The Birthday

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-3rd pov-

Akina woke up overjoyed about today. She skipped down through the not-so-busy streets, towards the flower shop. Today was a special day. It was Akina's Birthday today.

Akina grinned while she opened the shop door. The familiar scent of tea herbs and flowers washed over her senses. The lovely sound of the bell chime signaled her arrival. All the ghosts turned to greet the birthday girl. "Hi, little Cuz! Happy Birthday!" said Reo. He ruffled Akina's hair then gave her a little hug. "Yeah, Happy Birthday! Hey, do you wanna bake a cake together?" said the blondie on the ceiling. Yui got down and hugged Akina. "Haha, sure! How about a tea flavored cake!" Akina laughed, grateful for all the ghosts she met.

Meanwhile in UA-

-Ochako's pov-

'I can't focus on the English lesson.' I can't get this feeling like I forgot something. I tried to think about what I did. 'Let's see, yesterday I went on a small jog. I then got some groceries. And for the rest of the day, I texted Akina. Wait...Akina.' I stopped writing. My eyes went wide. "IT'S HER BIRTHDAY TODAY!" I covered my mouth with both hands and fell off my chair. 'I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT OUT LOUD' "I'm sorry sir!" I quickly stood up and bowed.

The whole class looked at me weird. The class went silent. "It's alright little listener! But whose birthday is it for you to react that way?" I went to a shade of red. "Oh, umm. M-my girlfriend." Present mike seemed to get it. But the rest of the class was really confused. "Oh! Gotcha little listener! How about we celebrate her birthday and throw her a surprise party! You can introduce us!" I debated the idea. "Uh sure. I think she'd like that!" And that's how the day began.

-Akina's pov-

I was eating some tea flavored cake when I suddenly got a message from my lovely girlfriend.

Hey! I got a surprise for you! <3

'A surprise?'

Okay, what do I need to do? Though, if this is about my birthday. It's okay if you don't give me anything, Orchid.

Just bring whoever you want and come to the park at 1:00 pm. Pls sweety

I sighed. She is so adorable.

Okay, I'll come.

Yay <3

"Um, you guys wanna come with me to see my so-called surprise?" They looked at me confused. Yui was the first to speak. "A surprise? Like, what kind of surprise. Cause if it's another one of those villains setting us up Imma-" "Chill, it's my girlfriend. I think it's for my birthday." "Yui, let's just go. I'm bored and wanna get out in a physical form anyways." Reo sat up and started to put on shoes. Yui shrugged and started to float to the door. I grabbed my messenger bag and put my jacket on. We all went into our physical form and headed out the door saying goodbye to the other ghosts.

-3rd pov-

"WHY DO WE HAVE TO HELP PINK CHEEKS WITH CELEBRATING SOMEONE ELSE'S BIRTHDAY! WE DON'T EVEN KNOW THEM!" yelled an angry Katsuki. "Aww, don't be like that Bakugou! You're just saying that cause your too shy to-zbgsc" "Kaminari down!" yelled Sero while trying to get Denki out of his dumb state. "I'M NOT SHY!"

Everything was almost set. They just needed to calm down Ochako. She was trying her hardest to tell the class that the girl is her girlfriend. And boy was she struggling. She wanted to tell them so they weren't surprised. She wasn't really secretive about it, she's just really shy. "S-she's my girlfriend...MY girlfriend..." "JUST SPIT IT OUT PINK CHEEKS!" "SHE'S MY-" "BABE!" Ochako was interrupted by a surprise hug by her very cute girlfriend.

You could say that the class was surprised. 'Babe?' the whole class thought. Their thought was however interrupted by two other people running towards the scene. "Akina! You can't just run past a red light! You could've gotten hit!" "She would've been just fine Reo! I got hit before and look at me!" "Exactly, I don't want her to end up like you." Reo deadpanned. Yui had a fake hurt look. "Excuse me, good sir! I'm older than you!" "HAHAHA! OLD HAG!" The class turned back and forth from the bluenette to the blond. "pfft- HAHAHA" The pair turned to the new voice. Bakugou was laughing his ass off. Reo looked at the ash blond with his head tilted. 'His laugh is cute' Reo then had a look of shock on his face and accidentally went to his non-visible form.

The whole class was shocked. Akina then showed up and secretly did some hand gestures. [Why did you do that! Now you have to tell them that's your quirk!] At first, Reo didn't respond. But when he finally had the courage to he was still bright pink. [How were you so cool when you first met your girlfriend!] The look of realization hit Akina. Akina then walked over to Yui and whispered something to her. They both had smug faces when Reo finally became visible.

"Hey, what was that! Was that your quirk!" Midoriya and Mina were questioning the bluenette. "Sorry, I was just shocked. Anyways, I don't like people questioning me so..." The air went dense and chills went up the student's spines. "Shut the hell up." Akina and Yui sighed. "There's our Reo. Always quick to change the atmosphere." Akina nodded, agreeing with Yui.

"Anyways, was this the surprise Orchid?" Ochako went slightly pink at the nickname. "Y-yeah." Akina smiled. "Well, I like it." Akina kissed Ochako's cheek then went off to 'meet' the class.

-Ochako's pov-

'She likes the surprise!' I smiled happily. "So, you have a girlfriend." I jumped back at the sudden voice. I look to see who it was to see Aizawa-sensei. "A-Aizawa sensei! u-um yeah." I looked to the side. He groaned and got out of his sleeping bag. "Well, I wanted to tell you that it is okay. I actually have an annoyingly loud husband." I looked at him shocked. He just walked away like it was nothing.

"Hey, babe! What is your quirk!" I turned to look at my wonderful girlfriend. "My quirk is zero-gravity! I can basically make things float." She lit up. She looked like she got an idea but then shook her head. She then looked to the ground. My smile dropped slightly. "Hey um, what is your quirk then?" I asked in an attempt to make her smile again. She looked at me in slight shock. Then Midoriya came towards us. "Oh, I'd like to know!" He got his notebook ready and everything. I looked at Akina as she sighed. "I'm actually quirkless. Hehe..." I and Deku were shocked. Deku however, was the first out of shock. "Quirkless? Wow, that's amazing!" She smiled and answered more questions that Deku asked. I smiled. 'I have such an awesome girlfriend.

Extra: Earlier that day-

Akina's pov-

"Hey, Akina! A Pro Hero dropped something off for you!" yelled a ghost through the ceiling. 'A Pro Hero dropped something off for me?' I floated through the floor to the shop confused. "Here." I grabbed the small box and opened it. It was a small stone. It was shaped like a triangle but with a small hole in the middle. I looked through the whole and gasped. Everything was grey/gray besides this splash of colors around humans and ghosts. I looked in the box and found a note. (Anyone watch Coraline?)

This thing lets you see people's auras. It lets you know if they are dangerous, friendly, or even their past. I heard it was your birthday and as a thank you, I got you this. Be grateful... Thank you for taking care of the shop.

I reached for some twine and made a necklace. I put it under my uniform so it was hidden and went on with my day. Even though that sounded rude, I could tell he was actually thankful. 'He needs to learn to communicate better.' I smiled and went back up to the kitchen to continue baking the cake. 

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