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3rd Person POV

"What is a spatial gate?!"

"How can a person give someone a beast will?!"

"Only bests can pass their will!!"

"Hold up!! There is nothing above white core this doesn't make any sense!!"

There were few of the questions shouted after seeing last sentences. What they read was contradictory to everything they knew. The only gates they heard about were teleportation gates but creating one of them was impossible or so they thought. Next sentence was even more confusing, Sylvia gave Arthur her best will but only mana bests were capable of doing this and Sylvia couldn't be a mana best. Last but not the least the supposed message Arthur will receive after passing white core. Never once in their lives they heard about stage past white, let alone leaving a message that will reveal itself after passing certain core stage. This will require connecting it directly to mana core but no one ever done that.

"Silence" X voice enhanced with sound magic make everyone quiet. After all the time all of them spend in this place it became clear that X authority is absolute.

"Anybody with question rise your hand. I will let you ask them one by one."

"What type of bullshit is it?! There is no stage past white!! She was probably just a crazy old woman. Previous videos at least were useful but I have no intention of wasting my time on some crazy bitch!" Blaine shouted. (We all know that he has really short temper and this whole reaction was showing a commoner being better than him in everything. His mind simply refused to accept that there is stage past white because it will mean that even his lances wouldn't be the strongest.)

When last words leaved Blaine's mouth temperature in the room drastically decreased. Second later killing intent overwhelmed each and every person, only Leywin family seemed unaffected.




Arthur demanded while glaring at X and trying to break free from spell that was keeping him on his chair. Tone of his voice send shivers down everyone spine.

X stood unaltered with his eyes closed. Blaine at whom Arthur killing was concentrated was already on his knees gasping for air. In an instant X vanished and reappeared beside Arthur placing a hand on his shoulder. In that moment all tension in the air disappeared.

"Don't let anger control you. It never ends good. Trust me I am older than all living creatures combined."

"He needs to pay for what he said about Sylvia."

Arthur resolve didn't waver as he keep glaring at X with full hostility.

"These are to separate things. Anger blinded you to the point where you didn't even notice that your killing intent was suffocating all people present. I blocked its effect on your parents and sister but tell me, is simple revenge worth hurting your love ones?"

"No, it isn't." Replied Arthur instantly realising his mistake. Sylvia wouldn't want him to endanger his family defending her name. She was above it, she was to kind for it.

"And you."

This time X reappeared in front of Blaine, who was trying to steady his breathing only for it to skyrocket again. Before him stood X with his eyes finally open, this sight terrified more than anything he experienced before. Where normally supposed to be pupils was a pitch-black space with purple light emitting from the centre. This 'eyes' were staring directly at his soul consuming him from within.




Then X snapped his fingers and purple light covered Blaine.


Scream of pure agony filled the theatre.

"Now let me explain a few things."

"One, spell I used on you is named "purgatory". It activates nervous system creating pure pain, prevents your brain from going unconscious and speed up the time around you. I used around 10% of maximum pain for ten seconds. If you ever dare disrespect someone I hold in high regards again I won't be as gentle."

"Two, Sylvia wasn't crazy or liar."

"Three, there are people who will kill you without hesitation for what you just said so be grateful."

X teleported himself at scene again with his eyes returning to normal.

"Now to clarify some things. Spatial gate is almost identical to teleportation gate but you can create it anywhere. Yes, there is a level beyond white stage. It is theoretically possible to reach but almost impossible in practice. Last, Sylvia wasn't a human, elf or dwarf, she was a Asura and yes, she gave Arthur her beast will. What exactly are asuras you will find out after a little break."

A/N: I wanted to use this idea of spell for some time. Here is a detailed description:

Lightning magic activate every nervous system receptor in the body at the same time creating the most amount of pain possible.

Vivum is preventing person from going unconscious, aging and healing his nervous system instantly.

Aevum speed up time around a person making him experience a set amount of time when for everyone else it was only a fraction of a second. 

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