Chapter 7

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Arlo POV

I ran across the hallway as about 30 recruits and guards came after me.

Should have kept the blade.

I ran to the front door as I saw 3 guards blocking my way.

Ugh so hard to get out of here...

I jumped up and kicked one of them as he flew to the side. The other were stupid enough to come straight at me as I grabbed their heads and slammed them together.

The door opened and I slammed the controls to make sure it couldn't open.

"Arlo", I heard someone say behind me.

"Ugh Ryan. I so want to kill you but I don't have time." I said as he blocked my way.

"Maybe you should get your memory erased. You would forget about everything. Even me. And we can start new." My blood boiled as he said that.

I kicked him in the nuts as my car came into view.

Great she's still there.

I got into the car as I drove off as fast as I could.


London POV

I saw her destroying the same control panel i saw her typing in 10 minutes ago.

Weird right?

I saw a guy approaching her as she kicked him in the nuts.

Oof that would've hurt.

She started running to the car and she hopped in and drove off.

"What happened in there?" I said confused and curious as I saw tears filling up her eyes.

She wiped them off as she drove even faster looking back once in a while to see if anyone was following her.

"Arlo, I know you kidnapped me and stuff but why are you crying?" I said as she looked at me.

She wanted to say something.

I could tell.

But she didn't.

She turned back to the wheel as more tears left her eyes.

What was it? What happened in there?

I was still thinking about it when the car came to a stop infront of a grove of forests.

"Why are we here?" I asked as she started to untie my wrists.

"Your free ," she said.

"What??? I thought you were suppose to kill me?" I said as she looked back down sniffling.

"Change of plans" she said as I got out of the car.

She looked at me one more time as she drove off not looking back again.

I was even more confused than I was in the car.

I realized that she had dropped me off 5 miles before the entrance to my town.

I started walking trying to figure out what happened.

But for now, I wanted to see my friends.

I smiled at the thought of seeing them again.

As I neared my town, there was a policemen looking around the woods.

He saw me and ran to me looking relieved.

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