Run With Me [15]

244 16 4

"You ready?"

Katsuki nodded, following his friend out of the apartment. He paused to let the boy lock the door.

Since there was a chance of light rain in the afternoon, he'd borrowed a sweater. Of all the things to forget, of course that was the one thing he hadn't thought to grab.

Kariage himself had his own jacket, something that fit his looks, patches of different colours and designs scattered across the black leather.

"Hey, lemme grab an umbrella, wait up"

"If it rains while we're driving, then what?" Katsuki asked, watching as his friend zipped a condensed umbrella into his backpack.

"Then we get wet? Not much we can do about it. I don't usually go out of it's raining, but it might not so we're going anyways. Plus, why would I miss my date with you?"

"Date?" He whispered to himself. Had Kariage really called this a date? Then... did Kariage like...


That wasn't possible, he was so villainous monster. This was just a trip. Just two friends going to see popular spot for couples...? Katsuki sighed to himself as he reached for the blue helmet he'd claimed. Kariage had gotten a dark indigo colour for his own.

He was too much into his head, it was messing with his perception. Nothing had changed between them, he needed to stop putting unnecessary meanings into things.

Katsuki was simply going to Tokyo with a friend. He needed to stop this overthinking shit.

"Come on, hop on"

Katsuki did as directed, snapping out of his thoughts to settle his gaze on his friend. The boy's tongue darted out to lick his lips and Katsuki found himself unconsciously copying.

It was an interesting habit. He couldn't help but wonder if it was from smoking, perhaps the cigarette wrapping bothered his lips?

Nonetheless, he settled comfortably onto the bike, looping his arms around the teen's waist. It wasn't good out, but the warmth that the boy gave off reminded him of the feeling that you get when you walk into a warm building, away from a chilly wind.

It was nice, he felt safer here than at Yuuei.

Katsuki liked Kariage's motorcycle, it let him escape, it let him run away in a way that didn't have him hurting.

He liked being with Kariage. It was safe with Kariage.

Through his helmet, Katsuki watched the scenery pass by. The buildings eventually cut off as they entered the expressway.

Trees lined most of the road, though he let them fade into the background as he observed the vehicles around them. Katsuki took to creating stories for each one, ranging from being on the run from a yakuza boss to being on a quest to retrieve a magical artifact.

He enjoyed the wind rustling his clothes, he was free. Kariage rode like this all the time, it was a wonderful feeling. He could see why Kariage was so into it.

He was open to the world, yet still escaping it. Free, he was free. Just him, Kariage and the open road.

A truck passed by and Katsuki found himself burrowing further into his friend's back, enjoying the comfort it brought as he continued to make stories for the vehicles. The truck right there? Secretly full of precious artworks and headed to an auction. Perfect disguise from thieves. 

As they rode, Katsuki couldn't shake off the feeling of contentment that enveloped him. Despite the uncertainties and complexities of life, the simplicity of this moment felt like a respite. With each passing mile, he found himself letting go of the burdens he carried, if only for a little while.

And in the quiet of the journey, he realized that perhaps, amidst the chaos of the world, there were moments of peace to be found in the company of another.

Kariage really was his raft, his island, his safety in this hellscape.

As they neared Shinobazu Pond, the scenery shifted from the bustling cityscape to a serene oasis. The sounds of traffic were replaced by the gentle rustling of leaves and the occasional chirping of birds.

Katsuki couldn't help but marvel at the tranquility of the place, a stark contrast to the chaos of their everyday lives.

Kariage parked the motorcycle and they began walking to the boardwalk. The reflection of the surrounding trees danced upon the surface of the pond, creating a mesmerizing spectacle.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still, and Katsuki found himself grateful for this opportunity to escape the noise of the world and simply be present in the moment.

Katsuki and Kariage found a quiet spot by the edge of the pond, where they could lean on the rail and take in the beauty of their surroundings. The gentle breeze played with their hair as they watched the water ripple softly, reflecting the colors of the sky above. It was a peaceful scene, one that seemed to envelop them in a bubble of serenity.

Despite the citizens and tourists around, it felt like they were alone. It felt like it was just him and Kariage in this world.

Just them.

As they stood there in a comfortable silence, Katsuki couldn't help but steal glances at his friend. Kariage's profile against the backdrop of the pond was striking, his features softened by the golden light of the morning sun. There was a sense of ease between them, a silent understanding that didn't need words to be expressed.

Lost in the moment, Katsuki felt a warmth spread through him, a feeling of connection that went beyond friendship. He realized then that perhaps there was more to their bond than he had previously thought. Maybe, just maybe, there was something deeper between them, something worth exploring.

But for now, as they sat side by side, watching the sun reflect on the water, Katsuki pushed aside his thoughts and simply enjoyed the peace of the moment. With Kariage by his side, he knew that no matter what, he would always cherish their friendship.

Friendship, yeah.

That's all he needed.

Word Count: 1010


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