Rule 6 • The Queen is Unbeatable in Her Territory

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"Excuse me?" Darjani raised a brow, utterly surprised at Yvonne's audacity. The blonde had dragged her into a storage closet, the same one Dominic dragged her into earlier. The dark skinned girl chuckled slightly at the coincidence, but it didn't quell the anger burning in her chest.

"You heard me. What did you do to Dominic yesterday?" Yvonne asked again, moving closer to the other girl's face in a failed attempt to intimidate her. Though Yvonne was easily stronger, Darjani had a deafening strength to her persona, looks and the way she carried herself. Yvonne was already slightly frightened being in such close proximity to her.

"Oh please, I did nothing to your boyfriend." Darjani answered, placing slight emphasis on the to, though Yvonne didn't take notice of it. She scanned her eyes for signs of dishonesty, but Darjani's eyes were cold and unreadable and revealed nothing at all.

"You could easily be lying." Yvonne added hastily

"I lie when I feel wary of giving out certain knowledge. I would not outright lie to you because I don't feel threatened by you in any way." Her words were sharp and a wave of insecurity washed over Yvonne, her thoughts ran to the greedy looks boys often gave to Darjani and for just a moment, she imagined Dominic giving her that look.

She shook her head in an attempt to throw away the thought. "Outright?" The blonde asked.

"Yes, I would not outright lie to you. But I can easily omit something or deceive you for my own benefit." Darjani pushed Yvonne away, dusting off her already immaculate uniform. "Where did you even get the suspicion that I did something to Dominic?"

"Why wouldn't I. You've been eyeing him since school resumed. Do I need to remind you that he is my boyfriend?" Yvonne felt a surge of empowerment, being able to call out Darjani.

"I find him insanely attractive, that is very true." A bored glance thrown in the blonde's direction, "I know that you both are dating, I don't care to be reminded."

Darjani eyes glinted sadistically and she leaned in to Yvonne. "There are several girls who are eyeing Dominic. Miroslava enjoys reminiscing about the times she warmed his bed. Adamata gave him his first anal." A sinister laugh, "Why are you so concerned about me?"

"Dominic received anal?" Yvonne couldn't hold in a laugh.

"Darling, are you this easily distracted?" Darjani asked in disgust and Yvonne suddenly felt small again.

"I am concerned about you because I know how you are. You're overambitious and manipulative and I honestly don't like that Dominic is acquainted with you."

"Do you think you have any control over that? I know your parents disapprove of him, does he look like he cares? Last night, he came to Adonis' party so that he wouldn't ruin his image, at the expense of yours. You should know that you are his pleasure and I am his reputation. In his life, I come before you."

"Bullshit." Yvonne swore at Darjani's words.

"Darling, I speak the truth."

"You're a cold, jealous liar."

"I should have you know, that I am will not be jealous of an overly suspicious, little girl who is too attached to her boyfriend. I don't know what you expected to accomplish by dragging me in here but it didn't work. I am not threatened or intimidated by you and you just made a fool of yourself in front of the girl who could and would, if she had the chance to sleep with your boyfriend."

Yvonne's eyes began to sparkle as she stared at Darjani's dark ones. The girl in front of her was cold, manipulative, mean, absolutely stunning. Yvonne could perfectly picture her with Dominic and the image caused bile to rise up in her throat.

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