Oliver Wood- Dynamic Duo

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Hai weirdo's!!!

Plot line is listed below. Hope you enjoy!!!

Okay in this one you and Oliver Wood are on the same Quidditch team (meaning you're a Gryffindor)

P.S you are a chaser in this one just so it makes sense.


The air had a slight chill to it as Y/N stood by the entrance to the pitch, broom in hand. It was the biggest quidditch game of the year. Gryffindor vs. Slytherin.

Oliver Wood, Y/N's Captain and best friend since 2nd year was goalie. Y/N was a chaser. "Aaaand now introducing Slytherins biggest rivals...THE GRYFFINDOR QUIDDITCH TEAM!!" Lee Jordan announced the team through the intercom. Everyone mounted their brooms, flew out the doors and into the sunlight. The watching Gryffindors were going nuts.

In groups of two following behind the seeker Harry Potter, the team circled the pitch. Y/N reached out and gave a few high fives to a group of first years. Turning their head away from the crowd, Y/N glanced at Oliver who was flying next to them.

He gave them a small smile and nod of encouragement as everyone lined up at the center of the pitch. The goalies took their positions and Madam Hooch came out to the field.

"Now I want a good clean match," Hooch said spinning in a circle looking each player in the eye. Grudgingly everyone nodded promising her that no one would die during the match. Once completing her circle she continued. "This match will determine the winner of the Quidditch cup. So give it your all today and let the match...begin!" She opened the crate at her feet and out flew the snitch and bludgers. Madam Hooch grabbed the quaffle and tossed it in the air.


"And another point scored by Gryffindors most popular chaser. Y/N has racked up a total of 60 points so far in this game. Our dynamic duo of Y/N and Oliver Wood are on fire today," Lee Jordan announced. Sweat littered Y/N's face and back. It got in their eyes as they flew around the pitch. Gryffindor was winning, but not by much.

"Oi! Y/N!" Oliver called about 50 feet from them. He had the quaffle in his hand. They knew what he wanted to do. Oliver and Y/N had been practicing this move for weeks leading up to this match.

They flew over and he tossed them the quaffle. They caught it with ease. Just as predicted two Slytherin chasers flew towards Y/N at full speed. At the last second they darted up and over the chasers causing them to head butt each other.

Not allowing themselves to get distracted they gave the signal to Harry who found the snitch and began darting after it. Inching closer and closer to the Slytherin goal post everything was going according to plan.

A Slytherin beater fired a bludger on Y/N's right. They dove straight down in an effort to avoid it. They heard the crowd gasp in fear. This was not part of the plan. The ground was approaching rapidly but Y/N had to time it perfectly for this to work. Another Gryffindor chaser yelled for Y/N to pull their broom up. They were getting too close for everyone's liking.

Centimeters from the ground Y/N pulled their broom and leveled out. They heard the bludger slam into the soft earth behind them. Tugging their broom up they tossed the quaffle to another chaser following with the play at hand. They began passing it back and forth knowing what would come next.

Oliver appeared on Y/N's right leaving the goal open. One wrong move and the play would fail. They caught the quaffle and Oliver flew ahead. The other chasers pretended to have the quaffle and distracted the remaining Slytherin chasers. The beaters were one bludger down and tried to play defense. They had the Slytherins thrown into a wave of confusion. Just as Oliver planned.

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