🍁 Participant Forms 🍁

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Here are the participant forms for the fall contest!

Please make sure to fill out the form EXACTLY LIKE THE EXAMPLE BELOW. The Seasonal Patrol Member tag, especially, is very important. All forms that do not fill that out correctly WILL BE IGNORED.

Also make sure to FOLLOW ALL THE RULES mentioned in the 'Rules and Requirements' section. Every form will be checked thoroughly before acceptance, so please do follow all the rules from the beginning to spare us from having to point out which ones you have not followed. If we send you back to follow some rules, and in the meantime another participant signs up, they will be added to the list first. This means that if, while you go back to follow some rules, another participant signs up and takes the last slot, you will need to enter in another category (if possible) or wait until next season.

Lastly, books which have won a place in our contests before WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Runner-ups may enter after a season has passed (i.e. if you were a runner-up in winter, you may enter again in summer). You may always enter another book which hasn't won, though.


Category (state only 1):
Genre (state only 1, and if it's a fanfiction do let us know):
Word count (for "ephemeral": no. of chapters OR reading time OR status) :
Maturity Rating (look in the FAQs):
Past Participation (look in the FAQs):
Tags (at least 7):
Tag your DSPM:

NOTE #1: The tags refer to users who may be interested in this contest, and not tags of your story. Please use the '@' sign and type the username afterwards. If you are new and don't know anyone yet, state that on your form and we will check to see if it is indeed true. If it is, no need to do the tags.

NOTE #2: To know what to write in the DSPM, Past Participation, Category and Mature Content blanks, please look in the FAQs section of this book. There is an exact answer you will need for those that you cannot come up with on your own.

NOTE #3: Fanfictions will only be accepted if the book can be read and understood without someone having prior knowledge of the fandom. If the lack of knowledge (events, places etc. that are a given for fans and not explained) makes it hard for someone to understand, it will not be accepted. If it is able to be read without prior knowledge, it may be entered under any category and genre it fits in.


Open = More than 5 slots are open.
Almost full = There are 5 or less slots left.
Last Slot = There is only 1 slot left.
CLOSED = No more forms are accepted this season. Please don't comment any more forms if the category is full. You can always come back next season!

You can look in the "Categories" section if you want to see the exact amount of slots that are filled. If you have any questions after reading the FAQs chapter, feel free to ask us in the comments right here!


Please comment your form in-line with the category of your book. Max amount of books you can enter is 2, but in different categories.


EPHEMERAL ~ Almost Full [1 judge needed]

THRILL-SEEKING ~ LAST SLOT [1 judge needed]

ENDEARING ~ CLOSED [0 judges needed]

OCCULT ~ CLOSED [0 judges needed]


‼️ If we do not reply to your form WITHIN 48 HOURS, please do tag us and let us know ‼️

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