Rule 3 • The Queen Always Gets what she Wants

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The whole cafeteria was thrust into disarray. Loud hoots and shouts, sneaky glances and silent whispers erupted from the students of Van Doren prep.

Dominic swore and hastily but carefully pushed Yvonne from his lap. He sharply left the cafeteria and Yvonne got angry  over seeing her boyfriend so riled up. She suddenly bent and leaned towards Darjani.

"What exactly have I done to make you hate me?" She asked through gritted teeth. The girl in question didn't even flinch but looked up to meet her gaze with expert calmness, a sinister smile overtaking her features.

"I'm not the one who posted the video, am I?" She asked, her voice laced with sarcasm and an air of victory. She liked seeing her like that.

"You caused this whole thing! You wouldn't hate me if not for your annoying jealousy!" Yvonne yelled and everyone perked up at his words. "Ruining me won't make him fall in love with yo-"

"Shut up." Darjani said slowly, her smile was gone and her face was down. The fork in her hand bent from the force she applied unto it.

"The truth hurts, doesn't it?" Yvonne said, "But you gotta hear it. He's not gonna leave me for you." And with that, Yvonne fled to find Dominic.

"Well, what are you gonna do?" Miroslava asked, and edge to her tone and a smirk dancing sinisterly on her lips.

"Adonis, you're throwing a party tonight." Darjani instructs, not even looking in his direction.

"And what exactly is your plan?" Adonis asks, a playful expression on his face.

"This bitch is going to pay, and she's going to do so dearly. Tonight I screw her boyfriend, tomorrow I screw her life."

"Very well said." Adamata said as she stared at her queen with pride.

"I, for one, don't doubt that you can get Dominic. After all, you got me." Adonis pointed at himself, biting his lips as he did a little seductive dance on his chair.

"Oh please. Anyone can get you." Miroslava rolled her eyes as she threw some of her food at him. The boy caught it in his mouth and winked at her.

"Please could you dress properly? I prefer not to have my property being displayed so openly." Darjani smiled a little, enjoying the banter between people she actually liked.

"Fuck!" Adonis exclaimed silently, suddenly sitting up in his chair, "I don't think anyone has ever gotten me so turned on with just words."

"What can I say?" Darjani flipped her hair over her shoulders and gave Adonis and playful smile. "I have my charms."

The elites ate the remainder of their lunch in silence and left to their various classes without anymore drama.

Miroslava saw Yvonne and Dominic embracing each other underneath the grand staircase, she smirked to herself knowing that Darjani would be doing much worse with the boy that night.

"Adonis is having a party tonight." The couple looked up at her, "Just thought I'd inform you. And by the way, I guess Adamata shouldn't have sent that video to the entire student body." Miroslava said honestly, leaving them in shock.

'She should've posted in on social media instead."

She smirked at her thoughts, anxious of how the evening would unfold.


The party was well underway when Dominic arrived. Yvonne had to stay at home due to family plans but Dominic couldn't be bothered. He knew very well that his girlfriend's parents disapproved of him due to reasons he couldn't care less about. As he so often put it; he was dating Yvonne and not her parents.

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