Rule 16: The Queen May Remove Her Crown Behind Closed Doors

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"You're dating Darjani?"

"Gossip does travel faster among the wealthy," Adonis laughed into his phone. It'd only been two days and already, she was calling to ask about his new relationship status.

He was currently walking through his family's wine cellar, trailing his fingers along the neatly arranged bottles, trying to decide which one he'd give as a gift to the upcoming celebrant. In his other hand was his phone on speaker.

"Obviously," He could practically hear her rolling her eyes over the phone, "But still, answer me."

"For you to be questioning me, you must already know the answer." His eyes stayed on a bottle of 2017 Masseto, ran his tongue over his upper teeth, then turned away and decided a magnum sized bottle of Rosé would be better.

He wasn't interested in getting a taste of his father's wrath. The man had a soft spot for his wines and Adonis wasn't sure which ones he valued more than others. He didn't want to find out the hard way.

"You said you weren't with her, Adonis."

"Relax, we weren't a thing then but we are now. You're safe, okay?" He said.

"Does this mean we to end this, whatever it is?" Her voice was softer now and the boy had to resist the urge to laugh at that.

"You don't want to?" He asked. "I thought you were scared of Van Doren girls. What's changed?" He smirked.

She sighed, "Adonis, you can't deny the sex is amazing."

"I'm not denying that. It's just, I'm a boyfriend now. I can't keep sleeping with you."

"I know you're only with Darjani because of the Dominic rumours. Don't act like you really like her." She spat.

Adonis just shook his head, realising that he'd fucked up and the girl he'd been having fun with haad begun to grow attached.

"My relationship with Darjani is none of your business. I'm done with you. You understand? Run back to your boyfriend king, Tamar. And please, don't approach me at his birthday this weekend. I don't want any more drama."

He groaned as he cut the call. He didn't see how people found it so hard to keep feelings at bay, especially towards someone who didn't even go to the same school as you. How could you keep feelings for a person you weren't close to or seeing most days?

Besides, he had more pressing matters weighing weighing on him. He walked into his room and threw his phone unto his sofa, proceeding to sit on his bed and rest his head in his hands. He couldn't stop thinking bout his new girlfriend. More specifically, he couldn't stop thinking about fucking his new girlfriend.

Adonis had always found Darjani attractive, had always lightly entertained the thought of bedding her. He'd done so once, and reminiscing about it was an enjoyable past time. However, now, it was a bit more than a thought. It was like an ache in his stomach. It was like sharp pinches on his palms.

It didn't help that she was coming over in half an hour (needing time to go home after school so she could pick out several outfits to come with). She wanted them to coordinate their outfits for Alistair's birthday party on Saturday, the next day. Of course he was excited to have her alone in his room, but restraining himself was going to be difficult.

Especially knowing that she would be trying out clothes for him to choose.

"Fuck it, Adonis." He said to himself and abruptly stood from his bed. He walked over to the full body mirror next to his windows, "Pull yourself together. You're not some fourteen year old virgin."

It was easier said that done, because soon enough, Darjani had arrived, her chauffeur driven car parking on his driveway. Of course she expected him to go out to meet her, and of course he did.

He got a maid to bring out the bags of clothes she'd come with and take it to his room while he took her to spend a few minutes in the wine cellar.

"Where are you taking me to, Adonis?" She'd asked as he led the way down the stairs. She'd been to his house before for parties of course, but she hadn't ever come the way he was currently going through. "We have outfits to try on." She'd said.

"We're having a fashion show, aren't we?" He'd said as he slung his arm over her shoulder, pushing open the wooden doors before them. It led to rows and rows of old, expensive wines, stacked neatly against eachother, "We should have some fun while doing so."

Darjani smiled at the view, walking round with her finger trailing the wooden shelves, sometimes circling bottlenecks, "So you know your wine?"

Adonis chuckled and folded his arms as he leaned against the door, watching her closely as she walked through his father's wine cellar, "I actually do. I'm not some empty headed pretty boy."

She laughed, "I never said so." She paused at one and turned to face him, gripping the bottleneck, "May I?" She asked.

"Whatever you desire." He'd breathed out.

She'd pulled out the 2017 Masseto, eyeing it with interest, "What do you think of this?" She said to him.

In that moment, he didn't care about anything else but pleasing her, "I think it's perfect." He'd said, walking her back to his room and sending for glasses.

"We don't necessarily have to match," Darjani said as she took a sip from the wine glass, placing it back down on a bedside table and walking to the load of clothes on his bed, "We just need to, you know, make it known that we arrived together. That's fine, right? You can wear what you want, I don't want to seem controlling."

"The Queen herself doesn't want to seem controlling?" Adonis mocked, his glass hanging from his fingers as he sat on the of the couches at the corner of his room, admiring the dark skinned girl as she sifted through clothing.

"I'm not queen here, Adonis. I'm your girlfriend. Of course I don't want to seem controlling." She shot him a glare, painfully oblivious to what she did to him.

It was bad enough that she'd been the one to ask him out, now she was playing the part even when they were alone. He didn't know why he found it so hard to touch or kiss her now that they were more or less official. Flirting had come so easy when he saw her as unattainable.

"I don't mind matching with you. Let's make a statement."

Now she was his, and the joy of that fact only made him nervous.

"Let me start trying them on. You'll tell me which one you like most, and then we'll find something that matches just a bit for you."

She began undoing the buttons of her shirt, sliding the silk material off her shoulder. The sight of her stripping before him got Adonis hard.

"You're changing here?" He'd choked out the question, instantly regretting it. He wouldn't forgive himself if she decided to change in his bathroom now that he'd spoken.

"We've had sex together, Adonis. Why are you so shy all of a sudden?" She turned to face him with her chest covered by only her lace bra.

He gulped, "Because I don't want to be tempted to take you right here." The statement left his mouth before he could think and he stared at her in horror ofbwhat he'd just said.

Darjani laughed, "Hold yourself. We've been dating for less than a week. You don't think I'd give it up that easily again, do you?"

He smiled at her ability to always keep things light with him. With Darjani, there were no awkward silences, and he loved that.

"Of course not. But know that I'm going to work tirelessly to have you again."

"I don't expect anything less."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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