Twenty Two

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"you are the one feeling that i can never get over nor want to

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"you are the one feeling that i can never get over nor want to."

This week is the last week filled with practicing at the gym for the performance. The performance is happening in less than a month which I am very nervous about.

Ms. Primel has been saying that all of us girls are looking good with this new routine. I think we are doing good too.

A few days ago, Grayson and I kissed. During the weekend I have mainly been thinking about him. I can't get that stupid kiss out of my head.

When I got inside my room, I went to take a shower to cool off and then when I went to bed, he was on my mind and then I did something I have never done before.

I fingered myself.

At first, it felt good and all I was thinking about was Grayson and him touching me. But then when I was done, I felt disgusted with myself, so I went to go take another shower.

My dad thankfully didn't ask where I was or why it took long for me to get home, but I did want to ask him about Myles and the underground ring, but I knew he would get mad if I asked. My mom was sleeping when I came home but my dad was in the kitchen getting water so that's why he called me when I was kissing Grayson.

But all my dad asked was if I had fun and I told him that I had fun, but I was tired. I was nervous being around him because I thought he would notice how flustered I was and if my lips were puffy or not.

But now I am at the gym for one of the last practices and Grayson of course is going to be here.

I came a little bit late because my alarm didn't go off this morning. Then when I was getting ready for practice, I kept dropping everything in my bathroom.

This morning I am just a mess.

I can't think straight when I walk inside the gym, and I don't know if it's because I have been thinking about Grayson or if it's just because I am tired.

Pretty sure it's the first one though.

My eyes look around the gym to hopefully find Grayson and when they do I feel the butterflies in my stomach go crazy again.

I ignore the blood creeping up my neck, making me blush as I walk over towards the punching bag that Grayson was next to. I grab the wraps and gloves that were in the bin, and I start wrapping my hands.

A few nights ago, I finally learned how to wrap my hands because I don't want to keep asking Grayson for help.

When I am done wrapping my hands, I put on the boxing gloves and walk over to the bag that was a few feet away from Grayson.

Grayson is currently on his phone, texting. My eyes wander to the screen, just to see if I can get a peek at who he is texting.

Oh my god stop Willow, you're not his girlfriend and definitely not a possessive person.

I turn my head to look at the bag and I throw one jab at it.

I block Grayson out of my mind as I start to throw more jabs to the bag making it move a little.

Every time I punch a punching bag and see it move a little, I also feel so proud of myself because it shows how strong I am, physically, even though it's probably easy for a lot of people to throw punches to a punching bag.

While still punching the punching bag, I feel a hard chest press against my back.

"You shouldn't just do jabs," Grayson whispers in my ear and I feel his hands touch my waist.

The butterflies are back.

"Well, you haven't taught me how to do more than just jabs," I argued, trying to put a guard up between us.

Like hell, I will open up to Grayson when all he has done is hurt me.

"Well, you haven't asked."

"I didn't know I need to ask you to help me with something." I turn around to look at Grayson.

"You don't. But it would have been nice if you asked so that I knew where your head would be at."

I feel like this convocation isn't about jabs anymore.

I narrow my eyes at Grayson and cross my arms over one another.

"I don't need to ask you if I wanted to do something or not Grayson. If I want to do something I will do it."

"Are we still talking about jabs Willow?" Grayson raised his eyebrow.

"Get your hands off of me Grayson," I demanded, and he smirks.

"I thought you liked it when I touch you?" Grayson tilts his head to the side a little.

A blush creeps up to my cheeks and I feel the butterflies in my stomach as he rubs his finger up and down my lower stomach.

"You're a douche Gray," I said. "Get your hands off of me before I tell Ms. Primel that you are distracting me.'

"You didn't yell for help for I kissed you yesterday. If I remember correctly moaned and kissed me back. I bet you touched-"

I don't give him a chance to finish what he was saying, instead, I bring my hand up and slapped him across the face.

Why is he being such a dick?

I get his hands off of me and was about to yell at him, but his lips found mine and the butterflies are going fucking crazy in my stomach.

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