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I had nothing to do so i called up sunoo.

Sunoo: Y/n? What's up?

Y/n: nothing much. What are you doing right now?

Sunoo: nothing much. Why?

Y/n: come over?

Sunoo: sure! I'll be over in 20

Y/n: okay see you soon! I'm ordering chicken.

Sunoo: really? I'll be their in 5!

I giggled and hung up as I order chicken for both of us.

I heard the door and went to checked the door, It was sunoo. I opened it and let him in. "Sunoo! Put on a movie or a series!" I said and he nodded.

I heard the door and I opened it. I grabbed the food and payed. I brought the food and watched the movie with him.

"Sunoo! No! Why didn't you tell me she died in the end?" I said as tears fell down my face. I heard sunoo laugh at me and I hit him. "Shut up." I said as he wiped my tears away for me.

We threw away our trash as we walked back to the couch as we watched another movie.

5 months later

Everyday felt the same. The world felt like I didn't belong here. I was surrounded by many but still felt lost.

Yuna and Ni-ki were still in love and I felt like crap because I've loved him since I saw him.

Sunoo was still in love with yuna and always talked about her.

Same thing over and over

Why her?

I asked myself to much even knowing why it's always gonna be her and not me.

I've never felt so empty my whole life and the people around me didn't make it better.

If only I could just stop comparing myself to Yuna.

Would everything be different?

If I just had one friend that understood me would I still be here?

313 words

Why her? | ni-ki Where stories live. Discover now