✶ Judging Rubric & Tips ✶

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Judges, please read the following info and judge based on that

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Judges, please read the following info and judge based on that. At least 10 chapters should be read (the more, the better though).


You must leave at least 5 long (5-6 sentences) or 10 short (2-3 sentences) constructive comments in the first 10 chapters, all with the tag #tsc22. More details about this will be given later in this chapter.


If a book meets every point mentioned below, it is considered 'flawless'. While judging, try to spot the strengths, but also the weaknesses. There is always room for improvement— even if minimal— but sometimes you have to look harder than you usually would. This guide can help you pinpoint those weaknesses. Just because a book is flawless in one aspect (i.e. grammar, pacing) it does not mean there is no room for improvement.


❖ Title, Cover and Blurb (10 points)
• The title is attention-grabbing and memorable, while simultaneously relevant to the story and genre.
• The cover includes the title in a legible font.
• The cover reflects the genre of the book.
• The cover is aesthetically pleasing.
• The picture/theme of the cover is relevant to the story.
• The blurb reflects the main plot of the story.
• The blurb does not give away any unnecessary spoilers.
• The blurb is short and hooks the reader.

Opening Chapter (10 points)
• The first chapter or prologue is intriguing.
• It leaves the reader hanging and wanting to read more.
• The chapter builds up to the introduction of the story's main conflict (in case of a prologue that takes place in the past, it is suspenseful).

Pacing and Fluidity (20 points)
• The story is not too fast-paced, or too slow. If the writer drags out or rushes past certain scenes, it is done purposely and with good reason.
• Each chapter has a role in the story. There are no unnecessary fillers that do not serve a purpose to the storyline.
• The transitions from chapter to chapter and from one scene to the next are smooth. No big time jumps are made unless absolutely necessary.
• The story does not move too slowly. Interactions between characters are happening frequently, and there is action often in the story.
• Themes and events aren't repetitive. If there is repetition at any point, it is done purposely.
• Dialogue and descriptions find a good balance, so there isn't too much of one and too little of the other. This means there are no info-dumps—necessary information is revealed little by little, not all at once which can be overwhelming and boring for the reader.
• Sentences flow well together. They are not too short or too long (unless it's done purposely).

Character Portrayal (20 points)
• All characters are three-dimensional; their reactions to events that take place are reasonable.
• Emotions are described in depth, especially at critical points in the story.
• The characters are not shown as perfect; they all have their flaws like any person does. Some flaws may be eliminated or diminished as the story progresses, but it happens gradually and because of different events that take place.
• The characters have their own unique personalities, which are consistent throughout the story. Their actions reflect their personality; there are no out-of-character reactions to events that take place.

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