The Kiss

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Anna’s POV

„Anna!“ Suddenly I feel little hands hugging me and a little body sitting on my lap. I look down and am surprised to see Davi, the little boy from the stadium, sitting there and smiling up to me. “Hey, little munchkin!”

He looks up at me with a confused face. “Love, he doesn’t speak Spanish, only Portuguese.” I smile at Marc and look back at Davi. “Anna diz oi tambèm. Por que vocè nao receber o seu pai para que ele possa encontrà-la tambèm?” (Anna says hi too. Why don’t you get your dad so he can meet her too?)

Dani suddenly says behind me and I’m happy he did, because I really can’t speak Portuguese for life. The little boy jumps up and runs away. “So Anna, where do you know Davi from?”, with that Dani sits down beside me and both him and Marc look at me with curious faces.

“Ähm, he and a girl named Rafa sat in the seats next to me during the game and we talked. So yeah. Didn’t think that I would see him again. But anyway whose son is he?” A smile spreads on Dani’s face. “Well let’s wait and see.”

I huff and turn back around to look at Marc. Just seconds later I hear little footsteps padding on the wooden floor and suddenly a gasp. I turn around and get surprised to see Davi in Neymar’s arms. “Anna, este è o meu pai.” (Anna, this is my dad.)

I smile at the little blondie and get up. “Hey Neymar, didn’t know that you have a son and such a cutie too.” I laugh. “Well he is my son after all.” He jokes too. “So, what did you do that Davi has fallen in love right away?” I begin to laugh.

“I only talked to Rafa and played with him during the match.” Davi pats his hand in my direction, so I take a step forward to get him out of his dad’s arms. When he is in my arms I put my face in his neck and tickle him with my nose. He laughs like an angel and I give him kisses all over his face. “Now I get jealous.”

Just then I feel arms around my waist and I know right away that they are Marc’s. “No need to be, you don’t have a chance against him anyway.” I laugh, but when I see Marc pout I turn my head and give him a kiss on his cheek.

“Pai, o que è ciumento?” (Daddy, what is jealous?) I begin to laugh again when Davi says that and begins to squirm around in my arms, so I let him down and he runs to his dad right away. “È este sentiment que vocè tem quando alguèm que vocè ama beijos alguèm.” (It is this feeling you have when someone you love kisses someone else.)

I would love to know what Neymar has said. “So can we get back playing, I really want to teach you playing FIFA. You look just so sexy when you concentrate and get angry when the players don’t do as you want them to do.”, Marc whispers in my ear and my face gets a crimson red.

“Hahaha, so not funny, just because I have other talents doesn’t mean you can make fun of me.” “Sorry babe, but you have to admit, that you really get into this game sometimes.” I laugh and when Marc lifts me up and carries me back to the couch I squeal.

“God do you want to get me deaf. You know I would love to be still able to hear you angelic like voice.” I get even redder in my face and hide it in the crock of his neck. “Jerk.” I mumble against his skin. “What was that? Did you just call me a jerk? Well I think this can’t be unpunished.”

With that he smashes me on the couch, careful so he doesn’t hurt me, and begins to tickle me all over my stomach. “S…Stop it. Please I will you whatever you want.” Suddenly Marc stops and looks at me with an evil smirk. “Well, how about I get a kiss.”

He lays on top of me and puts all his weight on his arms, so he doesn’t squish me under him. I also get a little bit up and smash my lips on his. It feels wonderful as always, but before it can get more heated, I hear wolf-whistles beside us and just then I remember that we aren’t alone in the room and that there is even a little boy, just some feet away from us.

I push Marc down from above me, so that I can get up quickly, but when I did that, Marc falls down on the floor and everyone begins to laugh at him. I just can’t handle it anymore and begin to laugh too in embarrassment.

“Oh god, I think Marc just got burned. Didn’t know that he is such a bad kisser. Oh poor boy, don’t worry, I would love to kiss this girl.” Rafinha suddenly says in the room and I turn around to give him one of my death glares. “Sorry Marc, I was just so startled. Come here I will help you up.”

Neymar’s POV

“Davi, onde vocè està correndo? O que està errado?” (Where are you running to? What’s wrong?) I run after him, but he doesn’t stop until he is outside sitting on a deckchair. I sit down beside him and look at his face, luckily he isn’t crying but he really looks angry, an emotion I don’t get often to see on his face.

“Entào me diga o que hà de errado com vocè. Apenas alguns segundos atràs vocè estava bem e agora vocè fugir de mim.” (So tell me what’s wrong with you. Just seconds ago you were fine and now you run away from me.)

Davi mumbles something under his breath, but it is so faint that I don’t get it. “O que è que foi isso?” (What was that?) “Eu sou jwlous.” (I’m jealous.) “Awwh, Davi!” I can’t help it, he is such a cutie pie. I cradle him in my arms and sway from side to side, which I have done with him since he was born, since he always gets better.

“Nào seja ciumento. Vocè vai encontrar sua princesa tambèm algum tempo. Mas, por favor, aguarde mais alguns anos.” (Don’t be jealous. You will find your princess too some time. But please wait some more years.) I get up and walk around Rafinha’s background. Davi gets quieter and quieter and after some minutes he is asleep, so I get back inside, to get our things.

“Sorry, Rafinha, but Davi just fell asleep and I think it is best to go home now. See you on Monday, at the training. Tchau everybody!” Everyone greets back and I leave the house with me son sleeping in my arms.

Sorry for the long wait and the short and boring chapter, but I promise that the interesting things will come soon :). So what do you think of Marna (Marc + Anna)? I would love to hear your opinions :)

And I also have a question to all of you. I have an idea for another fan-fiction (don’t worry this story isn’t ending soon, but I like to plan my things), so I wanted to ask you who it should be about, just write me your ideas or wishes :b

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