Chapter 17: The Wakening of Zork the Dark One

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"Aadila." A soft but strong voice said in through the shadows, but Aadila thought she was imagining it. Even though she had never been to the Shadow Realm, she thought it was impossible for such a voice to reside there. 

"Aadila, wake up." There is was again! Aadila tried again and again to open her eyes but she couldn't find the strength.

"Aadila, find the light in your heart and open your eyes." The voice said. How can there be light when you are in the Shadow Realm? Isn't that the whole point of it? "Try Aadila. I know you can do it." The voice encouraged. Thinking she might as well try since she had nothing to lose, Aadila searched for the light in her heart. She thought of her family, her friends, but that didn't seem to work. Until, she thought of one person. He had been there for her when she needed him and yet she caused him the pain of losing a parent. She felt a blinding light reach her eyes and looked around in a haze as she adjusted.

"Thank the Gods! If it would have taken you any longer you would have been lost in the Shadow Realm for good." Aadila looked in the direction that the strong and comforting voice had come from. Her vision had still not quite adjusted so the blank stare worried the man. "Do you not recognize me?"

Aadila's eyes finally adjusted and saw the face. "King Aknamkonon?"

"I see I was mistaken. Your eyes seem to be fine," he joked, "but it appears you have done something in your past that caused you to go into the Shadow Realm. What has your pure soul done to deserve such a fate?"

"I can't say. It would only disappoint you." Aadila said, standing up and walking away to see where she was. Where ever it was, it was glorious. Gold beyond where the eye could see, beautiful landscape and glorious buildings. "Where am I?"

"Just beyond my afterlife. All of my ancestors live here in the afterlife and all of my future generations will join us here." Aknamkonon joined Aadila's side and looked onto the guilt ridden face of the girl. "My girl, you must assume that I already know what has happened. After all, I am in contact with the Gods."

"I don't think that the Gods would have told you this, Pharaoh."

"Simply saving a young boy is nothing to be ashamed of. There are worse things you could do."

"That is not the only thing I have done though." Giving the girl a confused look, Aadila continued. "I was the one that caused your death, my King."

"How? T-That's impossible."

"No. I was granted powers when I promised the Gods to serve them until I was not needed to live a little longer. I was granted this item," she said lifting her right forearm, "and one of the duties I had to perform was kill the person who ordered the creation of the Millennium Items. And it was you."

"That's not true." The late Pharaoh said.

"What do you mean? You ordered me to translate the spell to create the Items. You ordered Aknadin to go to Kul Elna to create the items!" It was as if Aadila was trying to convince him that he was wrong.

"No, you're wrong. I ordered you to translate the spell, yes, but I never ordered my brother to go and create them. He solely did that on his own accord and I only found out that he did it afterwards when he presented me the items." Aadila was shocked but the Gods had told her that it was him after protesting that it was not him. Aknamkonon saw the horror in her face and saw that she had no idea. "I went to the temple of the Gods and asked for forgiveness for the crimes Aknadin had done. I asked them to spare him and my son for my neglect. They seem to have heard my plea." Strangely, the King smiled.

"Why are you so happy? It seems you welcomed death." Aadila questioned.

"They spared my family. What more could I ask for?"

"But, now because of my actions to save one of the villagers, he is now threatening your son."

"And you are going to help him defeat this evil."

"But how?! I betrayed him by killing you and now I'm within the afterlife! There is nothing I can do anymore."

"Yes there is." The late King said, nodding his head for Aadila to look behind her. "They will help you, like they have been all this time."

Aadila looked behind and bowed immediately. It was Ra, Obelisk and Slifer all in their human forms.

"We can transport you back to the human realm. After all, you have a task to complete." Ra said.

"Of course." Aadila replied, avoiding their eyes. She felt a light touch on her shoulder and looked at Aknankonon. "My King?"

"He will forgive you." He said with a smile. Aadila smiled back and looked at her feet, unsure of what was to come.

"It's time." Obelisk said, showing Aadila the way she needed to go. Following him and the other Gods, Aadila looked back to her former king and saw a large smile placed on his face.
"Pharaoh! You have to do something! Please, we can't just let her die!" Mana yelled. Aadila had told her the truth and Mana understood the predicament that she was put in. Mana just never imagined that Aadila would have to tell the Pharaoh the truth. Mana looked down at her friend that was still alive in the Pharaoh's arms, but just barely. The Pharaoh was still looking at her, shocked that his dear friend was even suggesting such an idea to the person who killed his father. "Pharaoh, it's Aadila! Your friend! She did this to be with you!" Tears were streaming down the magicians face. The Pharaoh looked at her but couldn't find it in him to do what was being asked of him. 

"It seems the Pharaoh can't find it in his heart to save the girl he once knew." Bakura said, causing Mana to get enraged. 

"You should be wanting to save her too! After all, she saved your life!"

"Yes, but you see, I've never been one for friends. That girl only stayed alive because Zork needed her to resurrect. It seems I will have to find another way to make that happen."

A light shone from Pharaoh's body and surrounded him and the girl he held. A shape began to form and an authoritative voice echoed in the shrine. "It's not Aadila or my son you want! It's me!"

"Is that truly him?!" Shimon questioned, easily recognizing the voice.

A large spirit formed, taking on the appearance of the late King Aknamkonon. The spirits came out of Aadila's body and were dragged into the spirit of the King, disappearing like they had done when they entered Aadila's soul. "No! He's protecting his son!" Bakura said. "But, he's helping me get the chance to awaken Zork more easily." A smirk appeared on his face. Diabound began to weaken and de-evolved into the creature it was when it fought Mahad. "No! My Diabound! It's been weakened!"

Turning toward the people behind him, Aknamkonon looked into the confused eyes of his son. "You saved her?! But why?"

"You must realize that what she did was by the will of the Gods and to protect you. Aadila was reluctant to do it but when she realized she would save you from a lifetime of turmoil, she did what she must."

The Pharaoh looked down at, the still unconscious, Aadila in his arms, slowly feeling the warmth return to her. "What happens now father?"

"King Aknamkonon will now lead these wandering souls to the realm of the Shadows where they belong." Mahad said, staring up at the sight of his forming King. 

"But then he will be trapped in there as well! That's not fair!"

"Spirits! I command that you return to me at once!" Bakura yelled. They had been a serious advantage in his plan. "How can you allow this man to lock you away again?!"

The spirit of Aknamkonon began to disappear, leaving to the Shadow Realm. "Farewell." The Pharaoh quietly said, saddened by the fact that his father would again be succumb to pain.

"Restore peace to Egypt, my son. Forgive Aadila, for she was only doing a duty to protect you." The voice of his father was soft and genuine.

"Mahad! Attack now! Strike his Diabound while it's weak!" The Pharaoh unconsciously continued to hold Aadila in his arms, like he was waiting for something. 

"This will never work!" Bakura said as Mahad obeyed the Pharaoh.

Piercing his staff through the flesh of Diabound, Mahad said, "We shall see." He began his attack and quickly got out of range. Diabound looked as though he was about to explode from the formation of large growths forming onto his flesh. And that's exactly what happened. Bakura began to scream in pain and slowly weaken to the floor.

"Your evil reign ends now! Farewell." The Pharaoh said, watching the pained Bakura slowly collapse.  

"This is not over! Your empire shall crumble Pharaoh! Your Millennium Items will be mine and Zork the Dark One will return! Mark my wor..." Bakura collapsed down the stairs and then began to crawl up the stairs like a wounded tiger.

"I'm afraid it's all over Bakura and your plans of destruction will never come to pass. The land of Egypt shall once again know peace."

"Never!" Bakura weakly screamed as he struggled to place the Millennium Items he had in their correct places in the stone. 

"That's enough! Now return those Items to me!" The Pharaoh said, gently placing Aadila onto the floor and moving to his feet. 

"Those items will stay right where they are!" A voice said behind them, and everyone knew who it belonged to.

"Aknadin! What is the meaning of this?!" The Pharaoh questioned. 

Aknadin only laughed at, what he thought, was the Pharaoh's lame attempt to sound authoritative. "Pharaoh, I am responsible for the creation of the items and I shall get to decide their fate!"

"Oh no, wh....." Mana began, but her statement was cut short by rustling beside her. Aadila was getting to her feet. "Aadila!" Mana quickly took a step so she was at her side and supported the weak girl. Mana looked the Pharaoh, thinking he would come to her side but immediately looked away in disappointment at the sight. Looking around at the guardians, it only seemed like Mahad and her were happy for her recovery, the others looked angry.

"It seems I have lost many friends." Aadila joked, gently pushing Mana away. "I'm fine." She smiled. "Thank you. So what have I missed?"

"Me!" Aknadin yelled as he walked closer to her a grabbed her by the throat, quickly dragging her across the room. "Look at Bakura!" Aadila heard Mana yell and saw him laughing out of his mind and a dark aura leaving him. 

" I? Who are you? Tell me!" Bakura said, obviously confused.

Aadila felt the grasp around her throat weaken and quickly made her way to the boy she recognized. The real Bakura. 

"Bakura, are you alright!?" She said, kneeling to his level and forcing him to look at her face. "Do you know who I am?"

"Aadila, are you out of your mind!?" Seto yelled, getting angry from the actions he had just seen. 

"Those eyes! You're the girl who saved me all those years ago." He broke the eye contact and slowly brought his hands up. They were like sand! "What's happening to me!?" He pushed the girl away and slowly his entire body began to turn into grains of sand. 

"I was just using that fool as my pawn!" An evil voice said, that used to belong to Bakura. 

"Who are you!?" The Pharaoh yelled

"The Shadows are taking me! Someone help me!"

"Aadila, can't you do something!?" Mana yelled, but Aadila looked at the clothing of the boy who had just disappeared in the middle on Mana's sentence. It was too late. 

"It's time you learned the true nature of this Shadow Game!" The voice said. 

"Pharaoh!" A weak voice yelled, again, familiar to everyone in the room. "You must stop him!"

"Shada!" Everyone yelled.

Quickly Aknadin made his way to Aadila and used her a shield against the guardian that just walked in. 

"Careful my Pharaoh! Aknadin is a traitor!"

"Aknadin! What is the meaning of all of this!?" Shimon questioned. "Have you gone mad!?"

"I don't know who is controlling your mind, but this ends now!" The Pharaoh said.

"Who says anyone is controlling my mind? A new king shall soon rise!" Aknadin easily said.

"Hold your tongue! How dare you utter such words in the presence of the Pharaoh?" Seto said, disgusted by the words of the very man who showed him how to give compassion to criminals.

"Silence!" Aknadin lifted his hand and it looked as though Seto was frozen in time. "Now all of you shall join him!" Waving his hand once more, he froze everyone, except Aadila.

"Aknadin, you must stop this! What are you thinking?" She yelled, struggling in the strong hold that he had on her. 

"You are such an annoying little girl, you know." Tossing her aside, he froze Aadila before she could regain her footing. "That should hold you for a while." Slowly, Aknadin sulked over to the Pharaoh and his guardians and seemed to have lost his mind. "I've done it! Once I place all seven Items in the Stone, the Dark One shall rise and together we shall usher in a new age!" Weaving through the frozen guardians, he pulled their Millennium Items from their defenceless bodies, and began placing them into their places in the Millennium Stone. 

"That's it! Restore the Items to their resting place!" Bakura's voice suddenly appeared again. "You have proved yourself to be a worthy pawn, Aknadin. Now complete your task and my ultimate Shadow Game will be nearly complete!" 
The final Item was restored to it's place and a blinding light consumed the shrine. "Master Zork, hear me! I now offer you the Seven Treausures!" Aknadin yelled into the light. When the light faded, a dark form began to appear behind the Stone. 

"So, the mortal responsible for creating the Millennium Items has returned. It is time to denounce your loyalty to Egypt and pledge your loyalty to me! Once you have done so, everything you desire shall be yours." Zork the Dark One was rising, and nothing could stop him now while the Pharaoh and the guardians were frozen. 

"My only wish is for a new Pharaoh to be named." Aknadin replied. "He shall be my own beloved son, Seto!" No one expect Aadila had seen the small resemblance between the two, but if everyone was not frozen, there would have been shock visible to their faces. 

"Very well. Your transformation from Sacred Guradian to Lord of Darkness is now complete." Zork began the transformation and what appeared out of it was, disturbing to say the least. The Aknadin that everyone knew was no longer there, it was solely the darkness in his heart. "Now great Shadow Magus, banish the Pharaoh to the darkness so your son may take his place on the throne." Zork said, as he disappeared from his place behind Aknadin. 

"This is what I have always wanted for you Seto! Ever since you were a young boy. There is something else you should know my son. The former King was my brother! That means that if anything should happen to the current Pharaoh, you are next in line to inherit the throne! Ha-haha! Seto, my boy, no longer shall we live in the shadow of my brother! The time has come for us to rise up and claim our rightful place on the throne of Egypt! Heed my words!" Suddenly, Aknadin began in invoke his new powers and produced a great light from within him. "The era of King Seto has begun! Farewell Pharaoh!" Aknadin directed this energy towards the Pharaoh and Aadila watched as he would soon become dust. Even though she was frozen, a tear left her eyes and fell to the ground. 

Seconds after the tear fell, the attack seemed to be deflected away from the King, but how and what made it possible?! "Who dares stand in the way of my destiny!? Identify yourself!"

"I am Hassan, protector of the Pharaohs! For centuries I have defended the honour of Egypt's kings, so fear not your Highness. I shall shield you from the darkness, just as I shielded your father and his father before." A powerful voice boomed from behind a blinding gold light at the end of the attack. 

"If you truly are the protector of the Pharaoh's, then you should be protecting my son Seto! He is the true king of Egypt, not that impostor cowering behind you!"

"Darkness be gone!" Hassan directed the deflection toward the ceiling and everyone became unfrozen. Aadila, realizing this, quickly tried to make her way to her friends but was stopped by Aknadin.

"Get your filthy hands off of me!"

"Not a chance. We still need you! And it's only a matter of time until the shadows claim your spirit Pharaoh and everything you ever cared about crumbled!"

"My King, do what you must to stop him! I'd rather die than be part of his plan!" Aadila yelled, struggling in Aknadin's grasp.

"Pharaoh, we can't" Mana whispered.

"I know." He said, keeping his eyes on the new form of Aknadin. Mana was relieved he thought the same way, but she saw that there was a sign that he had not forgiven her. Looking down at his 'duel disk', the Pharaoh noticed his life energy was still too low to summon anything. He would have to find another way to get her out. 

"Seto. Obey your destiny and stand by my side so that we may rule Egypt as father and son."

"I am not your son! My father would never betray the Pharaoh like this! You lie and I will not join your side!"

"I understand your anger my son, but you must realize that that impostor is no Pharaoh! It is your who should be king. You deserve more! You are my flesh and blood Seto and that makes you royalty! Don't let these fools deny you the power you deserve."

"Seto, yours father choose a path of hatred and greed. I beg of you, don't make the same mistake." The Pharaoh said, concerned for his guardian and, from what he has now learned, his cousin. "Fight by my side and together we can restore peace to Egypt."

"Ahh, like father like son. I heard the very same words uttered by my brother when he was Pharaoh." Aknadin interrupted, struggling to keep the girl in his arms put.

"Perhaps you should have listened to him" Aadila said.

"My brother didn't understand the first thing about leading this kingdom. In fact, his idealistic approach nearly destroyed Egypt! While the people worshiped him, it was I who was truly responsible for their safety. Our enemies didn't share my brother's belief in peace, but thanks to me, when they attacked, we were ready! Of course, his Majesty received all the credit while I was ignored. It was then that I realized that my brother would be the light and I would be the Shadow. If Egypt were to survive, drastic measures were necessary! Hidden far beneath the sands lived an ancient manuscript with a dark secret. This Millennium Spell Book contained secrets to a power only known to the Egyptian Gods! Had it not been for me, and the help of Aadila, the Millennium Items wouldn't exist!"

"And neither would this mess!" Shimon said. "The Items may have helped us stop one enemy, but their creation gave rise to and even greater one, more sinister than we could ever imagine!"

"Exactly, and now Zork can finish what I began, by crushing the Pharaoh and his followers and allowing a new king to take the throne!"

"Why can't you just let what happened in the past stay in the past!?" Aadila yelled. "You're taking this too far!"

"No one will ever understand what it was like for me to devote my life to my brother and having nothing in return!"

"You're wrong and you are just too blind to see it." Shimon said. He would understand better than anyone, because he was a guardian of the past Pharaoh as well.

"Do you have any idea what I gave up for him!? My wife and my only son, just so I could save his kingdom. And even though I abandoned you to serve my brother, somehow you found your way back to me Seto. So you see, it was your destiny to re-enter the palace and rise to greatness."

Seto had a shocked look on his face, one that anyone would have thought his pride would have allowed him to wear. "Perhaps he's right. I should rule!" That face he wore came to one of realization but his voice was so monotone, so lifeless, it felt like what he said wasn't his own thoughts. "And the White Dragon will help me!" 

"Aknadin, your accusations and false promises have gone on long enough! Stop lying to your son and set him free! Seto, you mustn't give into his temptation!" The Pharaoh tried to move closer but Aknadin attacked him.

Seto slowly walked toward his father like a zombie. "Yes, can't you feel the White Dragon urging you to join me!" His father said, moving a step closer to his son.

"Don't go! He's under the control of an evil force and if you join him you will join him in the shadows as well!" The Pharaoh protested, urging his friend to stay by his side. "Help us."

"No! They're lying to you! The Pharaoh is threatened by your power and he is trying to keep you down!"

"The Pharaoh is protecting Seto just as the Pharaoh protected you!" Hassan corrected. 

"My brother took all the glory and left me wallowing in the shadows and now his son shall pay!" The Pharaoh was attacked but Hassan quickly defended him.

"As long as I am here, no harm will befall you my king."

Suddenly, Aadila felt strange as if something was coming into room again. A person began to form into the room between Aknadin and the guardians. Feeling something brushing her ankles, she looked down and noticed the sand that Bakura had turned into were being pulled into the winds. 

"I must say, it is good to be back in the game again! And it appears that I'm just in time with witness the grande finale that is. Featuring Zork the Dark One in his long awaited return and the Pharaoh in his farewell performance!" The resurrected Bakura said, standing tall in his current situation. "Now then, we have some catching up to do, haven't we?"

​This is impossible! Bakura and the evil spirit within him should have been sent to the Shadow realm! This is can't be! Aadila thought as she starred shocked at the sight before her.

"Someone obviously can't handle the competition, so I had to step in and correct that!" Bakura said, turning towards Aadila and Aknadin. "At least you got her back in our possession."

"I just needed...."

"Let me guess, a little more time! Is that it?"

"I was close!"

"Yes, close to being defeated." Bakura grabbed Aadila's wrist and ripped the Millennium Bracelet from it. "This is all I really need. Why don't you go back to the Pharaoh?" He said, throwing her down the stairs and Aadila felt something crack, causing a cry in pain, causing the Pharaoh and Mana to run to her side and bring her safely behind Hassan. "As for you," he said turning to Aknadin, "why don't you let my focus on the Pharaoh and you have other things to do, like getting that son of yours to pledge his allegiance to Zork!"

"Aadila, are you alright?" The Pharaoh said, simply asking to be polite and Aadila noticed.

"I don't need your pity, I'm fine." She said more rudely than Mana was expecting, and made her way to her feet on her own. 

"Seto, you have been chosen to wield a powerr that rivals that of the Egyptian Gods!" Bakura said.

"What!" The Pharaoh said coming to his feet. "What are you talking about!?"

"It seems the Pharaoh feels threatened by someone more qualified. Someone who controls the Blue Eyes White Dragon!"

"He means that young girl!" Shada said.

"You knew about this?" The Pharaoh questioned.

"Yes. Recently Seto and I came across a young peasant girl with a power that I have never seen. Whoever this girl is, she possesses a powerful gift or perhaps a powerful curse. Either way this force must not fall into the wrong hands."

"Or what!?" Bakura questioned sarcastically. "You might lose your control over the Egyptian people? Look, the fact remains that Zork is about to resurrect at any moment and there is nothing you can do to stop it! Now let's see if Seto is intelligent enough to take his father's advice and join the winning side before the game is over."

"Seto, don't you see! Your were born to be a leader!" Aknadin interjected.

"You're right!" Seto agreed, again very monotone.

"Don't do this  Seto!" Everyone said.

"Silence! You have bigger things to worry about!" Bakura said as he summoned his Diabound, immediately attacking the Pharaoh. Hassan stood his ground and blocked the attack but everyone was shocked that Diabound returned. 

Aadila turned her attention to Seto and his father, as his father continued to try and convince him to join his side. It seemed that there was a little bit of Seto in there and it was fighting back. Aadila ran over to him and shook him. "Seto, wake up! Can't you see that he is controlling you!?"

"I've had enough of your interference!" Pushing her aside, Aknadin created a portal type hole and pushed Seto inside, then soon following after.

"Seto!" Aadila yelled, running toward the hole but blocked by Diabound.

"Sorry, it's family only." Bakura said to her as she backed away towards the Pharaoh and the others. 

"What have you done with him Bakura!?" The Pharaoh yelled.

"The same thing I'm about to do with the stone." Bakura snapped his fingers and suddenly the room began to shake. "Get it out of your reach!" Slowly, the stone began to move into the platform and completely disappear. "Sorry Pharaoh, but I can't take anymore chances, can I? Not with Zork's arrival so near!"

Suddenly, Diabound began to breath out a choking black fog into the room and it was difficult to see anyone more than a few steps away. Aadila felt a hand grab her arm and pull her. Looking up she saw the Pharaoh's face, somewhat hidden by the fog and an expression of determination. It confused her.

"We are going to play a little game of hide-and-seek" Bakura's voice said through the shadows. 

The fog began to clear and Aadila noticed that she was outside within the city of Kul Elna which was in ruins from the attack years ago. Aadila looked down and saw that the Pharaoh was still holding onto her wrist. She tried to pull away but was stopped by the Pharaoh regaining his grip.

"Do you need something?" She questioned harshly.

"Aadila, where is your respect?!" Mahad questioned. Aadila hadn't realized it but Mahad and Hassan had been transported to this part of the town along with them.

"I have obviously lost his respect so why must I keep some for him?" She barked back quickly.

"Aadila, please, you must understand his situation."

"Yes, I should, shouldn't I? After all, I am the one who killed his father when I should have killed Aknadin! You don't think I am as disappointed in myself as he is!" Aadila turned to the Pharaoh again. "What would you like?"

"The Millennium Item he took from you, what is it capable of?" He questioned, a little scared that he would send her over the edge with anger.

"He can't use it. He doesn't have it anymore." She said, pulling her arm out of the grip and beginning to walk away.

"But, he took it from you?!" The Pharaoh yelled.

Sighing, Aadila stopped and turned around. "The Millennium Bracelet was made with my soul. If I am a certain distance away from it, it will return to me." She said, pulling up her sleeve, revealing the Item. "So I didn't screw up again if that is what you are implying." Aadlia was just about to turn around and walk away until she was stopped by the Pharaoh calling to her.

"Wait! I'm not finished talking to you yet!" His voice was harsh.

"I already know what you want." Aadila answered in a low voice.

"How could you?"

"You obviously don't trust me anymore, so I am going to be leaving the city immediately." Aadila brought her fingers to her mouth and let out a loud whistle, echoing through the empty streets. "I just want to ask one thing." She said, turning to the handsome face looking down at her.

"I may or may not grant it." He said, his voice turning a little harsh as well.

"My siblings. I would like to request that you keep them under your protection until the funeral of my father. You may decide then if you would like to remove them from the palace but I believe that it is then that Ramses will be able to protect my younger sister. Is it too much to ask?"

Sighing, the Pharaoh nodded. "No, I will grant your wish." A horse came galloping through the deserted streets and stopped in front of Aadila. She quickly mounted the horse and looked down at the Pharaoh.

"I will grab my few belongings and leave the palace." She turned the horse, but didn't tell it to start toward the palace. Instead, she turned back to the Pharaoh. "Also, can I request that you do not tell my siblings what I have done and why I left? If you have to, make something up or tell them I died the night Bakura attacked in a fire. I don't want them to be ashamed or feel they should be held accountable for my actions."

"Very well."

"Good luck, my King." Aadila, turning the horse and kicking it to leave, took one more chance to look at the man she had loved since childhood and knew this would probably be the last time she would see him. At a distance, she broke down while on the horse, tears  pouring from her face and said, "Atem, I know you can never feel the way I feel for you anymore."
Making her way through the secret side entrance, Aadila had composed herself and made her way into the palace without trying to be noticed. She quickly made her way to her room grabbing the one thing that she needed, some papyrus and ink that she would need when this was all over. Grabbing a bag, she put the items inside and also grabbed a different cloak so no one would recognize her. Making her way back to the way she came until someone pulled on her cloak. The hood was pulled over her head so no one would be able to tell who it was. Turning around, she saw a small child dressed in servants clothing.

"Why are you trying to walk through the palace so quickly?" The young girl said.

Smiling at the intelligence of the girl, Aadila knelt down to her level. "What's your name?"

"Ain." The girl shyly replied.

"Well Ain, it's because I no longer belong here. I have been told to leave the palace."

"But you seem so nice!" The girl said surprised. "Much nicer than the other noble women."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because they usually strike me if I want to talk to them."

Aadila's face became angered and saddened by the fact that there were still nobles that abused their servants. "Then why did you think I was different?"

"Because you walked very differently."

"I walk differently? That doesn't sound very good." Aadila said with a laugh.

"No it is! You walk like a queen and I have met a foreign queen before and she was very nice." The girl said, blushing a little.

"Ain! What are you doing here!?" Someone called to her. Aadila looked up and saw a noble woman walking toward her and immediately Ain hid behind Aadila as she stood. "Come child, your mother is looking for you."

Aadila looked down at the small, fragile girl and saw pure fear. This must have been the noble she was talking about. "It's obvious she knows her way around the palace so why don't you just leave and let her find her mother herself." Aadila used somewhat of a harsh tone.

"How dare you tell me how to treat my servants?!"

"They are not worthless enough to be beaten!"

"You think I would do such a thing!? How dare you treat me like you are above me!?"

"A girl this young should not display fear and yet she does towards you. That only means you have hit her in the past or, at least very recently."

"And you think you know me so well from a little expression on this stupid girls face. Ha! You obviously don't know who you are talking to."

"I know people like you all too well. You beat your servants when you are angry because something doesn't go the way you planned in life or they made a small mistake that you think they should never make. You think you have the right to do so and treat them as less than human, even below the status of an animal. Do I not understand now?"

"Is that true?" A male voice said, belonging to a face Aadila did not recognize before. 

"Akil!" The noble woman yelled shocked.

"Sister, have you been striking the servants?"

"Of course not! You would believe her word over mine, you don't even know her!" The woman said.

"But it explains quite a bit. Why they are never as happy when you are around, why when they do something wrong and flinch so quickly. Akila, right now I believe her over you."

Ain ran from Aadila and ran toward Akil, quickly grabbing onto his leg. Aadila was shocked to see the bruise coming from behind the girl's linen. Akil followed the stare and saw what she was looking at, immediately giving an angry gaze to Akila. "So, it seems I was right to believe this stranger." Picking up Ain, Akil walking closer to Aadila and said to his sister, "I will talk with you later after I tell father. Now, leave!" The Akila jumped and ran back to where ever she had come. "Thank you." The softened voice of Akil said. "I always suspected her but I just couldn't find a way to confront her. When ever I asked the servants they always denied it."

"Have a good day." Aadila said, putting her head down and began to walk away.

"Wait! What is your name!?" Akil yelled to her. Aadila simply ignored it and continued toward her horse.
Aadila slowly and quietly making her way through the city as she admired the things around her. The people, the sounds, the sights. She wanted to remember it all. She then saw a man, dressed in strange clothing like Yugi, Tea, Joey and Tristan and seemed to be not be noticed by the civilians walking around doing their daily things. Aadila walked up to him and said, "Seto? What are you doing here?"

"You can see me!?" The Seto look alike said immediately.

"Well yeah, it's a little hard not to notice you. But, you are obviously not the Seto that I know, so who are you?"

"Listen, I'm the one asking the questions. Now, where am I?!"

"Wow, even Seto's reincarnation is all a stuck up. You're in Egypt, you idiot. Look around you, there is nothing else in the world like it."

"You're calling me an idiot? Do you know who I am?"

"I know my present day version of you, but I have no idea who you are. I just suggest you leave this place, Zork is about to resurrect. It's not safe in Egypt anymore." Aadila lightly kicked her horse to begin walking but was stopped when Seto walked in front of it. Sighing, Aadila got off her horse. "Is there something else you need?" Aadila said a little annoyed.

"I have more questions, so I'm not let--"

"Listen! I am in a hurry to do something. Get your answers from someone else" Aadila turned to get back on her horse but was grabbed by the stranger. "What is with guys and grabbing me!?"

After realizing he could touch the girl, Seto tightened his grip and pulled the hood off her head and was shocked to see what he saw. "Atsuko!?"

"What did you just call me?" Aadila said, laughing at the strange name he called her.

"Isn't that your name?"


"But, you look so much like her. It's impossible for you not to be her." Seto said quietly.

"Can I leave now?" 

"Wait, I have more questions now!"

"Make them quick, I need to ge--" Suddenly the sky began to darken and all light was being taken away from everything in sight. The ground shook like it would if Egypt were going through an earthquake and people screamed through the streets. "Oh no." Aadila said as she looked towards Kul Elna.

Seto followed her gaze and saw the massive creature rising from the earth. "What wrong!?"

"Zork the Dark One has awakened."

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