Chapter 7: Now What?

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Aadila walked around the palace happier than ever. Atem had told her that he would inform his father about their decision and it was her job to tell her father. She didn't know if she should just tell him up front or slowly give him the information. As she walked into the room where one of the servants had told her her family was, her smile just got bigger. 

"Aadila, what's with that face?" Her father immediately said. He noticed the joy in her eyes, something that he had only seen once since they came to the palace. It's hard to miss. "Did you get yourself into trouble?" The father chuckled.

"Father, I have something to tell you, but I just don't know how." She said, her smile getting bigger and bigger as she spoke.

"Just tell me Aadila. Unless you broke one of our laws, I don't see the big deal."

"Let me just ask you a question first. Who would you like to see me married to?" Aadila had always wondered this. Her mother had told her once that she was forced to marry her father by her parents. Her mother had never officially met Tarik, but he had noticed her in a crowd and didn't know how to approach her. He had fallen for her at first sight. Her mother said that she was very unhappy during the first few months but after spending a year together, she realized that they really were meant to be. They made each other happy, which to her was the most important thing in a marriage. Aadila also wanted a happy marriage but not one that she was forced into. She is considered 'coming out of her prime' for most girls her age. A lot of her friends were already married to much older men but she knew that they were not happy. 

"A question like that so suddenly? Well, I would have to say a man that can protect you, provide for you, able to understand that crazy intelligence of yours and, most of all, makes you happy." His proud father hugged his daughter. While in the embrace he said, "Why are you wondering?"

"I guess what I am about to tell you will make you as happy as I am now. I am to get married father!" 

"Married!? But to whom?"

"Can you really not think of someone? I thought you would know who it was right when I mentioned the idea of marriage."

"The only person I could see you marrying is someone like the Prince, but his father has already chosen a girl from the nobles to be his wife. So who is it?" 

Aadila thought she heard something wrong. The Pharaoh had already picked a wife for Atem? Impossible, Atem would have known that before asking her. "What did you just say?"

"Who is it? The boy?"

"No, before that. What about the Pharaoh?"

"He has chosen a wife for the Prince about an hour ago. A girl from a noble family. Now tell me who is the lucky young boy and when do I get to meet him?"

"Father, ummm, that's going to have to wait. Excuse me."

Before the young girl could move a step closer to the door her father grabbed her arm stopping her. "Aadila, what's wrong? You have lost the joy in your eyes. It's as if you were about to tell me that the Prince offered you his..." Shock took over Tarik's face. He had realized what had just occurred. "Oh, Aadila. He must not have known when he asked you." He felt horrible. His daughters heart broke because of the news he gave her. "The Pharaoh was going to announce it at dinner tonight in front of everyone."

Tears were forming in Aadila's eyes but she refused to let them fall. "Father can you let me go? I have something I want to do." Slowly, her father let her arm go and as soon as she felt the grip loosen, she ran out of the room.

Little did she know, Atem was going through the same situation as Aadila. His father was sitting with man he had never seen before when he walked into the room.

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