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"Ugh" I groaned as I heard my alarm ring. I got up and went to my bathroom. I looked into the mirror and sighed, "Disgusting" I said to myself.

I splashed water on my face and looked Back into the mirror. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a towel and dried my face.

I shower and changed into my clothes. I styled my hair and put perfume. I looked into my mirror and stared at myself.

I zoned out thinking and thinking until I heard a knock on my door.

"Y/n? Are you ready for school?" I heard Yuna's voice. "Yeah, I'm done getting ready." I said and walked to the door. I opened it and had a big smile on my face.

"Ready to go!" I said excitingly and she laughed at how "cute" I was. "Me too! Are you hungry? I can ask mom to stop by somewhere?" Yuna said with a smile on her face.

"No, I'm good for now!" I said and ran downstairs laughing.

"Y/n! Good morning to you." My mom said as she gave me a sweet smile and I smiled back at her. "Good morning mom." I said and Yuna came downstairs.

"Good morning mom!" Yuna said and gave her the biggest smile ever.

"Good morning sweetie! Y/n go get the car started. I need to talk to Yuna about her schoolwork." She said and I nodded. I grabbed the car keys and went to turn on the car.

"Shit I forgot my phone." I said and was about to go back into the house when I heard my mom and sister talking.

"Mom I'm sorry I'll pick up my grades!" Yuna said. "Sweetie it's okay. Don't worry but is everything okay?" My mom said to her worried. "Yes mom everything is okay I let them slip a bit don't worry." Yuna said.

"Okay sweetie, Damnit I need to talk to your sister about her grade." She said frustrated. "Damn why Can she be more like you? Straight A student?" She said annoyed.

"Mom, stop she's trying." Yuna said and my mom sighed. "Not hard enough she's a straight B and C student." She said as she let out another sigh. I felt disappointed but this wasn't the first time.

I opened the door and they looked at me. "Sorry, I left my phone upstairs." I said with a smile on my face and quickly got it.

I went back downstairs and into the car where they were waiting for me. I went to the back and sat in silent as they were singing, talking, and laughing together.

I tried to join into the conversation but my own mother didn't respond to me. I kept a smiled on my face and looked outside the window. I looked at the sky and saw how peaceful it looked.

"We're here" Yuna said with a smile. I put my backpack on and got out of the car. I went to Yuna's door and she put the window down. "Bye mom! Have a good day at work." I smiled at her and she gave me a slight smile.

"Thank you y/n. Yuna here's money for food." She said as she handed her 50 dollars. "Thank you!" Yuna said and hugged her. "Here for you y/n." She said and handed me 20 dollars. "Thank you mom!" I said and put the 20 dollars in my backpack.

I opened the door for yuna and went inside school. We showed our IDs to the staff and they let us in. I went to my locker as Yuna followed me. "Y/n! Let's eat something later?" She said and smiled at me. "I don't know." I said and got my locker opened. "Come on please! I'll pay!" She said and smiled at me.

"Mmh? Okay then!" I said and smiled at her. I put my backpack in my locker and felt someone slam my locker. I got scared and I looked up. "God damnit Ni-ki! You scared me!" I said and he laughed. "Morning." He said and we smiled at him.

"Where's sunoo?" Yuna asked and I opened my locker to put some books in there. "He's in class. Saving our seats! Let's go!" He said and I closed my locker. "Let's go!" I said and I grabbed Yuna's and Ni-ki's wrists. We entered class and everyone's eyes were on us.

Yuna being the prettiest and smartest girl in school and Ni-Ki being the most talented and handsome guy in our grade level.
Who wouldn't look at them?

We walked to sunoo and sighed. "Should of came faster! I was so lonely." He said as he started to dramatically complain. We laughed and sat down. I sat next to sunoo while Ni-ki and Yuna sat in front of us.

Not to long people started coming up to them both and gave them gifts, food, and compliments.

Some students came up to sunoo and gave him gifts as well but not me. I guess you can say I was the least attractive in our "squad."

"Ugh, you guys are so lucky." I said and they giggled at me. "Don't worry y/n. You'll get one soon." Ni-ki said and laughed. I rolled my eyes and threw my pencil at him. It hit his head and he laughed at me. "Jealous isn't a good look on you." He said and I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Yuna is so pretty." I heard sunoo say and I looked at him. I smirked at him and raised my eyebrows. "Sunoo? Did I hear that correctly?" I said and laughed. "Yah! Y/n! Don't tease me." He said as he laughed.

"Don't worry sunoo. You got this." I said and winked at him and he rolled his eyes. I laughed and looked over at Ni-Ki. He look at Yuna with eyes that he was in love with her his whole life.

I sighed as I felt my heartache. If only you knew how I felt about you maybe things would change? I doubt it he's not into girl like me.

I looked at sunoo and he stares at her too with those exact same eyes.

It's her

It's always her.

1048 words
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