Run With Me [10]

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Katsuki couldn't take his eyes off Kariage's figure. The boy was now dressed in something that reminded him of a wetsuit.

He snapped a photo with his phone before they started. Kariage better win. As soon as it started, Katsuki swore he'd never been more excited. The noise, the sight, everything.

He'd never been to a race like this.

Kariage, despite the face that Katsuki couldn't see his face, looked serious. It was a body language that left his heart pounding.

When another horn sounded, and they took off. It was entrancing. Katsuki couldn't help the little 'woah' that left his lips. He could hear a snort to his left and he turned. One of the women looked at him, returning his gaze. His lips twitched down at her teasing smile.

"You've never been to one of these races, have you?"


"Who'd you come with?"

Katsuki didn't answer her, turning back to the race with a click of his tongue. Kariage wasn't for the likes of them. He was Katsuki's friend. He didn't need them asking questions and making comments.

Kariage wasn't in the lead. He was in third and Katsuki could tell the boy was going to pull ahead around this bend. The only reason he could tell was the hero training he'd been doing. Sticking close to the edge during turns let you skip over using unnecessary energy and closing distances between him and whoever he was chasing.

So he smirked when the curve came and Kariage turned more than the others, gliding his bike into second place.

He could barely contain the excitement and anticipation he felt bubbling in him. It was beyond any feeling he'd ever had. He loved it. He loved being here with Kariage.

As friends of course. Kariage was his best friend and he wasn't one to hand out titles like that about anyone.

His little group weren't his friends, they were tolerable extras. His class? Annoying extras. His teacher? Hundred percent someone he secretly looked up to.

But Kariage? Kariage was his friend. His best friend who he could talk to and be happy with. Kariage was his raft. Kariage kept his mind off of everything.

It was the final lap and Kariage was fighting for first place. Him and some other rider were next to each other. Kariage had to win.

The guy he was battling for first with didn't let him pull the corner cutting movement he'd done before. They were meer meters from the finish when Kariage sped up, his bike pushing past whatever it had been at the whole race. The exhaust became visible as the teen pulled ahead.

Kariage won.

Katsuki pinched himself in order to contain himself. He wanted to cheer and celebrate, to rub it in to the extras in the room that his best friend had won, not whoever they came with.

He couldn't contain his grin though, the way his expression lit up and he seemed to radiate a proud glow.

"Kariage brought you, then?"

"Obviously" He replied as he stood and made his way out of the room. He watched as his friend received his medal. Damn right Kariage won. He was better than those extras.

He leant up against a wall as he waited for his friend to change. He decided to finally message his classmates so they didn't call the heroes time find him.


•Cool kids class chat•

FuckOff: I've decided to grace you extras with a response 4:21

FuckOff: So hi and bye 4:21

Detroit Smash: Kacchan! 4:21

FuckOff: Oh look, it's the stalker 4:21

Alien Queen: Blasty!! Hows your– (; 4:22

Manly Man: Hey bro!  4:22

FuckOff: It's not and we're not so Shut. The. Fuck. Up. 4:22

Detroit Smash: Wait!! Is this about who I think it is??? 4:23

FuckOff: No 4:23

PikAchoo: That was a fast response 4:23

PikAchoo: A VERY fast response 4:23

Tenya Iida: Bakugou, where are you right now? Mr. Aizawa needs to know where you went and why. Come back to Yuuei. 4:24

WatashiTape: Ew is that grammar?? 4:24

FuckOff: I regret messaging you extras 4:24

Tenya Iida: Bakugou! This is a matter of safety! 4:25

Alien Queen: Don't worry, he's in VERY good hands (; 4:25

FuckOff: I said shut up about that 4:25

Alien Queen: Aww you're no fun ): 4:26

FuckOff: I'm done 4:26


Katsuki huffed. They were so nosey. Can't they find something else to gossip about? He didn't need them following him around like all these villains do.

The door then opened. Kariage walked in with a medal around his neck. "Guess who won?"

"The girl in pink" Katsuki replied, stuffing his phone into his pocket. "Good job" he muttered as he walked towards the boy.

"You're such a tsundere! So cute"

His palms subconsciously crackled as he glared at the dark-haired teen. This only served to make Kariage laugh harder, using a hand to block his mouth from view.

Kariage had a pretty laugh.

Could friends even think that? Well of course they could, he just did. He was letting his classmates mess with his mind. They were friends.

Katsuki felt like it was an endless loop of him reminding himself that they were just friends. He knew what he had to do. Did get want to do it? No. Did he have to? Yes.

"Let's go back to my house and get whatever spicy stuff you wanted. Sound good?"

"Sounds good" Katsuki replied.

Word Count: 947

I have a very bad idea and I might use it depending on how much worse it gets

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