Run With Me [1]

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Katsuki was so, so tired. Everything hurt. He couldn't focus so he kept getting hurt in training. He was tired of it, the scritch-scratch feeling of dread and fear.

All those run-ins with villains didn't really serve as inspiration to be number one. Instead, he found himself drowning in constant thoughts of running away from it all.

No one would miss him, he only drew in the villains. The media even believed his thoughts. He must be seriously villainous to draw all this attention.

Like that sludge villain. He'd... Katsuki almost died. No one stepped in to save him. No one wanted to help the villainous boy.

The feeling of slowly being drowned always followed when he thought about this. Like he was right back in the villain's grasp, stuck and unable to breathe. Like he was being pushed down and crushed.

He couldn't breathe sometimes.

At first, Katsuki had assumed that everyone got moments like this, but no one looked like they could understand. They wouldn't understand.

So he kept it to himself.

They couldn't help after all. And neither could he.

So here he was, the little villainous hero student, stuck in his thoughts as he walked through town. Maybe if he stayed silent, he would be unnoticeable by the villains. By the media, by his classmates, by those people all around.

The smell of cigarette smoke lingered in the air, mixing with the smell of different alcohols as he walked by a bar and its surrounding vicinity. Sometimes he thought of disappearing like the paycheck of an alcoholic. He sometimes thought about doing what he told Deku to do in middle school. It was a little poetic, wasn't it? The villainous kid who strived to be a hero turning himself away to fall back to nothing. His parents barely believe in him to be a hero, his mother always makes comments on how he was weak and an embarrassment. 

Katsuki was so tired. Sighing, he looked up from the concrete walkway to see sky. It was rather cloudy today. Just like him. A jumbled mess that somehow looked put together. He jerked when something caught him by his jacket. 

"You're going to walk into someone Bakugou"

He froze. Whoever it was knew his name. Was it a villain? He recognized the voice, he must've seen the villain before. What was he supposed to do? If there was one, there'd be more. But where? He couldn't breathe, he was drowning again. Why? Why, why, why?

Being pulled into an alleyway, Katsuki could only gasp out desperate breaths. He was drowning, he was drowning. A hand ran itself through his hair and he curled into himself a little more. His eyes were shut tight. He was drowning. 

"Hey. Can you hear me? Bakugou?" Shaking his head, Katsuki tried to breathe. He didn't want to be here. He didn't want to be anywhere. Please. He couldn't breathe, always sinking  down into this sludge. Drowning, he was drowning. And no one was here to save him but himself.

"Hey" The person continued. "Relax for me. I'm Kariage. You're Bakugou. Relax"

He knew that name. From where? The person seemed to know him. Were they not a villain? Were they not trying to kill him? Katsuki forced his eyes open. 

There stood Kariage. His hair just as it had been back in middle school, albeit a little longer and more fitting. Katsuki could only stare. Kariage. It was Kariage. Someone who'd known him before all this villain kidnapping and accusing stuff. 

Katsuki found himself being pulled into a hug. He was shorter than the other still, but for once, it didn't feel so bad. He took in shaking, stuttering breaths. "Hey" He finally responded. 

Word Count: 630

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