Chapter 10

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London POV

I woke up groggily as I went down to go get food before getting changed.

As I walked down the sweet smell of jam and toast filled my nose.

I didn't notice that there was a figure right behind me as he grabbed my mouth and trapped me in his hold.

"London!!!," Becca screamed as she came after the figure behind me as he flicked her off like a fly.

I was trying to calm down as I started to feel around his neck to find the paralyzing spot. At last,I did but before I could he let me go as I fell to the ground breathing heavily.

"If you want to live any further , stay away from Arlo.,"he said as he left the door open leaving us in silence.

After catching my breath I crawled over to Becca to check if she was OK.

When I checked her to be fine with no bleeds and cuts, I tried to wake her up.

"Uhhhh,"she said as she opened her eyes.

"Hey he left, we are safe now..." I said as she leaned against the wall trying to regain her strength .

"Who was that?," she said as I looked back out to the door.

"I don't know but it isn't safe to be here anymore." I said as she nodded.

I wanted all of it to be over. So life was back to normal.but one thing he said never left my mind.

Is Arlo why I'm being hunted?


I got up from the ground helping Becca up with me.

"Come on we have practice and we should go so maybe we can learn better to fight and defend ourselves." I said as she smiled.

"Yeah OK OK . " She said as I got upstairs to get changed replaying the event that just occured over and over.

I wore a tracksuit with a crop top and tied my hair into a ponytail as I got down tying my shoes.

"Good, your all done. Can we leave? I don't want to stay here any longer." She said as I nodded.

As soon as we were done with our training we were leaving our apartment .

We got out as we saw Ria,Grey and Black sitting in the car waving at us.

We got in as we drove out without saying anything else.

"Soooo London , are you sure you want to do this? Again, I'm sorry for asking again but its important that you feel safe." Ria said looking back at me .

"Look I know you guys don't really want to do this and I don't too-" I said getting interrupted.

"Great so we don't do it then," Black said as I continued.

"But if it means making sure I live , then I'm all for it. Its risky and I can't promise it will be safe but its worth the shot." I said as Becca smiled grabbing my hand.

"We are all here for you , London. We will help you no matter what." She said as I smiled.

"Yeah, no matter if we get killed or hunted or even out in jail, we will still be your backup," Gray said .

Why did that sound so sarcastic?

I guess he had every right to be mad at me.I mean giving up your life would be a sacrifice and I didn't blame him for wanting not to take the risk.

Me and Becca looked at each other as we both nodded. I told them about what happened this morning as all of them were completely speechless.

"I knew she was bad news. She is trying to kill you," Black said as Becca shook her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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