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-Akina's pov-

"Ugh, the class is so boring!" I was barreling around the class. Present Mic was teaching English. I already learned enough to have a decent conversation with someone. English was essential when getting flowers from a foreign place. "hmmm, Mina-chan and Denki-kun don't look that excited as they did yesterday....what if I..." I pulled out my phone and called a certain shop for assistance. 'This is gonna be fun!'

-3rd pov-

The class suddenly went dark. At first, the class went into a deadly silence. But then the oh so lovely screams came out and the class went into chaos. Luckily Momo made candles and a lighter. But unluckily, someone kept blowing them out. Present Mic decided to go check if anyone else had this problem. But...the door was locked. Or not really locked just guarded by a giant centipede. And we all know how Mic is scared of bugs... There was literally no exit cause there are no windows in this room. For those who tried to get to the lights, they were dragged away. Everyone was scared and screaming if anyone was outside. Well, everyone except 3 ghosts laughed till they barreled into walls.

"This is HILARIOUS! HAHAHA!" said a grey/purple-eyed blondie. She had sweatpants with a white crop top. (Now since Mic is...preoccupied...I'll be taking it!)

Meet Yui Monoma! She was an energetic and sporty girl but was hit by a car on her morning run. She is 20 now and helps take care of the shop. Her quirk, hallucinations. She can make people hallucinate whatever she wants. The drawback was that she loses a slight feeling in her hand, but that doesn't bother her anymore cause that only affected her living body.

"Yeah, we should do this to liven them up. Before we came they looked half-dead..." said the bluenette you know as Reo. He had jeans and an oversized cat hoodie. (Let's do an intro for him too.)

Reo Amaya! He used to be a vigilante but died with a hero encounter. The hero wasn't supposed to kill him so he got his license taken from him for a year. He is 17 and helps take care of the greenhouse for the shop. His quirk is cube. He can trap anything in a cube-like structure. If you are in the cube, people on the outside can't hear you. The perfect quirk to trap Mic. The drawback was that he gets sick after too much use, but ghosts don't get sick so it doesn't affect him. 

Yui turned towards the duo. "I think we should release them right before the bell." "Good idea." Reo said. Akina then just got an idea. "What if we flicker the lights for the whole building! Then it will seem less suspicious that only one class was 'attacked'." "hmmm," The two looked at each other and smiled. "Let's do this!" And on that note, they split up. Reo would stay so he can control the cube till the lights for the whole building go off. Yui would go check the other classes (mostly class 1-B) to film their reaction. And Akina would go to the generator and flick the switches. The only thing they had to worry about was if there was a student with a quirk to see them. But Akina checked the school database and came up with nothing. So with no worries, they went on with this plan.

-Akina's pov-

"Now, where would the generators be? The basement?" I floated my way through the floors all the way to the basement. I made it to a cellar-looking room. I looked around for the generator. "hmm, how about h- huh? What is this?"

-Reo's pov-

"Ugh, this is boring. They started to calm down since the bugs are gone." I looked at the group of students. "They have potential...I guess. The explosive one...what was his name? Bakugou? He looks determined to be a hero, maybe a little too much...though he isn't as bad as the other ghosts made him seem." I set myself to the ground and let gravity fall upon me again.

I looked towards the broccoli-looking kid. "So this was the quirkless Akina was so interested about...well he isn't quirkless anymore." I sighed. News goes around ghosts like high school gossip. Almost all the ghosts at the flower shop know everyone's secrets. We decided to help the dear boy in hiding it. Wouldn't want everyone knowing, they might get jelly. "Heroes these days are so easily jealous. They only care about their well-being. I can only hope these kids are different."

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