Rule 14: The Court Doesn't Play Each Other

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"Where is everyone?" Somadina asked as she sat up.

Adonis was still laying on the couch and frowning at his phone. The rest were gone, all someplace else in the house, leaving him and Somadina alone in the sitting room.

"You could answer me, you know." The girl rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed at the boy's lack of interest.

Adonis groaned and then sat up, "I don't know, Somadina. I don't know where they are."

She hissed at him and stood, looking around the living area, "Anyways, if you see them, tell them I had to go back home." She picked up her bookbag and left the house.

"By the way, Adonis," She turned back to smirk at the Greek, "Even if Darjani isn't interested in you, I am."

He grinned at her, "I'll make sure to take you up on your offer later."

She laughed and then walked away.

Adonis groaned and fell back on the couch. He switched off his phone and let out a breath. He was still thinking of Darjani, and it was so stupid. She was with Dominic at that very moment and it was infuriating.

What exactly did she see in that boy? He wasn't even all that handsome. Adonis was clearly the better looking boy. Besides, everyday Dominic left her to spend time with his girlfriend Yvonne, but Adonis was ready to give Darjani everything.

Why couldn't she just see that? Why-

"You fucking bastard!" Adonis almost fell off the couch at the sound of Darjani's yell.

He hastily turned round to see her storming down the stairs, Dominic at her back. The blonde boy stood and walked over to the fuming girl, thoroughly concerned about her.

"I can't believe you!" She kept screaming as she raced down. "You knew this whole time and you kept playing with my feelings!"

"Darjani, stop screaming." The dark haired walked down easily.

Adonis got to the base of the stairs and let the girl barrel into his arms, almost knocking him off balance. He held her tightly, "Are you guys alright?"

"Let's go, Adonis." She broke out of his hold and grabbed his forearm, tugging him in the direction of the exit.

"Darjani, calm down. But what did you expect me to do?" Dominic's voice got louder as he chased after them.

"Oh God, we're fucking friends, Dominic! Why would you do this to me? Because of that no-name-bitch who nobody knew until she got into your pants!"

"What's going on?" Miroslava asked as she ran into the living room, Adamata right next to her, "Why are you guys yelling?"

The Somali girl just kept tugging Adonis away. Adamata just stood there, looking at them, at Dominic who chased after Darjani and Adonis. It was only when Darjani bumped into her that she realised the girl was crying.

She'd never seen her cry before.

"Darjani, are you alright?" Adamata reached out to grip unto her free hand.

Darjani pulled away, albeit not as forcefully as she would have imagined, "I'll talk to you girls later, right now, keep Dominic away from me!"

The said boy groaned in frustration as Miroslava moved to block off his path. Adamata did the same, both of them glaring up at him.

"Listen, love," the Russian began, hand on her hip as she looked up at Dominic, "I have no idea what you did but you need to stay away."

"Don't make me do something I'll regret, Miro," the boy walked over to her so he towered over her.

Adamata pushed her palm against his chest, "Dominic, come on. You don't want to touch us. You've fucked up already, don't add this incidence to the list, okay?"

The boy began to fume, chest heaving as he glared straight at Adonis and Darjani who was holding on to him.

"He just wants to fuck you, Darja! That's all he's thinking about!" Dominic yelled at them.

Darjani turned back to him, hand on the doorknob, "You knew. All this while you know how I felt about you and you still went to date that girl!" She turned around to face him fully, "I never did anything to purposefully damage you this way!

"I fucking apologised to you because I didn't intend to hurt you, Dominic. I didn't intend to play your feelings because we're friends and I think of you guys far differently than I think of anyone else! So why the fuck would you do this to me?"

"Darjani, I-"

She cut Dominic off, "You were my waking thought every morning, my last thought before I slept. I just comforted myself thinking that you had no idea how I felt! I thought of you as this golden boy, this kindhearted soul out of us fucking bitches!

"But you're so fucking worse because we don't play each other's feelings like this Dominic! We don't do that to each other! God you knew I liked you and you still did this to me! Who the fuck do you think you are to do this to me!"

"Oh my God, Darjani! You're just mad because for once, you didn't have the upper hand. For once, you were the one wrapped around someone's finger. I'm sorry that you were so fucking in love with me you didn't know you were so goddamn obvious!"

Adonis harshly stepped in front of Darjani, "Bro, you need to get your act straight!"

"You guys are such idiots!" Dominic grabbed at his hair in frustration, "She doesn't consider you guys her friends! You're all her fucking puppets and you guys are so okay with that?"

"Listen, sweetheart," Miroslava grinned, "Go home. You need some rest."

Dominic yelled out and then stormed past both of the girls blocking his way. Adonis pulled Darjani away as Dominic reached both of them. He stood by the door for just a moment, then turned back.

"You're all sick fucks," He said.

"Says the boy who went ahead to date another girl knowing full well that his friend liked him," Adonis spat out.

"We're not friends anymore. I can't deal with people who are so materialistic and self-centered. You'd all allow yourself to be used and reduced to servants just for some twinkle of popularity."

With that, he walked out and banged the door behind him. Everyone just stood there. Darjani breathing heavily and with tears streaming down her face, and Adonis holding her to his chest, not caring that she was wetting his school shirt. And Miroslava was frowning at the whole ordeal while Adamata was looking at her, at her fingers, thinking that she was just fucked.

"Let's go, Adonis." Darjani said and pulled him away.

Now it was just Adamata and Miroslava and when the blonde went towards the brunette, the latter held up her hands and stopped the former from getting any closer.

"That was a lapse, Miroslava. A moment of weakness on both our paths. Now let's wipe it off and not talk about it again. I have a boyfriend to get back to and you have some whoring around to do."

So she too left and then only Miroslava was left in her house.

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