Rule 10: The Court Should Not Forsake Their Humanity

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Adamata frowned at her phone as she sat in her room, in front of her vanity. She knew she never should've gotten involved with a college boy, but the thrill was just too good. Still, it was foolish.

Now here she was, wondering if she should answer his call. She wasn't stupid, she knew he probably cheated on her. What else would explain the way he completely disappeared for three weeks?

She entertained the thought that she may be wrong as she answered and held the phone to her ear, looking up at her reflection and giving him the benefit of doubt.

"Damon," her voice was silky and soft. She heard him sigh on the other side. She knew how much he loved her voice, if not any other thing about her.

"Ada-" He began but was cut off.

"You didn't call me for three weeks, Damon." She searched for a pang of hurt or sadness in her eyes. Where was it? Where was that last shred of humanity? Where was the pain?

"I'm sorry. Look, I've been really busy with exams and my dad and have had a lot on my mind."

"And I wasn't worthy enough to be on it? Your mind?" She looked down at her nails as she trailed it along the marble.

"It's not that. Adamata, for a while I had to stay at the house of one of my dad's associates or whatever and-"

"Vasiliev." He thought she wouldn't find out.

The Albanian smiled devilishly at herself in the mirror. She knew everything, it was foolish of him to lie or try to hide it.

"What?" His tone got higher.

"You stayed with the Vasilievs. With Miroslava, Russian, beautiful, hard-to-get. If you were tired of me, you could have said something."

"It's not that-"

"What I hate more than anything is being made to look like a fool, Damon. You went to Van Doren as well. There are people that know about us. The least you could do was to chase someone with a smaller mouth!" She balled her hands into fists and slammed it onto the table.

At least Miroslava didn't sleep with him. She had that much respect for her, Adamata just hoped.

"Listen, I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you. We can spend the weekend in a hotel, just us. I'll take you out during the day." He sounded so desperate. It was all so convincing.

Should she or should she not? That pang of hurt finally appeared. She liked Damon, it was more than just a thrill, she just realised. When did her feelings progress to such? When she realised that she craved his attention and that she wasn't the only one on his mind.

"Okay," She said with that voice he loved so much.

She was so stupid for thinking she could force out of his mind, all the other girls. She was so stupid for growing attached to someone such as him. If he could shamelessly go for Miroslava, who's to say he wouldn't go for someone else?

"I'm sorry, Adamata," a shiver stroked her spine at the sound of his voice calling out her name. She closed her eyes and subconsciously leaned into the phone, "She can't compare to you. If you don't believe anything else I say, believe that."

She so badly wanted to believe him. She needed to, was desperate to. She was so tired of people lying to her. First it was her older sister, saying she was fine, all the while suffering with anorexia, giving birth to her fear of eating disorders.

Then it was Dominic, so long ago, when he said he thought of only her, all the while having Darjani clouding his mind.

It was so fucking obvious. How did the Queen not even see how attracted to her Dominic was? It was infuriating.

Now it's Damon, who she hoped was saying the truth. He sounded so convincing it hurt.

"Are you sure?"

She needed to hear it again, that voice, that confirmation that it was her he thought of. When had she become so needy?

"So very sure, Adamata. Your looks, your walk, fuck, your voice. She could never compare to you, my darling."

A tear fell down her cheek as she looked up at her reflection. When had she become so broken?

"Damon," She breathed out, not truly trusting her voice. She didn't want to breakdown with him on the phone.

"Adamata. Even if you believe nothing else I say," She bit her lip, more tears followed, "...believe this. Miroslava can't compare to you. Not in any way. Not even your queen can compare to you, my darling."

She let out a broken laugh, "But you would sleep with them."

"I won't lie to you now. I'm not a good partner. I can cheat, yes I can. I can sleep with them, and I'm sorry. But they would never last on my mind the way you do. And I'm not proud of who I am, but just know that it's only you I think of."

She let out a weak sob and clenched her fist.

"Don't cry, my darling. In fact, hold on, I'm coming over." The call disconnected and tears continued to dance down Adamata's face.

Her room door opened some twenty minutes later and Damon walked over to his crying girlfriend.

She leaned into his body as he wrapped his arms around hers. He stroked her hair and placed light kisses on her cheek, her jaw, her forehead, her neck, her lips.

She didn't stop crying, not until he carried her to her bed and laid with his back on the soft mattress and her head on his broad chest.

Adamta clenched his shirt as she finally stopped weeping and then looked at his eyes. They were so pretty and held so much concern, entirely focused on her. Maybe he wasn't lying, maybe it was really she on his mind.

He leaned down to place his lips on hers, not minding the salty taste if her tears. She moved her hand to stroke his face then tangle itself in his hair. Damon gripped her waist tightly.

"My darling," he whispered, "Sleep, you're tired."

"Tell me how you feel about me," She requested as her eyes closed.

"I can't stop thinking about you. You cloud my mind, Adamata. In every thing I do, I cannot stop thinking about you." He kissed her forehead one last time.

"Let this not be a lie."

She didn't know she had said it out loud.

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