Dean Thomas- Pregnant

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Hiya weirdos!!

Okay so THIS IS POST HOGWARTS THEY ARE ALL AGED UP AND OVER THE AGE OF 21.  Figured I'd just get that out of the way.  This is a super happy one since some of the recent ones have been really sad.  Also you are female in this one!

Hope you enjoy!!


Your POV

It was an early spring morning.  The birds were chirping.  The sun was shining.  Everything was just so beautiful.  My husband Dean had already left for work so I was enjoying the remainder of my morning outside on our back porch.

I was off from work today so I had a full list of house chores to do.  I finished my coffee and began to make my way inside. 

"Okay," I said aloud to myself as I began making a mental list of what all I had to do.  "Let's see.  I'll start in the kitchen and work my way upstairs."  I cast a few cleaning spells to help speed up the process.


Finally, I finished the downstairs.  'Something doesn't feel right,' I thought to myself.  A wave of nausea passed over me.  The room began to spin and I ran for the bathroom. 

Something definitely doesn't feel right.  Something is clearly wrong.  Leaning over the toilet I began vomiting (sorry if this makes you uncomfortable).  My mind was going a million miles a second.  Why had I suddenly gotten sick?? Was it the coffee?? No that can't be it I drink that every morning.

After a few moments I was able to lean back and catch my breath.  To say I was scared shitless was an understatement.  I carefully made my way out of the bathroom and upstairs.  I had a hunch as to what this could be.

I got dressed my hands were shaking as I touched every piece of clothing.  I grabbed my wand and placed it at my hip and grabbed my car keys.

My feet thundered down the stairs as I ran for the door.  I got in my car and drove to the nearest drug store.  My heart was pounding as I pulled into the nearest parking spot.  I took a few small breaths trying to calm my racing heart.  'I don't need to go in there looking like a lunatic' I told myself as I opened the door.

I walked inside and made my way towards the women's section.  Scanning the shelves I looked for the pregnancy tests.  "Excuse me miss? Is there anything I can help you find?" A store clerk who had been stocking the shelves in that row looked at me.

I panicked and quickly shook my head no.  He nodded and smiled grabbing his box and walked to the isle behind me.  I sighed heavily and began looking at the tests.  Grabbing a few I made my way to the front of the store paid and walked back to my car.

"That was the most stressful shit I think I've ever done," I said aloud as I drove home.


The clock read 3:30 pm.  Dean was going to be home in two hours.  That's two hours of taking these tests and disposing of them when they come back negative.  I set the three I bought on the bathroom counter in mine and Deans shared bedroom and followed the instructions.

Now I have to wait. This is the second most stressful point in my life.  I began pacing back and forth from one end of the bedroom to the end of the bathroom and back.

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