Chapter 14: Bakura's Second Victory

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As Aadila was crippled over in pain, the strangers tried to take her off her horse but their hands simply went through her.

"What do you need?!" The blonde asked, with his face looking more freaked out then worried.

"Joey, we can't get her anything anyway!" Tea said.

"I know, but we have to do something! Ahhhh, I hate this!" Joey began to become angry and it wasn't what the group needed. They wanted to help the girl, but they simply couldn't. 

Suddenly there was an explosion behind them and Aadila turned around to see Bakura riding from the gates with his Diabound close behind. Seconds later, the Pharaoh came out trying to catch up with Bakura.

"It's the Pharaoh!" Yugi said with a hint of excitement in his voice. Without even time to blink, Slifer the Sky Dragon came out, following the Pharaoh as he pursued Bakura. 

"This sort da thing used to surprise me, but now. Not so much." Joey said, earning a confused stare from Aadila. 

"Did anyone get a good look at who he was chasing?" Tristan said.

"Bakura..." Tea said, shocked that they had seen him here. 

"Wait, you, uhh, you guys know Bakura!?" Aadila said, with the pain still coursing through her chest.

"Yeah, he was a spirit in our world as well. He was always trying to get the Millennium Items, but the Pharaoh always succeeded in stopping him."

"Okay. I am choosing to really trust you, ahhh!" Aadila pulled out a small piece of papyrus from a small pocket in her cloak and quietly chanted 'Allow the living to ferry the Earth, regarding the living's journey on the barque of Ra to satisfy the ka. Ensure the living know the Pharaoh's soul of East and West to help him triumph over his enemies.' Aadila handed them the piece of papyrus and said, "this will help you find the Pharaoh whenever you wish to see him. Just follow the map and you will always find him, uhhh! I'm going to try and catch up with him. Please, be careful."

"Thank you! You as well." Yugi said, showing the same sincerity that the Pharaoh always had in his eyes. With that, Aadila quickly turned her horse in the direction that the Pharaoh had gone and quickly went after him. "Come on guys! We gotta help!" Yugi said, following the trail of dust Aadila left behind and the map they now possessed. 

Aadila was slowly starting to noticed the pain was going away the closer she got to the Pharaoh, which confused her a little. The last time he summoned an Egyptian God, she was crippled until it was returned to the tablet. She finally saw Slifer protecting some small children and she decided to move to the street over and follow in the shadows. She needs to make sure that she can help the Pharaoh without the notice of Bakura because he might decide to attack her and she can't protect herself while one of the Gods is summoned. Most of the city that the Pharaoh and Bakura had gone past was in flames. People were rushing out of their homes and this only caused bad memories to be resurfaced about Aadila's past. 

Aadila was just a little ahead of the Pharaoh and she noticed that he was doubled over in pain, and, she too, felt some pain. It must have been from the attacks that Slifer was enduring. Bakura finally came to a stop and was on a lookout point where there would normally be a few guards to protect this portion of the city. Aadila put the hood of her cloak up and stayed hidden in the shadows as best she could, she had some power still, but it was very limited. She had to wait to use it at the right time.

"Looks like a dead end, Pharaoh. So much for protecting those precious villagers of yours."

"No harm will befall the people of my kingdom Bakura! Mark my words! Slifer, attack!" 

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