False Deities

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"We already wasted enough time because of some people so I will get straight to reaction. Any objections?"

"No? Good, first some information about Asuras."

The Asura are a species that reside on the continent of Epheotus and are regarded as legendary deities by the inhabitants of Dicathen.

For few moments there were complete silence. They were ready for some very powerful race of unknown mages or even intelligent mana beasts but never would they expect that asuras were literal deities.

"D-D-Deities." Muttered Blaine

"If Sylvia was a deity and Arthur has her will... Doesn't that make him some sort of demigod?" Asked Alduin astonished

"Don't jump to conclusions that quick, we don't know everything yet." Virion stated, he clearly remembered that Arthur told him that he got his will from a dragon.

"Sylvia was a deity? But she never told me that, she even confirmed that she was a dragon."

"You were too fixated on one word. It was clearly written that asuras are regarded as deities not that they are deities. Calling Sylvia a dragon is also correct."

"Now things are getting more and more unthinkable. My student is a quadra elemental mage, master swordsman and a Dragon tamer." Said Glory

"Don't forget about us when you become popular." Said Adam winking at Arthur

"And who are you??"

"Damn that must hurt" Helen said trying her best to hold a laugh

"But for real this time. No matter what happens in the future family will always be my priority."

"And that's my son. I raise him well."

"What do you mean? I was the one who raise him we discussed this already." Stated Alice

They are incredibly powerful in comparison to humans, elves, and dwarves, having very high levels of control over mana, highly developed martial arts, and physical prowess, and are inferred to be able to go beyond the white core phase.

"So going beyond white core really is possible. No wonder that we mistake them for deities." Said Merial

"Can I ask how much stronger they are than us?" Kaspian asked curious

"Adult asuras could defeat all 6 lances without much difficulties. As for some examples, Kordri could probably defeat them without using any mana, Wren Kain IV will just make golems more powerful than them." 

"T-t-they could just wipe all of the Dicathen, ignorance really is a bliss. Now I won't be able to stop thinking about it, goodbye sleep." Claire wasn't the only one clearly shaken by this information

"Do not be afraid, they don't have any reason to attack us..." Blaine was interrupted by X

"Beside that you called the princes of the most powerful asuran clan a 'bitch', tried to separate her daughter from the person she entrusted her with by force, let your guards attack him... Do I need to continue?"

"..." It was at this moment Blaine knew... He fucked up

They have not been seen to physically age past a certain point and (at least some of them) can control their appearance. The Asura have guided humanity throughout the ages providing the races of Dicathen with the artifacts.

"Could you specify what are these artifacts?" Asked Vincent

"This information is known only to Royal families and it should remain as such." Panicked Blaine said trying to hide only advantage he still has.

"Artifacts are objects with the ability to transfer huge amount of mana to someone's core. Every race has two artifacts that are used to make lances skip from silver to white core, it also contains a curse that prevent them from disobeying orders." X ignored Blaine

"C-c-curse?" Tessia asked

"Yes, it isn't controlling them completely but they can't attack wielder of the artifact or directly refuse an order."

"My baby will never become someone toll! Arthur when you get a offered a position of a lance in the future you must refuse!" Shouted Alice

"I think there is a misunderstanding. Arthur become a lance in the future but he never used an artifact, because it prevents a user from advancing further. Also, there is an agreement between royal families that making family member a lance is prohibited and as things are going, he may be a future king of Elenoir." Clarified X winking at Arthur and Tessia that were trying to hide their blushing faces

"But is a story for another time now it's time for Sylvia's second message." 

A/N: I was planing on making Sylvia's second message in this chapter but then it will probably take me one or two days more to write and I write only on weekends.

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