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Aadila was playing with her three other siblings on what seemed to be another regular day. Her older brother, Dakarai, was flirting with the young girls of the town, not filling the duty his parents gave him to look over his three younger siblings. Aadila's youngest sister, Masika, was sitting on the ground, drawing little figures in the dirt with a stick that she found on the way. That's what she wanted it for thought Aadila as she turned her eyes to her twin brother, Ramses, who was admiring the 'skills' of his older brother.

"You really shouldn't get your hopes up Ramses. If you start to act like him, mother and father might decide to disown you. I've heard them talking about it when they thought we were all asleep." That really wasn't the truth but she wished is was. She was disgusted as how Dakarai, who was only 15, could so easily talk to girls and get what he wanted from them. Even though it wasn't much, just a kiss on the cheek, it still caused her to think he was going to regret it when he got older. 

"You really shouldn't lie Aadila! You know the Gods watch our every action and hear our every word! You don't want them to be angry with you. And what's so bad about have girls want to be around you all the time? I don't see why it's so bad."

"Who says I'm lying? They may be thinking it, but no one can read the thoughts of other people. So we may never know if I was lying or just saying what mother and father are thinking. Stay with Masika while I get the things mother sent us out for. I shouldn't be long."

Aadila walked around the town finding the things her mother wanted for the dinner she was making tonight. It seemed that someone from their father's work was coming tonight and as Aadila's mother always is, wanted to impress him with one of her famous meals. She didn't really need much, just a few spices and fruits that they didn't grow on their property and then she made her way back to where she had left her siblings. Masika was exactly where she was when Aadila left, on the ground drawing pictures with the stick. Her two brothers though, weren't where she had left them. Aadila picked up her sister with one hand, as she was three and supported herself, and carried the groceries in the basket with the other. Frantically looking around, she found them within an alley way, talking to two girls and Dakarai seemed to be teaching Ramses the tricks of the trade. 

"Dakarai, Ramses! We must leave quickly! Mother is expecting these goods with hast!" After a couple of minutes, the two boys finally came out of the alley and started following Aadila back. Little did she know that Dakarai had gotten Ramses what he wanted, his first kiss on the cheek, and they were both smiling proudly. 

Aadila was 13 but extremely mature for her age, and the name her mother gave her fit her well. Just, honest and equal. People often said that her name didn't do her justice. After the birth of Masika, her mother became very ill and the family feared that she would not survive through it, so Aadila prepared to take over her mother's roles, just in case. She took on the cooking, watching over her siblings, assisting her father with household chores when he was not at work and took care of the gardens. Aadila's family provided the entire town with most of its fruits and vegetables all year round, so if something happened to those gardens, the town would suffer. Even though her mother survived, it seemed like she didn't fully. She was tired after doing small chores that she normally would be able to do for hours, it also became harder for hold her new born in her arms. She was physically weakened, so Aadila decided to keep up with assisting her mother. 

When they arrived home, their mother was awaiting their arrival at the door, possibly worried that they took so long to pick up so few things. 

"Aadila, what took so long? Could you not find all the items?"

"No mother, I found them all. It's just brother decided to take a few stops."

"Talking to girls again, Dakarai? You really must slow down or you are going to find it difficult to find a girl you will spend the rest of your life with." Their mother replied with a smile.

"Mother, I'm sure I will fine the perfect girl eventually! That's why I'm doing all this." He replied with a smirk.

Setting down her sister, Aadila said, "Mother, would you like some help?"

"No it's fine, sweetheart. I'm almost finished anyway. Why don't you all go wash up before your father and our guests arrive?"

"Yes mother!" They all yelled, running to the room where the bathing water was. 

Aadila assisted her sister as her brothers finished in minutes, then washed up herself. Little did she know, this could possibly be the last time she saw her family this happy.

So this is my first story I'm writing, I hope you enjoyed the prologue! I'm not really sure how long it is going to be yet, but always give ideas of what you think I should do next or later on in the story!

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