met him. I like your guts!"

You smile back at him, appreciative of his support. You realise, then, that you completely forgot to introduce yourself. "Ah, I'm sorry, I completely forgot! My name's Y/N L/N, I'm excited to get to know all of you!"

And with that, your new life at U.A. begins.


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and that wraps up the first chapter. please comment, vote and follow -- interaction is what fuels me to write!

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